Ironically, against a playgroup with predominantly control decks, I find Ghostly Prison and Windborn Muse not extremely effective. I find that generally, decks that have the most early board presence fail to win multiplayer games (especially with 5 or more other players). I guess the nature of huge tables is that the winner of the games are often a gamble.
And yes, I've lost hard with this deck. People didn't like Mana Crypt and Sol Ring out on turn one. Even with protection and plenty of mana, the deck alone can't fend off against being singled out by the table.
Perhaps, I am jumping to conclusions, maybe it was a freak accident that a Brion Stoutarm deck got a Malignus and a Serra Avatar resolved. (or perhaps the removal that could have dealt with that was pointed straight at me first)
October 18, 2015 10:55 p.m.
@wtfmidun: Then this deck is not good in your metagame. In the metagame where me and Nensou play, everyone plays Sol Ring. It's not like it's an expensive card or anything.
October 19, 2015 5:59 a.m.
@Skylark I feel like as if you're telling me that I shouldn't play this deck. For that, I am offended.
I am not an experienced player and I am not very good at making decks. However, I do not like being told how to build my decks. Nonetheless, I'm tired of losing games, so I net-deck. That doesn't seem to change my win rate, as it turns out. I'm not sure if I should even try playing any deck remotely aggro in my meta, and I think it's clear from my results that I shouldn't.
That doesn't satisfy me. I'm not a "spike" who is focused on winning, I want to play how I want to. Maybe I need to find a new playgroup? I don't like that prospect. Telling me to suck it up and deal with what I have isn't productive, being that is akin to telling me to stop being who I am and to stop trying to be what I want to be.
Yes, it's ironic that an angry, impatient player is trying to play mono-white, but I like the protection abilities of white. and Wrath of God. Maybe it's not so silly at all.
Anyway, perhaps I am overreacting. Perhaps I need to approach playing MTG in a different way. Perhaps I have personal issues to deal with that I'm not cognizant of. Whatever the case, I thank NensouHiebara for sharing this deck, but I'll put this deck away for now.
October 19, 2015 1:50 p.m.
I think you missed the point of my comment entirely. I said this deck probably isn't good in your metagame. How do you possibly take offense to that? i wasn't speaking about your skills or insulting you for netdecking, so chill out.
October 19, 2015 3:50 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #6
As someone who plays regularly in large groups another thing to consider is your ability to politik.
Making people look the other way is invaluable in commander.
The truth of the matter decks like this one that have, what I call, "the snowball effect" don't do well in large games not because they are bad decks but because your opponents will see what you are doing ahead of time and be able to shut you down.
There's not really a way to make people look the other way with tons of mana and like 3 swords of X and Y on the field.
In larger games combos or easy ways to knock players out of the game over only 1-2 turns from an empty boardatate are the best ways of winning.
I have a Voltron deck that is based around Derevi, Empyrial Tactician and it's very hard to win when there's 5 or more players.
October 19, 2015 5:14 p.m.
So basically, appear to be harmless until my hand can combo to victory.
I feel stupid for not realizing that at the time.
Thanks for the tip. I will be more patient in future games.
Sorry for complaining earlier. I won't do that again.
October 19, 2015 10:30 p.m.
spiritwolf13 says... #8
Whispersilk Cloak would really help you drive that last hit through. Glaring Spotlight does the same thing, and can be more useful because it's hexproof not shroud. I know it's a little awkward with the protection from white ability, but the unique evasion granted by Riding Red Hare can make you wins games easily, as basically nobody runs horsemanship.
Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang works very well from a flavor perspective, but I see you are going full competitive with this deck so idk if you want it. Vorrac Battlehorns can make interesting blocking situations. Champion's Helm is good if your meta is heavy on single target removal. Since you only have one true "draw" effect, Spirit of the Labyrinth can shut out high drawing and combo decks.
October 27, 2015 2:20 a.m.
NensouHiebara says... #9
I have no intention of using Whispersilk Cloak. Shroud is not ideal in a deck that requires targeting your own creatures.
No interest in Glaring Spotlight or Spirit of the Labyrinth. I can't have this deck clogged with hate cards and let my main strategy suffer because of it.
No interest in Riding Red Hare. One-shot, single-target pump effects aren't that usable in Commander.
Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang is a neat Equipment, but I don't want too many high CMC cards in the deck.
Vorrac Battlehorns doesn't do enough to warrant a spot in the deck.
I already use Champion's Helm. It's fantastic.
October 27, 2015 8:29 a.m.
Returning both a creature and an equipment to your hand is underwhelming? Some people run a 2 mana sorcery in green that gets a single card back to your hand in Regrowth.
October 29, 2015 4:14 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #12
Remember the Fallen is a fantastic recursion card for Commander. It a 2-for-1, recurring an Equipment and something to hold it. Ideal card for setting back up after a major sweeper.
I already use Puresteel Paladin and the three worthwhile Mirran Swords. The other two are lackluster.
No interest in Leonin Shikari. There's little use for instant-speed equipping when the deck's designed to only have one equipped creature. I don't jump Equipment.
October 29, 2015 4:30 p.m.
Thoughts on the two new equipments that were spoiled today?
November 2, 2015 3:20 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #15
Blade of Selves - Absolutely terrible in Voltron. No point in using Equipment that does nothing for your Commander.
Scytheclaw - Rather have Quietus Spike for the deathtouch. Deathtouch is what makes this kind of effect damning. It's either you take a massive life total hit or lose your blocking creature. Scytheclaw doesn't offer the same consequence for blocking and the abilities it offers isn't worth the higher mana cost.
November 2, 2015 4:54 p.m.
Going off of what you said about if your commander becomes too expensive, wouldn't the synergies that Blade of Selves has with Stoneforge Mystic/Sun Titan/etc. make it at least worth consideration?
November 2, 2015 5:48 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #17
Copying creatures isn't what this deck wants to do. Blade of Selves offers nothing of value.
If I wanted an Equipment that is solely used for back-up strategies, I'd use Quietus Spike.
November 2, 2015 10:46 p.m.
Prophet_of_Xenagos says... #18
know this is off topic but- how the frick frack did you make the background like that... Looks so awesome!
November 4, 2015 7:32 p.m.
What would you recommend as a replacement for Mana Crypt?
November 8, 2015 11:16 p.m.
Worn Powerstone is a common budget choice for commander, you could try that.
November 9, 2015 7:21 a.m.
Why aren't you running Sword of War and Peace and Sword of Body and Mind?
November 9, 2015 10:58 p.m.
Insurance package against blocking (if for some reason don't have the mana open for 8 1/2) or a one sided pseudo wipe if it is blocked.
November 10, 2015 10:54 a.m.
NensouHiebara says... #25
There's no real substitute for Mana Crypt, but since it's essentially a second Sol Ring, you're not really going to miss out on anything. Any of the following would be a suitable choice:
- Mind Stone can be popped for a card mid-late game. Creates a card draw engine with Sun Titan.
- Everflowing Chalice scales well with the game.
- Mana Vault is a colourless Dark Ritual. A little clunky to use, but it's still good.
They both have superfluous combat triggers.
Sword of Body and Mind 's milling is an extremely slow kill. It would take 9 hits minimum to mill out one player. Voltron Commanders, or any other well equipped creature, are able to kill in less than half of that. And if an ROE Eldrazi Titan hits the yard, that milling was for naught. Not to mention the potential backfire from any graveyard decks getting free value or a well-timed recursion effect.
Sword of War and Peace is a lazily designed card. Lifegain? Sword of Light and Shadow already does that. I don't need to have cards in hand for it and creatures with lifelink will gain much more life in the long run. Damage? Sword of Fire and Ice already does that. Its damage can also pick off utility creatures. And it goes without saying that additional damage from Sword triggers does nothing for Commander Damage.
I have no intention of using them. Not even just for the protections. They're the weakest of the Mirran Swords with no real benefits for my deck.
I used to have Kusari-Gama in the deck when I first built it. No longer have enough interest in using it again. With a Commander that hands out protection like candy and a handful of other evasion options, Kusari-Gama isn't that practical anymore for me.
Boscogn says... #1
Also Silent Arbiter affects everyone so if you look at it from a politics perspective can generate hate towards you. Ghostly Prison Is much more subtle and will allow your opponents to ravage each other while avoiding you.
October 7, 2015 5:52 p.m.