Halvar, Divine Voltron

Commander / EDH NensouHiebara

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NensouHiebara says... #1


Indomitable Archangel's shroud is a deal breaker in a deck with artifact creatures.

Second Sunrise, along with Faith's Reward, are too restrictive. This effect only works if I have Sunrise or Reward in hand the turn my permanents are destroyed. Regular recursion effects are much better.


I don't want to squander the four open slots. Figuring out what to take out for new cards can be dreadful and keeping open space in the deck make changes easier, especially if more Equipment support is coming.

Eternal Dragon is one of the better utility cards in the deck. It's always useful, unlike ramp effects that tend to be dead cards in the mid-late game. I don't mind high CMC cards that have a use earlier in the game.

February 7, 2017 4:11 p.m.

Alayjo95 says... #2


I understand that, nothing should be done abruptly. I still feel like Argivian Archaeologist for Restoration Specialist should be done given the deck will not be losing that mechanic since it's almost a direct swap with the added effect of being able to bring back an enchantment as well, and the deck has means of getting Restoration Specialist back.

I feel like now that Sram, Senior Edificer is the commander, a spot almost needs to be made for Flickering Ward given it's massive utility to be a replayable cantrip with Sram, Senior Edificer and added protection. In an empty hand with open mana it can bring you straight out of a desperate situation.

February 7, 2017 4:57 p.m.

Gleeock says... #3

IMO Sram is pretty darn good in a spearhead/hardcore voltron role like; Rafiq... With the advantage of early card draw, but no double strike guaranteed.

So as far as my 2 cents go, I recommend more equip or aura & less instants/sorcery & less creatures. His cost usually stays so low even if he is removed already has done the damage by giving easy card advantage

February 8, 2017 11:27 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #4


I have absolutely ZERO interest in altering this deck into such a non-interactive glass cannon.

  • Reducing the amount of creatures in the deck makes winning without Sram extremely difficult. Auto-losing because my Commander costs too much from Commander Tax and I have nothing else to equip is horrid.
  • Reducing the amount of instants and sorceries, which are mostly removal spells, erases the deck's ability to disrupt my opponents' game plans. If an opponent get too far ahead, I wouldn't be able to stop them.
  • Filling up the deck with Equipment and Auras leads to hands full of essentially nothing. Without Sram active, I have a bunch of worthless cards. Sram's ability isn't an incentive to flood the deck up with them.
February 9, 2017 11:25 a.m.

Noctem says... #5

Well said.

February 9, 2017 12:16 p.m.

Gleeock says... #6

Alright, its probably good this way too, I've just generally had more luck playing it that way

February 9, 2017 1:32 p.m.

Noctem says... #7

February 25, 2017 5:36 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #8


Walking Ballista doesn't offer anything for this deck. Not going to waste space on a card that doesn't do anything.

February 25, 2017 10:14 p.m.

Noctem says... #9

Your call :)

February 25, 2017 10:28 p.m.

Godspeedly says... #10

I belive that my deck My deck:

Sram, the equipment guru

Commander / EDH Godspeedly


is a good budget option to something like this, could you maybe give me some advice for how to make my deck better? What to take out and replace and such?

March 4, 2017 11:31 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #11

"Not going to waste space on a card that doesn't do anything."

Yet you still run Transcendent Master, I mean I know it's a pet card but 9 mana for a 6/6 lifelink or 15 mana for a 9/9 indestructible lifelink is... well... it screams "do nothing" to me.

March 4, 2017 11:42 a.m.

Noctem says... #12

Umm. Are we missing half the convo here?

March 4, 2017 1:54 p.m.

Noctem says... #13

oh in response to the walking ballista thing. Pet cards are pet cards bro. If he doesn't want to run a card that's fine.

March 4, 2017 1:56 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #14

Noctem I understand pet cards are pet cards, hence me saying "I know it's a pet card".

I was just pointing out the irony of dismissing someone in a rather condescending tone for suggesting a card citing that it "does nothing" while simultaneously running a card that does indeed do nothing.

March 4, 2017 2:45 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #15


Transcendent Master has a defined role in this deck. It's a back-up threat when Sram is unavailable or I need a deterrent against another player's. It may be just a french vanilla beater, but it's far from a 'do-nothing'.

March 5, 2017 2:13 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

NensouHiebara So, it's a beater. Pure and simple. One that takes 15 mana for indestructible/lifelink. This will come off as a little cruel and whatnot but it's not intended as such, just a analysis of the card versus what your stated goals for the deck are. In advance sorry if I come off a bit harsh.

White has PLENTY of other beaters that are arguably better in slot. The first one that comes to mind is Soul of New Phyrexia because he can cover ALL of your permanents and an also do it from the grave. Now Soul is just an example but as I said, white/colorless has so many better and more efficient options like Etched Champion etc. I mean hell, Darksteel Myr is almost better in slot cause you are only spending on a already indestructible guy. You don't have to pay to find out if they've been sandbagging a Path.

Other than being a beater it IS do nothing. it's a 9/9 indestructible/lifelink for . The turn you play it it's usually for a 3/3 vanilla creature. It has no useful abilities the turn it's played nor does it really impact the battlefield when you play it since people can respond to each activation individually giving them PLENTY of time to respond and it's not like you can level up at instant speed so you can't respond to a wipe or removal by making it indestructible.

So, by your statement of "having no time for cards that do nothing" then you should have no time for Transcendent Master.

March 5, 2017 5:26 p.m. Edited.

SFCD says... #17

I have played Transcendant Master in close to a hundred games and never was able to make him a 9/9, even when I tried doing so at the expense of more productive things. I understand your desire to not make this a "glass cannon," but I humbly submit that at least testing with a more combo-is version of the deck might yield some good insights. While Sram Cheerios may be a little glass-cannony, monocolored Voltron decks tend to be pretty flimsy themselves. I've logged a lot of games with 8.5 and, without green for auras and ramp, blue for control elements, or black for tutors and high-quality removal, mono white Voltron often itself feels rather thin, if not itself a glass cannon.That, and combo Sram is literally among my top five favorite decks I've ever played. It is so, so fun.If you haven't watched the Game Knights video with the Sram deck, I'd highly recommend doing so.

March 5, 2017 6:42 p.m.

Gleeock says... #18

Well, I don't know about "Glass Cannons" the way Sram has worked for me, I'm pulling off heavy card draw starting turn 2 while usually pulling massive utility & the threat of quickly commander damaging people out of games. All this done without worrying much about ramp, because the average CMC is ridiculously low & mostly colorless. Most decks are worrying about ramping while I'm already kicking them in their teeth. Combine this with a FEW key creatures Puresteel Paladin, Stonehewer Giant, etc... I wasn't saying pull ALL creatures but with the amount of early card draw I get I usually filter through my deck so disproportionately fast that I see my key creatures quicker than if I had loaded it with a bunch of mediocre critters in the first place... I play dirty also, so I tend to have all the MLD in there, once I start doing multi cast to filter through my deck I inevitably get Sram to a favorable board state and have a fantastic post-board wipe hand built up... And as for being taxed out of the game, usually a pretty hard feat for most to accomplish since you should have a TON of low CMC protection included (each one drawing you a card while protecting)... If someone wants to spend a bunch of mana to either creature wipe a 2 CMC or return all to my hand they can be my guest! He just comes out again and draws you a whole bunch of options.

March 5, 2017 10:25 p.m.

Gleeock says... #19

My bad the card draw starts turn 3 usually

March 5, 2017 10:27 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #20


Transcendent Master is a 3-drop that upgrades itself, not a -costed creature. And it doesn't cost all that mana at once. If it's not ideal to level up Transcendent Master in a given situation, it's still a cheap, 3/3 body for Equipment and can be leveled up at a later time. It's second form as a 6/6 lifelinker is still potent. It's a flexible threat that's usable at any stage of the game. Not every creature needs a high-impact ETB or cast trigger to be effective.

And what card game are you playing where a 9/9 with lifelink and indestructible isn't doing anything? Is it not denting an opponent's life total? Is it not pressuring an opponent's creatures? Is it not keeping an opponent's threat at bay? A creature like that doesn't just sit around...


Soul of New Phyrexia - Worse than Avacyn, Angel of Hope (which I'm planning on dropping). Holding 5 mana every turn for indestructible is too much of a burden on my manabase. And I'm trying to keep the average CMC low. Adding a 6cmc creature isn't helping this plan.

Etched Champion - One of the advantages of Transcendent Master is that it can function without Equipment. This deck has enough small creatures that need Equipment to be of use as attackers. Compares poorly to Armory Automaton. Has the same P/T and cost as Champion, but with a much more desirable effect.

Darksteel Myr - A 0/1 that literally can't do anything on it's own as a replacement for Transcendent Master? Is this a joke?


Everyone's meta is different. If Transcendent Master doesn't work for you, then it just doesn't work. It's not the card's fault that a meta is too fast for it or is more removal heavy.


I'm NEVER going to turn Sram into a combo deck.

I loathe combo decks in Commander. Commander games are supposed to be moderately lengthy good times. Nobody is going to have one when a player has a deck designed to win as fast as possible with a strategy that is a pain to deal with. And after the first game, everyone will either not want to play against it again or will completely collude against it in subsequent games to keep the combo from going off.

This is NOT what I want when I play Commander.

My Sram deck will forever be Equipment Voltron. Trying to convince me otherwise is a wasted effort.

March 6, 2017 1:51 a.m.

SFCD says... #21

Didn't try to convince you of anything, mate; just thought you should look at some lists.;)The lower-to-the-ground Sram decks aren't really combo lists, in the true sense (like, say, an Azami or a Yisan or a Daretti deck); or, if it is a combo deck, it's a really slow one. I rather liken it to enchantress-style decks: lots of consistency and card draw; builds incremental advantage for the win eventual win; does NOT kill everyone at the table on turn 3.I guess there are Sram decks that can conceivably win (against one opponent only) on turn 3 or 4 but, if you watch the Game Knights video, you'll see that it's more about card draw and sculpting the perfect Voltron attack than it is about "comboing off." Yes, people are trying to get even more comboy-y with the deck by adding things like Aehterflux Reservoir but, even still, you're building up to one-shot one opponent; you're not trying to mill the table or anything. I do understand your resistance to pure combo, though.I'll concede, though, that it can be a bit combo-ish and, of course, we all have different tastes.But, as a thought experiment, looking at more (as you might say) combo-ish lists might help you better formulate your own list. Sram can be swapped in for 8.5, sure, but Sram also opens up more design space, even if you want to stay equipment Voltron.Also, if no one has yet mentioned it: Conviction is so good in any Sram deck.

March 6, 2017 7:25 a.m.

miracleHat says... #22

When suggested earlier, your reasoning for not including Mox Diamond was due to never needing to cast 8 1/2 tails on turn 2, making the card unecessary. Now, with a general that you "cast as soon as possible" to "begin the Commander Damage death clock much faster", why not reconsider Mox Diamond as a potential candidate to further facilitate the blistering speed of this deck(mox diamond/chrome/opal)?

March 8, 2017 9 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #23


Is this the video you're talking about? If so,



Conviction - Sram doesn't make bad card good because he can draw cards off of them. The only self-bouncing Aura worth using is Flickering Ward.


I don't mind another fast mana rock to enable Turn 1 Srams more often and I'll most definitely consider Mox Diamond, but not the others.

Chrome Mox - Mox Diamond only needs a land. Land are easy to come by and basic Plains can be expendable. Chrome Mox, however, requires a coloured spell. I'm not willing to sacrifice a solid card in the opening hand for an early Sram.

Mox Opal - Can't be active on Turn 1 without specific cards in hand. Metalcraft is enough of a downside for it to be inactive during inopportune times.

March 9, 2017 8 p.m.

Gleeock says... #24

I agree with your assessment of Conviction. That card comes with a hefty bill for repeatable cantrip & not really offering any amazing utility, whereas I feel that Flickering Ward has a useful enough effect combined with just the right mana demand to make the cut. Really, IMO you can pay 3 cmc for one of the always-useful swords, get your card draw & probably find something else that will get you more draw anyway. I have found (at least in my deck) that I don't need to sacrifice utility for more card draw, I just draw in to more draw while fielding useful buffs (instead of worrying about 1 card recursion)

I'm sure those guys (in that video) know what they are doing & all, but I think the classic faux pas was made of focusing too much on card draw & too little on utility (even to the point of having 8 cards in hand). Usually at that point in the game that they reached I would have a mildly powerful Sram fielded, probably forcing people to discard on attack or double striking or some other useful ability (while also having some extra cards in hand)

March 9, 2017 10:34 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #25

If anyone cares, there is a second game in that video (24:38), but it only further reinforces the major flaws that Sram list has.


March 10, 2017 5:37 p.m.

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