To to bring someone to your side you decide to essentially berate and harass them instead of moving on with your life? How sad can you, a grown man, be when you've got nothing better to do than regulate how someone responds to getting the same suggestions for their deck despite stating they don't want to use those cards? It comes off as not only childish, but rude and a huge waste of your time.
You think you sound smart and reasonable but you're the one coming onto his decklist and acting high-and-mighty. Get off your moral highground and do something productiive kiddo.
May 21, 2017 5:58 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #3
I don't care about how effective a cards is in cEDH or 1v1. This deck is neither of them and discussing cEDH and 1v1 here is irrelevant.
I dismissed Fetchlands because monocoloured decks don't need colour-fixing. Without that need, Fetchlands have minimal use. This is the same reason why I don't want to use Flagstones of Trokair: Minimal use.
May 21, 2017 6:14 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #4
And who are you to come in, not at all involved in this at all, to berate me?
I am not berating anyone, I'm simply trying to explain how being caustic to people wasn't right to do. I've not been nasty this whole time.
However, you have come in and called me a "sad man" and "kiddo". Not once did I resort to name calling so I'd appreciate the same courtesy.
All I said is that he shouldn't be so toxic to other people who are trying to help. That's not moral high ground, that's being a decent human being.
May 21, 2017 6:15 p.m. Edited.
Off the rails here... but in a MLD heavy meta from a majority of the games I've played they have not acted in such a game sealing manner as you'd think, They have acted as soft resets (my entire group plays so many self-reliant permanents - think Atraxa, Zur, etc... & MLD is a parallel affect). I think the perception of those spells has been blown out of proportion, it depends, but often enough there is more game to be played after one of those hits
I honestly expected a more surly - Professor Farnsworth style response to my attempted trolling there
May 21, 2017 8:38 p.m.
Still, a basic Plains is better than Flagstones of Trokair here, because NensouHiebara is using Emeria, The Sky Ruin as an efficient recursion engine, and he's already tight in basic lands.
His other utility lands are more useful to be replaced by Flagstones, cEDH decks don't focus on Emeria, and MLD is a rare phenomenon in his meta, so I understand his point. Stop complain about it!
May 22, 2017 4:02 a.m.
Any thoughts on potentially playing Linvala, Keeper of Silence and/or Mirran Crusader? I personally find Linvala very good in my edh meta. And Mirran Crusader having double strike built into it seems like a good fit for a white voltron deck.
June 13, 2017 7:46 p.m.
I also want to add that Mirran Crusader might be the answer you're looking for against hapatra seeing that it's pro black and green.
June 13, 2017 7:49 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #9
Using specialized hate cards like Linvala, Keeper of Silence is difficult in a 99-card singleton deck without access to the proper tutors. There's no guarantee I'll see them every game or as early as I need to for them to be effective. Specialized hate cards are also hard to find space for, as said space could be better used towards more relevant general removal or support cards that bolster the deck's main strategy.
Mirran Crusader lost out to Silverblade Paladin as the go-to double striker of the deck years ago. Silverblade acts as a Battle Mastery for Sram and gives me two double strikers to work with. Protection from Black and Green is also already provided by Sword of Feast and Famine.
June 13, 2017 8:37 p.m.
I just discovered that there is an errata for Flickering Ward:
"As Flickering Ward enters the battlefield, choose a color."
"Enchanted creature has protection from the chosen color. This effect doesn't remove Flickering Ward."
- Choosing a color is a replacement effect, not a trigger.
- Choosing white is not a problem.
July 13, 2017 5:10 a.m.
CantaPerMe says... #11
Hey man, lovely deck. Now i want to take out my 8.5 for Sram as well. You think that an hybrid equip/aura deck is less efficient or you don't splash auras just for the original deck flavor?
Whats your point on Eternal Dragon and keeping 8.5 in the 99?
+1 btw, very inspiring (:
July 16, 2017 10:38 a.m.
NensouHiebara says... #12
It's a little of both. Using Equipment and Auras with enough support cards for both of them dilutes overall synergy. I originally built the deck for Equipment exclusively to keep the synergy as strong as possible, but I've started to slip in worthwhile utility Auras when Sram, Senior Edificer became the Commander.
Eternal Dragon is a great utility card:
- It can provide a land drop.
- It can tutor for Mistveil Plains.
- It provides a cheap shuffle effect to refresh the top of my library for Sensei's Divining Top.
- Its base 5/5 flying frame is perfect for Equipment if I need to use a back-up attacker.
- It's self-recurring, allowing the aforementioned abilities to be repeatable. It's not very mana efficient at it, but the option's there.
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails remains in the 99 due to a lack of reliable ways to prevent targeted removal.
Leonin Abunas is the gold standard... and every other option falls short, mainly due to all of them using shroud. Armory Automaton is especially affected by my Equipment having shroud, being completely dead. Future support cards could also involve targeting my own Equipment.
Until something better comes along, 8.5 is here to stay.
July 16, 2017 3:02 p.m.
@NensouHiebara: May I suggest two cards that aren't in your "Notable Exclusions" section? I am playing your list with few tweaks, and I found they are both great:
First, Stonecloaker
- Targeted grave-hate (main purpose).
- Flying attacker, or emergency blocker.
- Save a key creature from a removal.
- or Bounce another creature with a strong ETB effect we wish to repeat.
- Tutorable via Recruiter of the Guard.
Second, Scroll Rack
- Scroll is only good with lots of cards. With Sram as the new General, and the Plains-tutors, the Hand isn't emptied as fast as before. Not to mention the great synergy with Land Tax.
- Like Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll needs a lot of shuffle effects. But I believe we already have enough, I count ~16 of them. At least, it's what I observed with my tests.
On the other side, I discovered a bad interaction between Sword of Light and Shadow's protection from white and Godsend or Flickering Ward.
July 16, 2017 3:38 p.m.
CantaPerMe says... #14
Now i see your point on the Dragon, almost sold me even on that one nice
Isn't the Cataclysmic Gearhulk a little bit under productive? Wipe all you equipment doesn't sound good like at all and W is so good clean off just creatures or some specific artifact and enchantment
July 16, 2017 4:46 p.m.
Hmm. I've actually enjoyed spells like Cataclysmic Gearhulk in my sram deck, I personally prefer Divine Reckoning by far. But the "choose one" option has made for some fantastic mismatches even when I destroy my own crap; usually I keep a lynchpin equipment + enchantment (argentum armor...swords) & just combat trick em to death once there wall is turned to crap
July 16, 2017 8:33 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #16
Stonecloaker - Never been too sure if I really want this card. It always feels like something I'd end up cutting if another Equipment support creature gets printed.
Scroll Rack - I took it out for Smuggler's Copter back in February. I seldom had both it and Land Tax out at once, never wanted to burn tutors to assemble them, and didn't really use Rack by itself that much. I'm a lot happier with Looter Scooter. It triggers Sram, Senior Edificer, it loots, can take chunks out of Planeswalkers, and also pairs well with an active Land Tax.
I'm fully aware of the issues Sword of Light and Shadow causes, but I bite the bullet and deal with it. Sword's protection from both creature removal colours and creature recursion is too invaluable to drop.
This deck has an ever noticeable artifact hate issue, and it's been causing many problems.
Actively avoiding heavier artifact removal so that I don't destroy my own board has been a detriment. It has allowed my opponents to get away with the game with utility artifacts and extensive artifact-based ramp. Cataclysmic Gearhulk was the first attempt at adding more artifact removal, as it at least spares by best Equipment. I also added Forsake the Worldly to patch up remaining gaps in my removal suite. While these additions are fantastic, it's still not enough. I'm planning on dropping All Is Dust for Hour of Revelation to add another hard artifact sweeper.
July 16, 2017 8:48 p.m.
Should this cat make a claim for the Commander seat in this build?
I think there is no easy answer... would you consider a solid draw engine to be put in the 99?
Mid/endgame Baral has way more Voltron qualities, but denies solid card advantage.
My personal opinion leans towards this cat being the commander and Sram as one of the 99, with a solid pack of available ramp.
August 7, 2017 8:46 a.m. Edited.
... not to mention the newly dropped equipment. This new commander product might storm several ranks of decks like these ;)
August 7, 2017 6:34 p.m.
Cerainly will change the landscape of Sisay, my Sram too, (That hammer) free equip hits like a ton of bricks in my Sram deck
August 7, 2017 8:41 p.m.
New Toys!
The german-one is a Bonesplitter that copies itself whenever dealing combat dmg to a player.
August 8, 2017 3:57 a.m.
NensouHiebara says... #23
Hammer of Nazahn is definitely going to be added. More sources of free equip triggers is always welcome.
The Axe is too gimmicky. Not interested in it.
August 8, 2017 8:32 a.m. Edited.
Haha, we agree on something... The axe could be great elsewhere; I MAY use it but not as excited about it as other people are, I'm also a little bit lazy to want to manage a billion tokens in a non-token deck. Would be fun to see Bane of Progress drop after those axes have been copulating... That hammer though :)....
August 8, 2017 9:27 a.m.
I wonder.. why playing Smuggler's Copter instead of Mask of Memory?
Smuggler's Copter | Mask of Memory |
Cost | Cost |
Crew 1 | Equip |
Draw 1, discard 1 | Draw 2, discard 1 |
Needs attack to trigger. | Needs contact to trigger. |
Not a creature at end of turn. | Stay equipped. |
Not good with other Equipments. | Stay equipped. |
Evasion (Flying). | No other abilities. |
Aside, here is a new equipment:
I think Equip for +3/+1 is nice. Bonus: the creature is (almost always) replaced if killed.
Ohthenoises says... #1
That's not the point, the point is that he's being caustic to everyone else about it for even suggesting it.
I'm not trying to change his mind about running a card, I'm trying to point out that the way that it is done is toxic.
I said before, there is quantative evidence that Flagstones (and fetches for that matter) are good cards. However, in single color decks the usefulness is reduced by a large margin. However, that doesn't change the fact that they ARE good cards. Therefore calling them bad is a fallacy. That's not an opinion, that's fact.
It's OP's opinion that they are not worth the marginal gain. I never argued with that. I'm simply calling OP out on trying to say that good cards are bad because its not fair to those who suggested them.
Tl;dr I'm not arguing about an opinion and trying to convince him that his opinion is wrong. I'm trying to show him that there is a better way to state his opinion and not come across as toxic.
May 21, 2017 5:39 p.m.