I am a Timmy at heart. I love decks that don't just win but win in unnecessarily grandiose ways. That's why I like the Eldrazi cards, Primal Surge, etc.
I was durdling around trying to make a Primal Surge deck that summoned Eldrazi and started thinking to myself that the Urza tron lands would go a long way in summoning the giant creatures even faster than normal. I immediately forgot about Surge and my new mission became to build a completely colorless Eldrazi deck.
The colorless parameter narrowed my field of available cards, however, and it's been an interesting journey tweaking and balancing the deck. While the main deck is indeed colorless, I altered the artifacts so that I could cheat a bit and access any color I wanted for side board answers.
Is it tournament worthy? Not really, although a nut draw with this deck will steamroll just about anything. It's more of a fun, unique take on some popular themes that provides a new spin on Timmying your opponent and leads to a lot of satisfying, over-the-top victories.
Basically, if possible, you want to have a starting hand with at least one threat, two of the three Urza lands, and an Expedition Map.
Turn one: play Urza land, tap, play map, pass the turn.
Turn two: play other Urza land, tap out, sac map for third Urza land, pass.
Turn three: play third Urza land, tron into Karn or Wurmcoil or All Is Dust or, if you are holding a bigger threat, you can dump any ramp that's in your hand onto the board for a turn 4 Eldrazi.
Obviously you're not always going to have the nut draw but the basic goal of the deck is to ramp into your big threats as fast as possible. Depending on your starting hand it's also viable to ignore forming Urzatron altogether and instead drop and copy as many Eldrazi temples as possible. Your Vesuvas and Temples and Eye give you 16 Eldrazi mana, so even if you're suffering from some serious land hate, you have another avenue of ramp at your disposal. Alternatively, there is a lot of equipment in the deck that can be attached to Mutavaults if you're short on creatures.
The deck is immune to mill, as most of the big creatures cause you to shuffle your entire graveyard back into your library when they're milled or die. The deck is also resilient to counters and control decks for this reason combined with the 2 main deck Elixir of Immortality (which also provide some first-game defense against aggro due to their life gain). The main challenges this deck faces are very fast aggro decks that can kill you by turn 4 or 5 and decks that hate on your land.
I haven't yet settled on a sideboard to deal with these issues as I am still play testing, but my current model includes Tormod's Crypt and Mindbreak Trap to deal with recursion/combo decks like storm, Cryptic Command to counter land hate and opponents' key spells in general and also to buy time vs. aggro (tap, draw ftw) and protect your hardcasts. Supreme Verdict is there to bolster your resilience to aggro zerging. Shattering Spree is a nod to affinity decks and to gain an edge in the mirror (as unlikely as it is that that will ever happen haha).
Please, please, please do me a favor and actually PLAY the deck before you leave feedback. It's all well and good to look at a list and think you understand its nuances, but I can guarantee you that this is never the case. Anyway, it's a blast to play, so you won't be bored :p
Cheers and thanks in advance for your comments!