

Creature (1)

Eldrazi Stompy focused around exiling/annihilating your opponents stuff.

The ground work for this deck is the ramp. Which was originally based around scions. However, the early game always felt incredibly weak culminating in using your scions to enable one big play and maybe won the game, or just made you the the target of any and all removal and left you crying like a little sk8er boi 'cause you broke your ramp. Instead I tried to focus more on having multiple lands hit the field each turn and invested in some better lands. I also want to experiment more with the Hideaway mechanic on Mosswort Bridge to see how viable it is.

Secondly, I wanted to get rid the one and done feel of this deck's previous version. I went heavy on high mileage 6 drops to enable more potential ramping (with Oblivion Sower ) and searching/cheapening (with Conduit of Ruin ). I run 4 From Beyond mostly to pop it for the search effect once my ramp is built up. Although there is some draw in the deck, I figured searching>drawing for this build.

As far as stompy bits go, I tried to focusing around cards with annihilation to start breaking my opponents board. It That Betrays is there to salt the wounds and more than likely will be the target for searches once you can start annihilating. The deck also runs Artisan of Kozilek as a play extender and to make your second wave hit harder then the first; say they finally destroy your big stompy, now you can bring him back for his revenge. Another strategy with him is to re-pop your playmakers like Oblivion sower and conduit of ruin if they get hit. i.e: if your expecting removal, you can drop conduit, search artisan, let them blow up conduit, then drop artisan next turn to search again when you bring conduit back.

This deck certainly needs some more play testing to find the right ratios and figuring out the right ramp for it. I've heavily considered turning this deck pure colorless and running more artifacts and the like. Right now i'm running so many forests mostly to make sure that my land searches don't end up dead in hand.

Please note: I harbor no ill will towards skaters. No sk8er bois were harmed in the construction of this deck, though jokes were made at their expense.


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The deck has made the transition from legacy to modern and from green splash to pure colorless. The deck has a very high win rate against my local meta. Multiplayer matches turn into archenemy in a hurry and the deck can even keep up with that

All things considered though, the deck does have it's poor matchups. Control heavy decks can counter a lot of your big plays and set up and land disruption does what it does to tron. Granted, the deck still has a respectable win rate when tron is broken or when I intentionally keep bad hands. Interestingly, mill can be a bad matchup for this deck, likely due to it having so many 1 of's.

This deck puts theme first and has budget in mind (mostly). I run all of the eldrazi titans but Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger can win games on his own, so him and Kozileck, the great distortion is all you really need in that department. If budget isn't in mind another Ugin, the Spirit Dragon could go a long ways, he's never unwanted. All is Dust is another i wouldn't mind having more of; it's hard to beat one sided board wipes.


93% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 2 Rares

4 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 5.65
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