Death and Taxes has always been one of my favorite archetypes in Legacy and in Modern. With the new Eldrazi added, it becomes something much deadlier.
How it Works
This deck is basically Hatebears, but with a LOT more power thanks to cards like Thought-Knot Seer and Wasteland Strangler being much bigger than a mono-white version of this deck without the Eldrazi.
Aether Vial is the deck's biggest enabler, which cheats a lot of powerful cards into play for free (and a few turns to charge up). For example, vialing in a Flickerwisp into an on-board Wasteland Strangler or Kitchen Finks is a great combo that can take care of worrisome board states.
White has a lot of good stuff to take care of decks post Game 1.
Stony Silence replaces our AEther Vials against Affinity. Alongside that, Kataki, War's Wage can be vialed in as a surprise.
Kor Firewalker is great against Burn, both as a blocker and as a way to preserve our life total.
Mirran Crusader is our Goyf and Kalitas blocker against Jund or BGx decks.
Pithing Needle locks out planeswalkers and/or creatures we don't like, from Karn Liberated to Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Rest in Peace is a hard stop to Grixis, Living End, and Gifts Ungiven decks.
Grafdigger's Cage is another way to stop Grixis decks, and can halt the dreaded Abzan CoCo combo.