Element of Treachery

Standard TheLaughingJackal


nleming17 says... #1

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard has amazing synergy with Prophet of Kruphix and Kiora's Follower . im not sure if its what you would want to do in this deck, because if you really want to make him OP then you should make a deck around him instead. Either way though he can help you out if your in a bunch, and delivers all of your Kiora's Follower to you, to do it more. If you decide to also through together a deck based on him check out: Yisan's Temurbox (Main)

October 31, 2014 6:26 p.m.

Sorry but i don't think he fits in this deck. I made this deck revolve around Whelming Wave for resets. For that I actually need ramp so I can either play everything I just returned or a Mistcutter Hydra to finish the game. Also i will probably get hurt more if I constantly need to use Kiora's Follower to untap him rather then use him as a safety net. In other words this might be ramp deck but its more centered around blue then green and Yisan, the Wanderer Bard will tap me out, preventing me from counters to End Hostilities or things like that.

October 31, 2014 6:52 p.m.

Advocate says... #3

Untapping an opponent's attacking creature with Kiora's Follower does not take it out of combat or prevent it from dealing damage.

Beyond that bit of knowledge, have your tried this deck at an FNM at all?

November 5, 2014 6:14 p.m.

No not yet im planning to however im just waiting on friends to get their decks together, why do you ask?

November 5, 2014 6:33 p.m.

Indigoindigo says... #5

No Yisan, the Wanderer Bard? It has great synergy with Kiora's Follower and Prophet of Kruphix.

November 15, 2014 12:14 p.m.

No I find that with yisan, I tap out faster and it doesn't really speed things up, yes it gets me what I need but since the cmc of everything I own is nearly the same, he would only be good for a one time use.

November 15, 2014 12:35 p.m.

shepherdofire says... #7

Why not Aspect of Hydra?

December 3, 2014 7:48 p.m.

It would be a nice card to have but It seems nylea might be the better option.

December 3, 2014 8:21 p.m.

shepherdofire says... #9

Add two to your side board and take out a Roar of Challenge and a Wall of Frost.

December 3, 2014 8:31 p.m.

Hmm good idea!!!

December 3, 2014 8:43 p.m.

Prima says... #11

With all the ramp, Chord of Calling and Genesis Hydra could blow this deck up.

December 21, 2014 6:55 p.m.

Thassa's Ire in conjunction with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx & Kiora's Follower plus seven or more devotion (Market Festival helps a lot.) is an infinite mana combo. I only mention it because it seems totally attainable in here and you're only one card short. Here's an old deck list I used to run in standard, since it's old it's out dated & hasn't been updated, but I think it's still technically standard: Why you DON'T mess with hydras.. The idea was infinite mana->tap opponent out with Thassa's Ire/Whelming Wave with infinite mana floating-> <><>/<><> Mistcutter. especially made me happy because the only things the wave wouldn't hit are blue! and couldn't block the uncounterable hydra anyway. And resistance to Unsummon-esc cards. Also had hella card draw, I could usually draw & play my entire library with infinite mana. I hope some part of this helps you in some way!

January 25, 2015 1:56 p.m.

Thanks thats actually a very good idea.

January 25, 2015 5:12 p.m.

No problem. Glad I could help.

January 25, 2015 5:37 p.m.

ais2828 says... #15


January 28, 2015 11:06 p.m.

Oh my god. I just noticed this today. Instead of Thassa's Ire which, while potentially useful, won't really do a lot of work without the infinite mana (4 mangos to tap/untap one creature? No thank you.) one could effectively combo off Temur ascendancy, which you already had and is just good and you don't need that other set up and is just a better card for so many reasons. Take ascendancy on the field, Nykthos, follower (or Voyaging Satyr), Temur Sabertooth, another just good card, and 7+ devotion, except this way you aren't also relying on some kind of blue source. So get them out there, every thing's haste because ascendency, nykthos for seven-> Sabertooth bounce follower-> play follower-> haste, untap nykthos, leaves you with three, and pump two into nykthos.

I'm excited by this clearly, because it's basically the same but all the cards that are replaced are replaced by something better & generally more usable and don't rely upon the combo to be useful.

You might also consider a single Genesis Hydra. You could bounce-play-draw because ascendency into it, play it 666/666, get a Nylea, God of the Hunt onto the field, pump it <><> times and trample and haste and game. Or something like that

January 29, 2015 12:15 a.m.

Forgive the double post. Where I said "another just good card" in that list, I meant it describing Temur Sabertooth. It should have been in parenthesis.

Also, infinite mana with two Temur Sabertooths out, since you're going to have Temur Ascendancy, means you can effectively draw as many cards as you want. Keep bouncing one with the other.

January 29, 2015 12:20 a.m.

Actually I like the deck like this, that tapping ability makes up for me not having instants.

January 29, 2015 5:28 p.m.

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