The goal of this deck is to be a pretty aggressive deck with a bunch of earthy clumps on the board.
Brighthearth Banneret and Smokebraider are pretty important early on to set you up for the bigger threats as the game plays out- and Embodiment of Spring can serve as a chump blocker and a ramp spell in one big, icy package. Another early game play is Healer of the Glade, although it can be chucked down late game for a bit of survivability.
Speaking of survivability, a few cards like AEthersnipe can bounce pesky creatures early on and has the potential of becoming a body later on in the game, and our single Igneous Elemental is a shock on a 4/3, usually costing 4 mana to play without the dorks.
Our beaters come down in the forms of Bloodbriar and Walker of the Grove- with the Bloodbriar triggering off a bunch of the evoke mechanics in the deck/the fetches in the form of Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse (also, freaking love that those are the fetches of this format), and Walker of the Grove being pretty self-explanatory with his whole farting out a 4/4 thing.
Of course, running red comes with the obligation of playing Lightning Bolt to smite anything that dares face our earthly bretheren, and a funny surprise counter spell of Force Spike. Also, a handful of Snap which does double-duty of bouncing our foes' stuff early game, and giving us the option of bouncing our own stuff for free a bit later on to get the sweet, sweet ETB effects again. It's no substitute for the magnificent Ephemerate, though.
I've been thinking about adding in a few copies of Ghostly Flicker and definitely wanting to put more Igneous Elementals in there, but I'm not too sure where they'd fit... Maybe I'll swap out the Healers for them in the Sideboard. Anyways, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!