Elemental Overrun

Standard WGeorgeW


Emphroy says... #1

Seems nice but I would switch Frostburn Weird to Vortex Elemental . He is a more powerful blocker, also an elemental and it would push down your 2 mana drops...

April 14, 2014 6:49 a.m.

adventfaith says... #2

April 29, 2014 1:36 p.m.

nolio36 says... #3

a lot of times you're creating the elementals, not "casting" them.. Door of Destinies doesn't work like that. Correct me if i'm wrong. However, this deck rocks, i'm gonna consider pulling my all blue devo deck and making one similar to this. good job!!!

April 29, 2014 1:42 p.m.

WGeorgeW says... #4

nollo36 is right, the Door of Destinies trigger only goes of if you cast an elemental creature, not if one enters the battlefield. I don't think I could get enough value out if it to justify it in the deck, as it wants to go 'wide' on creatures, not 'tall'. thanks for your suggestions!

May 1, 2014 5:14 p.m.

Bubbleberry says... #5

Wow this looks like a really solid and awesome deck, I can't believe I haven't seen much of the Master of Waves + Young Pyromancer combo. This deck looks awesome, and I'm super excited for what we may see from a R/U Devotion Standpoint.

May 1, 2014 5:44 p.m.

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