Elf Pump (30,000+ dmg possible!)

Modern carysh


messi108208 says... #1

I love elves and have a Elf burn deck. I use the elves for mana and Disintegrate for burn.

April 25, 2013 6:57 p.m.

Thor_Alexander says... #2

Rhys the Redeemed Is great for pumping out tokens. Essence Warden could help if you are looking to gain life for putting out your elves.

April 28, 2013 7:59 p.m.

carysh says... #3

Thanks Thor_Alexander! Rhys the Redeemed is pretty cool, even if it is green/white. I'm not sure what I would replace it with though, if i were to put it in my deck....

April 29, 2013 8:46 p.m.

Thor_Alexander says... #4

With Elvish Archdruid , Arbor Elf , and Llanowar Elves you could probably lose a land or two. An artifact that you may like is Pennon Blade . It doesnt beef all of your creatures like Coat of Arms but it does limit the help you may give your enemies.

April 29, 2013 9:03 p.m.

carysh says... #5

But Pennon Blade has very high mana cost, that's the main problem... The boost to enemies from Coat of Arms could be disadvantageous, but I find that I always am able to kill my opponent or all of their creatures almost as son as I get it out. Any advice on what to swap for Rhys the Redeemed ?

April 30, 2013 5:39 p.m.

carysh says... #6

I want to put in another adaptive automaton, but I'm not sure what to swap it out for. Any suggestions?

April 30, 2013 6:10 p.m.

Thor_Alexander says... #7

Well like I said earlier, you have a lot of creatures who make mana for you so you could sac a land or two in favor of any new cards. I doubt you have ever had any issues with getting enough mana.

April 30, 2013 6:26 p.m.

carysh says... #8

True. But it does make the deck slightly slower with less lands... Any other possible cards to replace? I mean, I suppose just two Adaptive Automaton s would probably be fine, but...

April 30, 2013 8:11 p.m.

musicjunkie says... #9

Jagged-Scar Archers or Heedless One might be good alternate win cons so you have no games where youre just stuck without coat of arms? just spit ballin

May 4, 2013 10:45 a.m.

carysh says... #10

but Immaculate Magistrate is better.

May 7, 2013 5:53 p.m.

riddler89 says... #11

instead of Coat of Arms maybe Door of Destinies ?

June 8, 2013 2:29 p.m.

carysh says... #12

Cool, Door of Destinies is pretty sweet. Only thing is, it doesn't give pump for the elves already played... but maybe for the sideboard! :) thanks!

June 8, 2013 3:54 p.m.

riddler89 says... #13

the elves played before door of destinies won't cause the counters to go up, but they all get the bonus for each successive elf, which is nice for if anyone you're playing ever wipes the board, b/c every elf you play will still get that bonus as long as they don't destroy the artifact

June 8, 2013 9:36 p.m.

carysh says... #14

oh yeah true. I put it in maybeboard, so I'll try to get one for my sideboard.

June 8, 2013 9:53 p.m.

carysh says... #15

Another advantage of Door of Destinies is that it works for thigns like elvish promenade.... :)

June 9, 2013 8:31 a.m.

LordOfMishap says... #16

Nice build! +1 for me. Check mine out I Present to you the Jazzy Fat Nasties

June 11, 2013 10:02 p.m.

pauginxz says... #17

You shouldn't really treat mana dorks as lands you will be in for a bad time if you do.

June 14, 2013 11:45 a.m.

carysh says... #18


June 14, 2013 3:50 p.m.

meme97 says... #19

I think this is the elf that ramp less than in the entire history of magic, with an average cost of 3 mana.

June 15, 2013 9:33 a.m.

carysh says... #20

... ?

June 15, 2013 11:09 a.m.

meme97 says... #21

If you d'ont see a creature at cost 1 in the opening hand you don't play nothin until the 3rd turn , a real elf in the 3rd turn have play half of his deck.

June 15, 2013 11:19 a.m.

carysh says... #22

so what do you suggest?

June 15, 2013 12:22 p.m.

meme97 says... #23

Remove the cards that cost more and of which you can not help but like Immaculate Magistrate , Asceticism , Coat of Arms . You must add cards that make you ramping, you absolutely need to play Regal Force , Elvish Visionary and Nettle Sentinel combo that goes with the card rampant par excellence Heritage Druid .

June 15, 2013 3:42 p.m.

carysh says... #24

but what is the point of ramping so much what am I going to use all the mana for?

June 15, 2013 3:50 p.m.

meme97 says... #25

Is not one to make you ramping but rather the whole. Turn one Nettle Sentinel ,turn two Heritage Druid and another elf, elves three tap, add 3 mana, with two doing Elvish Visionary , you draw from the deck, and untaps the Nettle Sentinel , you draw an elf at one mana, you play with the last one you have left, you now have a new three-elves untapped, tap do three mana and play Elvish Archdruid . round three, you have six mana of Elvish Archdruid , plus those of Heritage Druid , play Regal Force , draw seven cards, play elves,play elves,play elves,play elves.....win !

June 15, 2013 4:09 p.m.

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