Some of the playtest I've done:
vs Burn
I lost the roll with a 8/20 opposite his 12/20.
No mulligans, I keep my hand with two lands, a few of 1-2 drops and some lords.
He started with an untapped Stomping Ground to suspend a Rift Bolt.
I drop a Forest to play a Joraga Warcaller and passing.
He casts the Rift Bolt and a Lightning Bolt on me, downing me to 16.
I draw a Wren's Run Vanquisher, which I play with another land, revealing a Elvish Archdruid. I hit by one with the Joraga Warcaller.
He drops a Keldon Megaliths and pass the turn.
I play a Nettle Sentinel and attacked with the other two, leaving him at 13.
He played an [[Incinerate on my Wren's Run Vanquisher :( and then I only attacked again. Half of the match :D
No land drop and throw a Magma Jet on the Nettle Sentinel...
I still get no lands (big mistake, but he's in the same situation), and my hand is plenty of 3cc... I attack with [[Joraga Warcaller] and pass.
He casts a Lava Spike on Joraga Warcaller and another on me. We are at 13-9.
I only cast a Nettle Sentinel and he played a Hellspark Elemental, which I didn't block.
I drew and played a Nissa's Chosen and attacked with the Nettle Sentinel, leaving him at 7. I'm at 10.
He drops an Arid Mesa and casted an Incinerate over my Nissa's Chosen.
Im getting bullshit and I can't attack or defend because and the Nettle Sentinel is tapped.... I discard an Overrun for having 8 cards in hand...
He suspended a Rift Bolt, broke the Arid Mesa for a Mountain and played a Goblin Guide.
Same play as the previous, now discarding a Lead the Stampede...
He casts the Rift Bolt on the Nettle Sentinel, drops a Hellspark Elemental and attacked, leaving me at 5 lives...
I can drop a Wren's Run Vanquisher to keep me alive one turn more.
He casts another fuc**ng elemental and attacked, forcing me to block and loose my only creature.
I draw another Wren's Run Vanquisher, just for agonize a little more.
The gods blessing him, giving him a Thunderous Wrath which he could play for the miracle cost, dealing the least 5 damage.
The burn deck is a run for the wining, and without being able to cast anything over a 2cc, he's mana curve is really better over mine, which isn't bad after all, and is much easier win dealing 2-3 damage occasionally.
For the second game, I sideboarded two Relic of Progenitus for two Elvish Champion, beacuse if I can remove his Hellspark Elemental I'm taking away the risk of the unearth, and also gives me a card.
Maybe if you run white, even a splash, the best and a must 4-off is Leyline of Sanctity.