Elfless green (well, maybe one elf)

Commander / EDH SandyDufresne


zephramtripp says... #1

July 18, 2016 5:50 p.m.

Firebones675 says... #2

Thawing Glaciers guarantees a land drop every turn, thins your deck, and is a land. Also good for your landfall cards.

October 25, 2016 5:19 p.m.

SandyDufresne says... #3

@Firebones675: I added and I'll try it out. It seems like it should work pretty well.

October 27, 2016 2:01 p.m.

Grixis776 says... #4

blanchwood armor?

July 2, 2017 10:07 p.m.

Barjack521 says... #5

Have you considered Panglacial Wurm? You have all this ramp which searches your library, why not get a creature out of it too.

July 8, 2017 3:17 p.m.

DarkMagician says... #6

+1 because I was liking the deck then I read your description and died at the "It's like the difference between porn and the real thing". Lol

July 26, 2017 8:37 a.m.

nimrod1111 says... #7

what about Into the North? I mean just turn 6-8 lands in your deck into snow forests and maybe even add some utility snow lands like Scrying Sheets that lets you scry for forests if you have all your forests as snow forests or even creatures if you add Centaur Omenreader for example!

September 16, 2017 3:53 a.m.

nimrod1111 says... #8

Also, SandyDufresne, yours is the best mono-green commander deck ive seen so far so I wanted to ask you if you can help me with my deck http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/rishkar-peemas-mana-sinks ...you can also obviously say no but id be happy if you could spend some time helping me with it

September 16, 2017 4:10 a.m.

ZendikariWol says... #9

How to shuffle and be entirely random:

1) cut the deck and shuffle (one half at a time if it's 100 cards). Shuffle (each half) three to five times.

2) pile shuffle into piles of ten and assemble the piles randomly (selecting the piles by means of 6 or 10 sided dice, or just by picking).

3) repeat step 1

4) rifle shuffle the deck two to four times, rifling six to eighteen times per shuffle.

5) repeat step 2

December 19, 2017 12:15 p.m.

Dave-writer90 says... #10

If you want more ramp, Cryptolith Rite gives ALL creatures the ability to tap and produce one mana of any color. As for creatures, I see your "no elves" message so my only suggestion is Azusa, Lost but Seeking would let you play multiple lands per turn without helping out your opposition. Great deck!

May 17, 2018 8:42 a.m.

CapitanSpock says... #11

You have not thought about adding Omnath, Locus of Mana to your deck, so that you can absorb the large amount of mana you produce after having Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Patron of the Orochi in play, or the one you are given by spells like Vernal Bloom or Zendikar Resurgent. You also have a good option to include Genesis or Colfenor's Urn to recover creatures without having to use Praetor's Counsel.

Greetings, if you want you can go through my cover, http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/omnath-locus-of-mana-controlaggro/

August 28, 2018 9:48 p.m.

jvalex18 says... #12

Just wanted to tell you that a computer shuffler is actually not true random, it's always a algorythm. A human shuffling will be 100% better. You can actually shuffle your deck well, pile shuffle once, shuffle reguarly, pile shuffle again and regular shuffle after that. Every cards should be pretty randomized now.

June 18, 2019 12:51 a.m.

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