I build this deck around
Elite Arcanist
Triton Tactics
, and Zhur-Taa Druid or any mana dorks and Grapeshot. I estimate you can win in 3 to 4 turn with a ideal hand.
wincon 1: winning on turn 4starting hand: 3 land (island, mountain, and forest),
Generator Servant
Triton Tactics
Elite Arcanist
, and Zhur-Taa Druid
turn 1: land
turn 2: land, Zhur-Taa Druid
turn 3: land,
Generator Servant
turn 4: land, cast
Elite Arcanist
Generator Servant
and imprint
Triton Tactics
win con 2:winning on turn 3
starting hand: 2 land ( mountain, and forest),
Generator Servant
Triton Tactics
Elite Arcanist
, Elvish Mystic and Grapeshot
turn 1: Forest, Elvish Mystic
turn 2: Mountain,
Generator Servant
turn 3: Island, cast
Elite Arcanist
Generator Servant
and imprint
Triton Tactics
. Inf cast ability and win buy casting Grapeshot.
So how does it work?:
Simple with tactics imprinted on to the Arcanist, we can pay 1 mana to copy tactics and untap both the Arcanist and the Druid, repeat, and win since the druid does 1 damage or we can inf. cast tactics and then cast Grapeshot for the win.
if anyone has a suggestion on improving this build please leave a comment below. i will be working on what kind of sideboard so in cast i face any disruption in gameplay soon.