I love Ashen Rider as a card, but it is too expensive for this deck. It seems more like a "build around me" card, more for a junk reanimator type deck. I also don't own any. Thanks for the thought though.
April 12, 2014 10:24 p.m.
Tyrosoldier says... #3
I would recommend picking up some Hero's Downfall s, there're only like $3-$4 right now. I also recommend narrowing the deck down to 2-4 copies of a few cards, less 1 of this and 1 of that. It creates more reliable deck, that can put out the same results over and over again.
April 13, 2014 1:13 a.m.
i totally would get more Hero's Downfall , but I don't feel like dropping $15 for them. I guess I'll wait to trade for them. As for narrowing the deck down, I do have 2 underworld connections coming in the mail to replace the read the bones. I don't really know where else to narrow down the deck. Some of the one-ofs are just different removal spells that basically serve the same function. I really only want one of both of the god's weapons because they are legendary, and the brave the elements is really good in my meta. Do you have any more specific suggestions?
April 13, 2014 4:22 p.m.
My god, you have a lot of different cards. Try to increase the consistency of your deck by taking out certain ones and bumping others up to playsets.
As it currently stands, you have 22 unique spells. 22 is a laughable amount as you should never really go above 16 unique spells.
After some playtesting, I found your consistency to be really lacking. It's almost as if you're trying to play two different decks at once. Either choose to be B/W Aggro or B/W Midrange and go from there.
April 13, 2014 4:26 p.m.
Also, you should probably look at card prices before assuming they'll always be as expensive as they have been. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised:
April 13, 2014 4:27 p.m.
ok so more like $11, but that still seems like a lot to spend on 3 cards. Idk i'll think about it, it's definitely an amazing card.
April 13, 2014 4:30 p.m.
I used to be in that same boat. $11 for 3 very powerful cards that won't rotate for another 18 months isn't a bad investment, though, especially if those cards will likely go up in price around the next rotation.
April 13, 2014 4:32 p.m.
drewmighty says... #9
I would go 4 Thoughtseize and bring the kill down to 10
April 15, 2014 6:03 p.m.
if I ever get more thoughtseize, they will go in right away. I don't really feel like spending $30 on two cards, but I'm always on the lookout for it during trades. Thanks for the advice though.
April 15, 2014 6:05 p.m.
You DEF want to replace (at least 3 of) the guildgates with 3 more copies of Godless Shrine -- as there is really NO benefit to running the gates. If you don't want to pay the 2 life, the shocks basically ARE gates -- but you always have the option when you need it. That alone could be a HUGE change in this deck.
Also, I've been seeing people with similar decks running Read the Bones instead of Underworld Connections lately. When you're Orzhov rather than mono-Black, and your 5-drop threats AREN'T Zombies named Gary who care about your devotion... RTB may be a better card-advantage machine for you. You always run the risk of a t3 Connections being blown up or exiled before you can use the draw. With RTB the card advantage is GUARANTEED if it resolves. Hell, I've even been playing it as a 1-of in MBD.
The deck definitely has potential -- just figured I'd give my 2 cents. Good luck!
June 3, 2014 7:43 p.m.
I used to run read the bones in an earlier version of the deck. I definitely love the card, as I was running Sign in Blood when that was legal in standard. I will definitely consider it if the meta can remove connections, but underworld connections has been better to me in the long term. I also like playing it on turn 4 for the guaranteed card advantage you speak of. As for Godless Shrine I am definitely aware that they are WAY better than guildgates. Unfortunately, I don't like spending a whole bunch of money on singleton cards, especially when they are going to cycle out of standard soon. If I can get a good trade, however, I will definitely try and get some. Thanks for the advice!
June 3, 2014 10:28 p.m.
I'm not sure how fast your deck is, so I see two paths here. You can go balls to the wall hand disruption, in 4x Brain Maggot , Thoughtseize , Duress , and Sin Collector , or put in some more fatties, like Master of the Feast or Herald of Torment . The hand disruption can be in sideboard too, as you already have. Just for utility, take a look at Orzhov Charm , and maybe it will solve some problems you're facing, but B/W already has plenty of removal.
June 5, 2014 6:14 p.m.
I used to run an orzhov charm. The problem I had with it was that I could only use the removal mode, and sometimes not even that if my life total was low. I feel like the removal suite in this deck is solid already. As for master and herald, I feel like those cards are too fast for a midrange-control deck, which is what my deck basically is. I definitely want 4x Thoughtseize but that's not a viable economic option right not. Thanks for the advice though!
June 5, 2014 7:34 p.m.
baller_after_life says... #15
technically elspeth in the deck makes sense, considering shes dead
July 12, 2014 12:58 a.m.
actually a good point there. flavor win! I think the deck needs a new name.
July 13, 2014 6:05 p.m.
Upvote just because of the title and the lol it gave me.
OrdinaryButter says... #1
No Ashen Rider ?
April 8, 2014 9:20 p.m.