Thanks sharkhunter66, I will do some tweaking. I l actually have a few Sphinx's Revelation 's that I wasn't sure what to do with. I will definitely add some board wipe as well.
October 7, 2013 4:18 p.m.
damtgmaster473 says... #3
take out the meomry adepts and replace them with Jace, the Mind Sculptor and add Force of Will if it's gonna be a legacy deck
sharkhunter66 says... #1
you definetly need better lands. fetches, shocks, and buddy lands. cut down on the amount of creatures you have. usual control decks only run 1 or 2 creatures because thats all they need. something like AEtherling would be the best choice. then, with nearly 16 more free spots in your case, fill it up with draw spells like Think Twice and Sphinx's Revelation and Azorius Charm along with more removal and counter spells. particularly Hero's Downfall , Detention Sphere , and Oblivion Ring . the planeswalkers are good, i would recommend any of the jaces to be in here. Pollen Lullaby and Dispatch are really bad and should be replaced with spot removal or board wipes like Day of Judgment or Supreme Verdict . have a set of board wipes also makes AEtherling and Gideon Jura much better since you are not killing your own creatures. i cannot stress enough that creatures in esper in control is not the way to go.
October 7, 2013 4 p.m.