Somnambulist says... #2
Gisela is my favourite card, so naturally, I'm going to jump in here. There are some incredibly brutal cards that you can play when Gisela is out. Things like Pyrohemia , and Manabarbs . She also makes Heartless Hidetsugu win the game for you. I went the punishment route, though it's downfall was blue decks that steal creatures.
October 25, 2014 11:55 p.m.
EggsTerminate says... #3
Just one question: where's the Luminarch Ascension?
April 19, 2015 12:40 a.m.
Because it's still in the mail, now that I've seen it! Thanks for the great suggestion!
April 19, 2015 2:57 p.m.
Is Deicide in the list because there are many Gods in your meta? I personally prefere Return to Dust.
April 27, 2015 5:37 p.m.
with the life gain and Iroas, God of Victory prevent damage effect, instant speed field burn such as Pyrohemia, Fault Line, and Starstorm could soften them up right as you do a big swing. Also Insurrection could be a great flavorful way of winning with elspeth inspiring the servants of evil to betray their overlords.
April 27, 2015 5:41 p.m.
@Windauga It's mainly in there for the flavor. I've already got artifact destruction all over, but I could see Return to Dust replacing Wear / Tear. Thanks!
@Atsuma I'm trying to avoid burn spells in this just for the idea of swinging for lethal in one shot (usually happens within ten or twelve rounds). Part of the flavor was to make the death of the opponent as quick as possible, not drawn out at all. I'll have to test with Insurrection and see how that works, it would fit in quite well, thanks!
April 27, 2015 6:28 p.m.
i can get what you are saying in regards to the burn spells, i just want to clarify that they would be to wipe the field of all creatures except yours on the turn you attack due to Iroas, God of Victory's last ability or the pro-red from Akroma's Memorial rather than the typical usage they would see in burn.
keith5545 says... #1
Heres a few suggestions based off of cards that I really love in my Aurelia/ Gisela deck Falcon Punch!
Sunforger - One of the most powerful artifacts if using Boros.
Dawn Charm - Several great uses, and can be found with Sunforger.
Skullclamp - Cant complain about card draw, and it works perfectly with tokens generated by Assemble the Legion.
Enlightened Tutor - Can be found by Sunforger and searches for any Enchantment or Artifact.
Cathars' Crusade works wonders with Assemble the Legion
True Conviction - gives all creatures double strike and lifeline. Gisela would swing for 20 every time with this out. I think the high mana cost is worth it.
Fervor - Give everyone Haste, one of the only downfalls of Gisela
Glory of Warfare - all around good card in Boros, an bumps Gisela up to a 7/5 during combat.
Blinding Angel - Completely shuts down the opponent, especially if equipped with a...
Whispersilk Cloak - Make creatures unblock able and have shroud. Blinding Angel or Gisela are now some of the most OP cards ever.
October 25, 2014 11:46 p.m.