Elusive Mono-White

Modern morgud


morgud says... #1

After some playtesting, I'm impressed with how well it works. Lots of synergy!

February 6, 2019 6:55 p.m.

hungry000 says... #2

Here's a tip: don't put any value on that competitive meter. While the meter might give you some rough estimate of where your deck is at, it is generally very inaccurate (for example, people have made joke decks that play off-color lands/spells and have a 100% competitive rating while top-tier competitive decks may not reach 100% on the meter) and should definitely not be used as a criteria to base your card choices off of. And while it's true that Path is the premier white removal spell, it's not like excluding it will make your deck noticeably less competitive. In the end, your deck's capability to win games relies on its overall construction, not the presence of a single card, however good that card may be.

I think a life gain weenie deck like yours is better off with the sisters and Spectral Procession than Chalice of Life  Flip/ Path of Bravery / Rest for the Weary . The sisters are much better with Ajani's Pridemate than Martyr of Sands, which only triggers it once on sacrifice. Being that Pridemate and Serra Ascendant are your two most potent threats and the inclusion of the sisters will also help with activating Serra Ascendant, they are better for the overall plan of the deck than the Chalice and Path of Bravery. Spectral Procession is good with the soul sisters, makes great blockers, and is also a potent threat in itself. Tokens help a lot in the midrange/control matchups. I'd start testing with 6 soul sisters and 4 Spectral Procession and go from there.

The life gain from Perimeter Captain isn't as good as Giver of Runes ' protection, so I also recommend making that switch if you can afford it.

As for a replacement for Path, I'd suggest On Thin Ice , from Horizons. It's sorcery-speed but is the same cmc and doesn't give your opponent a land, which is a pretty big upside. It's the perfect budget replacement for Path imo. They're also reprinting Snow-Covered Plains and friends, so I believe it comes out at about $18 for the lands and On Thin Ices, quite a bit cheaper than 4 Paths.

June 2, 2019 12:12 a.m.

morgud says... #3

Awesome suggestions, hungry000 - thanks! This was one of my earlier decks before I realized the competitive meter was only marginally better (see The cheapest 100% competitive Commander deck ever!).

On Thin Ice is definitely going in. I'll playtest the others and update here.

June 3, 2019 1:46 p.m.

morgud says... #4

June 3, 2019 6:07 p.m.

Andromedus says... #5

Very cool deck. I would consider one or two Winds of Abandon as late game insurance (example: sliver decks) but it's not immediately clear what it would replace, possibly an Isochron. I would also consider replacing two Path to Exile with two Spirit Links, Spirit Link is 80% as effective at nullifying creatures, doesn't ramp opponent mana, and opens up your life gain possibilities immensely against decks with few creatures where path could be a dead draw (spirit link stacks with lifelink). I realize that path can give you the mana needed for Rest for the Weary but I would argue the trade-off is worth it. Regardless I do like this concept, bravo.

February 11, 2020 3:07 p.m.

morgud says... #6

Nice suggestions but without 12 instants I find myself dead drawing Isochron Scepters. I wouldn't mainboard Winds of Abandon since it's too situational and more expensive CMC than Path to Exile while cheaper sideboard board wipe options exist (like Wrath of God or Phyrexian Rebirth).

February 11, 2020 8:37 p.m.

Andromedus says... #7

Fair enough. I didn't realize you were playing with a sideboard. I personally find "destroy" boardwipes to be too unreliably (indestructibility is so common) and Winds of Abandon is rarely a dead draw if you need to use it early (doesn't give mana ramp so at 2 cmc it's not strictly worse than Path). By the time you sideboard it in you've likely lost game 1. But it does all come down to preference and play-style.

You might also consider subbing 4x Plains with 4x Flagstones of Trokair. 75% of your deck is 2 cmc or less and your highest cmc is 3. Drawing multiple Flagstones allows you to search out plains (due to the legends rule) and deck-thin for free to help avoid dead land draws later (in addition to being land destruction insurance).

February 11, 2020 11:09 p.m.

morgud says... #8

Not sure I understand "doesn't give mana ramp" since Winds of Abandon says "its controller searches their library for a basic land card". Flagstones of Trokair does thin the deck and is a good suggestion but personally I'd rather have an untapped plains because I find I often need 4 mana with a scepter out. Thanks for the suggestions, though!

February 12, 2020 9:49 a.m.

Andromedus says... #9

Woops you're right, not sure what I was thinking re- mana ramp. Good luck with the deck!

February 12, 2020 1:08 p.m.

morgud says... #10

...you were right, Flagstones of Trokair is a positive add.

May 13, 2020 10:43 a.m.

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