multimedia says... #3
Hey macros, thanks for your continuing interest and following from the beginning.
I do think that Sultai is better than Temur because black is better than red with Elves. I started out using Temur for this deck, red for Harnessed Lightning, Voltaic Brawler and Aethertorch Renegade as an energy win condition. All are excellent cards for energy. The problem I've found is Brawler's mana cost is too hard to cast in a three color deck. He belongs in Gruul, two color deck having the best chance of casting him turn two. Red is a aggressive color in Kaladesh, the current best Elves in Standard don't lend themselves to being aggressive, but midrange. Black is more of a midrange color than red. Cutting Brawler meant that I was only using red for Harnessed and Renegade which there are better options in other colors.
Black lets me use Noxious Gearhulk, Grasp of Darkness and Live Fast as well as Transgress the Mind in the sideboard. In my opinion all these cards are better than anything red can offer. I really like Harnessed in red, but it alone isn't a reason enough to use red over black.
The Temur version also used Empyreal Voyager. I'm a fan of his especially with Verdurous Gearhulk. He's good when I'm using a complete energy strategy. I've decided that a complete energy strategy while powerful when it works, takes too much to make it worth it. This is why I have gone with a lesser energy strategy only using energy to fix the colors of mana, Servant of the Conduit and Aether Hub which happens to have great interaction with converge creatures, Skyrider Elf and Woodland Wanderer. I don't need to make massive amounts of energy to get the benefits from energy in this deck. Converge creatures also have interaction with ramp which Elves are good at doing right now having two different strong 2 drop mana Elves.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is great and you're right she and Verdurous combined with Voyager could be good. It's definitely an interesting direction you can take your version. I suggest including some way to protect Voyager. Blossoming Defense is very good for only one mana while also pumping him up to do more combat damage thus getting more energy if he connects. Oath of Nissa also sounds good for your strategy because it can find all your pieces, Nissa, Voyager, and Verdurous. You will need some large energy pay off cards to make use of all the energy Voyager can make. Aetherworks Marvel has potential especially if you can protect Voyager and continuously make energy each turn with him. Turning all this energy into card advantage each turn with Marvel.
October 2, 2016 4:58 a.m.
Thank you multimedia for the quick response, I see now why you choose the black.It may be a little quicker than the Temur option. I would love to try the converge creatures in this deck, I've always loved the mechanic though it never saw much play. Maybe this time it find it's house.Im surely trying those tips about Temur, thanks again!
October 2, 2016 5:48 p.m.
Hello, why not try die young for one grasp of darkness. Gives you energy then late in the game gives you the power to take out something bigger than 4 toughness if needed.
October 3, 2016 12:48 a.m.
What might you suggest in place of Verdurous Gearhulk for those of us that cant get our hands on any?
October 7, 2016 12:19 a.m.
multimedia says... #7
Hey R3507, thanks for the suggestion.
Grasp of Darkness is too good right now to cut any of them for any non instant speed removal spell. Because it's one of the best answers to Smuggler's Copter, Fleetwheel Cruiser and killing through indestructibility of Selfless Spirit and Archangel Avacyn Flip as well as Verdurous Gearhulk. I can target him with Grasp when he comes into play before he has the ability to put counters on himself. I like that Die Young can give me energy and that it's easier to cast, but that's about it. If it was instant speed it could replace Grasp, but it's not. Noxious Gearhulk and Ruinous Path in the sideboard are sorcery speed answers to creatures that Grasp can't kill.
October 7, 2016 4:30 a.m.
multimedia says... #9
Malikaru, you could try Nissa, Voice of Zendikar as an alternative since she can put counters on all your creatures much like Verdurous Gearhulk. Another option is Decimator of the Provinces as a 2 of. Even Arborback Stomper would work because he's good right now with all the aggro and he has trample.
I'm still brewing ideas for a budget version of this deck that's not using any Gearhulks.
October 7, 2016 4:44 a.m.
I run a similar deck to this. I recommend replacing 2 sunken hollow for 1 plains and 1 mountain. I still consistently get blue mana for skyrider elf and I get to fetch for all 5 colors with attune with aether.
October 16, 2016 8:43 p.m.
DoragonWarrior says... #13
Just a suggestion. I noticed you ran a few aether cards, but you don't have any cards that buff your life points. Aetherflux Reservoir gives you +1 life point for every spell you cast. Just a suggestion.
November 30, 2016 10:57 p.m.
HairyManBack says... #14
May the day come when Elvish Mystic gets reprinted. Perhaps a pipe dream at this point.
November 30, 2016 11:32 p.m.
multimedia says... #15
DoragonWarrior, thanks for the suggestion, this deck does lack lifegain which could be a problem. I don't really know right now because I haven't played Standard or this deck for a couple of months now instead I'm playing Commander, Goddess of Etherium (Budget). Once Aether Revolt spoilers start to reveal Elves I will return to this deck. Although, I very much dislike Standard and how Wizards is running it into the ground.
Aetherflux Reservoir would require a lot of testing, but it could be an answer to life gain and to be a combo piece with Elves. Although, it really belongs in an artifact deck using low casting cost artifacts. If there were a lot of one drop Elves in Standard than this would help Reservoir with Elves, but there isn't even one, one drop Elf in Standard. Maybe Aether Revolt will have some goodies that could help make Reservoir a good option with Elves.
December 16, 2016 6:55 a.m.
multimedia says... #16
HairyManBack, isn't that the sad truth. With the way Wizards is poorly designing Standard, Servant of the Conduit while excellent with energy is most likely the best we will get for an unconditional mana Elf in a long time. If they reprint Elvish Mystic than they need to reprint Lightning Strike to combat Mystic and for some reason Wizards thinks Strike is overpowered much like Mystic. To get Mystic and Strike and such back into Standard where they should be we need new people to be designing Standard at Wizards.
There's now the new Frontier format where both Strike (M15) and Mystic (M15) are legal making it even more unlikely they will be reprinted in Standard any time soon.
December 16, 2016 7:10 a.m.
HairyManBack says... #17
Yeah... I know. :,( Never thought Lightning Strike was too good. I personally thought it just another inferior Lightning Bolt.
December 16, 2016 1:12 p.m.
multimedia says... #18
The full set spoiler is out. It's time to start brewing. For now I'm going to update this deck with a Sultai version using the great synergies of Metallic Mimic, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Skyrider Elf and Winding Constrictor. This update is by no means a final list it's just a starting point.
Other brews that I have in mind to playtest are Abzan Revolt with Metallic Mimic, Narnam Renegade, Greenwheel Liberator, Sylvan Advocate, Oath of Ajani, Smuggler's Copter, Fatal Push and Renegade Rallier as a recursion engine.
A new version of Temur Energy Elves with Metallic Mimic, Peema Aether-Seer, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Skyrider Elf, Servant of the Conduit, Rogue Refiner and Aetherwind Basker as the energy payoff.
Simic Rite Combo Elves with Metallic Mimic, Skyrider Elf, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, Cryptolith Rite and Paradox Engine.
Golgari with Metallic Mimic, Narnam Renegade, Greenwheel Liberator, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Winding Constrictor and Fatal Push.
As you can see Aether Revolt has given Elves a ton of new options to brew with.
January 6, 2017 9:42 p.m.
InfuriatedBrute says... #19
I like your deck, it's cool. I think my GB deck is better atm, maybe if you took a look it could help accomplish your goals for the next version of this deck? I don't know much about elves so that's all I can say for now.
January 6, 2017 10:12 p.m.
multimedia says... #20
InfuriatedBrute, thanks for the upvote.
Golgari does have the advantage of only being two colors which I do prefer and I might end up in just Golgari in the end. I'm such a fan of Skyrider Elf and the new cards from Aether Revolt are great with him. I want to try and rule out Sultai before cutting blue.
Your Constrictor Energy (AER) seems very good and I look forward to playtesting it. If you also added blue, going with Sultai you could use Rogue Refiner. He seems excellent for non-tribal energy strategies. I'm interested in hearing how Glint-Sleeve Siphoner is doing for you. She seems pretty powerful, but kind of slow for the payoff.
How have you found the consistency of Fatal Push without using Evolving Wilds to activate revolt?
January 7, 2017 2:58 a.m.
InfuriatedBrute says... #21
First of all, 80% of the time I make sure I can't pay for Greenbelt's energy. That's the point of the card; you turn mana to energy then put it right back in your hand, and you can play it later as a creature if you want. It's a 1-mana sink available from the start of the game, so everytime you pay too little mana or have too little energy it fixes that. That's why I can run 18 2-drops and not worry about what I'm going to cast on turn 3.
Rogue Refiner is a good card, but not for my deck:1) It's 3 mana 3/2 in a deck of 2 CMC cards that want to grow tall lategame.2) That much energy in the mid/lategame will only be useful on longtusk cub.3) Heck that much energy might even stop you from casting greenbelt.4) It combos very poorly with constrictor, only giving 2->3 energy.5) Glint-sleeve is its competitor.6) 3-color is especially bad when spamming Greenbelt.
I haven't tested the deck in a real game yet, but I found Evolving Wilds and/or Renegade Map too often lead to situations where you would be forced to sac the land before playing Fatal Push, unless you wanted to play Fatal Push instead of a 3-drop. Plus it gets in the way of our one-drops, and Greenbelt Rampager is usually there for it (Greenbelt returning to hand triggers it; that's why I run Greenbelt). And about 1/3 times you Push a <=2 cmc creature anyhow. Attune the Aether is also a mana fixer just like Evolving Wilds, so running them both usually means you skip your first 2 mana.
I called Glint-Sleeve "Dark Confidant 2.0", so yeah she's great, 4x for sure. She's worse than DC if you have no energy generation or can't swing with her, but ignoring her energy costs she's better (menace + less lifeloss). With Winding Constrictor you can almost ignore them. I'm totally reliant on her, Greenbelt, and Expertise for card draw / mana sink, but it tends to work pretty well in the tests, enough that I call the deck midrange.
January 7, 2017 4:06 a.m.
Wow, it looks like you put a lot of work into this deck! I wish I knew how to do all that formatting. I'm glad wizards is putting some more support for tribes back into magic, with Metallic Mimic, and this deck seems like it could be the real deal (+1). I'm curious as to why you aren't running Nissa, Voice of Zendikar in this iteration. though. Her minus ability seems bonkers with the 1/1 counter synergies you have in your deck so far.
January 7, 2017 11:10 p.m.
I'm sure you might have looked at this for sure already multimedia, but what do you think of Rishkar's Expertise? I think it's deserves an inclusion in here possibly.
Rishkar's Expertise just like all of the expertise cycle allow you to afterall cast their respective namesake creature cards in this case Rishkar, Peema Renegade as well as even better your Verdurous Gearhulk.
January 7, 2017 11:57 p.m.
multimedia says... #24
Blueshift, thanks for the upvote. Yes Metallic Mimic is great. I too hope Wizards continues the tribal cards, other than Humans :). I was really hoping for a great Elf tribal payoff card that uses energy in Aether Revolt, too bad.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is a great suggestion. Geez, I honestly forgot to add her, haha. I got too caught up in the new Aether Revolt Elves that I forgot to add her. She definitely belongs and can be really powerful with Winding Constrictor.
Narnam Renegade isn't in the database yet, but I think I'm going to have to find room for him, haha. He's a one drop 1/2 Elf with deathtouch who uses +1/+1 counters. Creature removal tacked onto an Elf seems too good to pass up.
January 8, 2017 2:46 a.m.
multimedia says... #25
Hey Delta-117, thanks for the suggestion. It's between Armorcraft Judge and Rishkar's Expertise as the draw engine. I've been impressed with the Judge and Mimic interaction with Elves that I haven't really playtested Expertise yet. A huge positive for Judge is only is an Elf and a creature to put counters on. I can play Judge much earlier than Expertise. Even drawing 2-4 cards from a Judge is great for a four mana Elf.
Expertise can definitely be more powerful, but is a lot. The interaction of Verdurous Gearhulk you mentioned seems great as well as being able to cast any card other than another Expertise from the deck for free. I'll get back to you when I play with Expertise more with more results.
macros says... #1
Hello multimedia, i have been following your elves brew since last year, me myself am a huge fan of the pointy ears!
I've seen your temur brew and noticed you changed to sultai.Why is that? you think it's better this way?
Hey check out my deck GR Energy Counters
check out the minor tweaks i made to your original temur elves brew and tell me what dou you think about it. Im splashing blue for the flyers, Empyreal Voyager is great gaining energy, and if you pump it with counters from the Verdurous Gearhulk and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, since he has trample, he will be doing lots of damage.
September 29, 2016 6:05 p.m.