Murphys_Paradox says... #2
No problem! I look forward to continued analysis. Trying to make this a supremely competitive deck.
The major difference between your and my deck is that I'm running Collected Company and Sylvan Messenger. I've been having more success with 2x Chord of Calling, 4x Collected Company and x4 Sylvan Messenger. If the main win con of this deck is to get tons of elves out and than smash with Shaman of the Pack, I thought this would be the best way to do so. In the end, a Languish is going to be tough to recover from (I have used that technique with Chord of Calling to prevent a complete loss). It's much easier to get elves out quick and recover from a Languish when you add Collected Company.
I am also having trouble finding a home for Evolutionary Leap. It seems like this card was meant for this kind of deck but it's just not powerful enough to help recover from creature wipes. Unless I hit a Sylvan Messenger with it, it doesn't seem worth it.
I recommend putting in another Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip. Another elf with a land drop is always nice and a chance to run away with the game may be a reason to put a second one in.
Tell me what you think about Foul-Tongue Invocation. I think it could be really good and potentially even add Thornbow Archer and just go for quick kills.
July 26, 2015 6:48 p.m.
multimedia says... #4
Murphys_Paradox, I have seen a lot of elves decklists running 4x Collected Company and 4x Sylvan Messenger, maybe I am missing something, but to me these 2 cards are too anti synergistic. Where as, 4x Chord of Calling and 4x Sylvan Messenger have more synergy. Because Chord can at least get Messenger where as Company can not get Messenger.
Are you running Gnarlroot Trapper? My first version of this elves deck ran 4x Collected Company and 4x Gnarlroot Trapper and I encountered so many games where Company sat in my hand waiting because I could not cast it because I only had 3 lands and other elves including a Trapper on the battlefield. In this situation I at least could cast Messenger for some card advantage using Trapper. I am big fan of Trapper, but I wouldn't run Trapper with Company.
Instead of using Evolutionary Leap which I can't search for when I need it. I am instead now using Grim Haruspex as a Chord target vs Languish. Grim is 3 mana so you can also get him with Company.
I am using Fleshbag Marauder as my Foul-Tongue Invocation sac spell which I can get with Chord. If you aren't running any dragons to gain life from the Dragon mode I think Fleshbag is better since he at least gives you a body after his ability.
I am not a fan of Thornbow Archer. I think Gnarlroot Trapper is better, especially if you are running Messengers. I would even play Leaf Gilder over Archer.
July 26, 2015 11:13 p.m.
Murphys_Paradox says... #5
multimedia, I see your point. I think one of the main attractions to Collected Company is that it can hit Shaman of the Pack and surprise your opponent. I have had several games where I attempted to tutor with Chord of Calling for Shaman of the Pack but it was countered because they knew I was going for it. Collected company isn't a garuntee hit on Shaman of the Pack but it puts awkward pressure on your opponent. As well, I have had quick finishes because I have hit 2 Shaman of the Pack on one Collected Company. Whether this is a major difference is up for debate but I think it has a place in this deck for faster play. Trapper is easily one of my favorite cards in this deck. Low cost and a pain in the ass for opponents to deal with during combat. I haven't had trouble with that mana issue but I can see how that could be a major problem. I'll post my deck and give you a look in a little bit so we can compare.
Oh that's perfect! I complete forgot how good that card was. I'm going to add Grim for my languish decks as well.
I think that for aggro, thornbow may have its place and combined with a lot of elves and Foul-Tongue Shriek it may be with it. But I haven't run thornbow yet, I'll check it out.
July 26, 2015 11:30 p.m.
multimedia says... #6
Murphys_Paradox, oh Foul-Tongue Shriek I haven't play tested with this card. It does seem powerful with a lot of attacking elves. However, sometimes you don't want to or can't attack with your elves and then this card does nothing. It also seems terrible to draw this after a Languish wipes the battlefield. That is all I can really say about it because I haven't played with it.
If I was looking for an effect like this in my deck I would probably run Might of the Masses over this because Might doesn't require you to attack to get the benefit.
July 26, 2015 11:31 p.m.
multimedia says... #7
Murphys_Paradox, your right about Collected Company and Shaman of the Pack they are ridiculous together. Hitting 2 Shamans with a Company can win the game, but how offer does this happen really? The problem is that you can only run 4x Shaman in a deck, this is a low percentage of ability to hit the card with Company. Where as with Chord the 4x doesn't matter because you can tutor right for one. That is an interesting point you make about the awkward pressure Company puts on your opponent, I haven't thought about it this way. They are not going to counter Company if it isn't a sure way to get Shaman where as Chord is a sure way and will get countered, hmm.
I look at it this way, I want to run only 8x card advantage spells in my elves deck, any more is overdoing it, whether this is 4x Company and 4x Messenger or 4x Chord and 4x Messenger is up for debate. I have chosen to run 4x Chord and 4x Messenger because Chord is a sure way to get Shaman of the Pack and Messenger can find Shaman of the Pack. Both Chord and Messenger can also get and find the higher casting cost elves that Company can't. Having this flexibility of 8x card advantage cards that don't really have a restriction on what cards I can play in my deck is very good.
Another positive point for Chord is you can build a toolbox sideboard of creatures that can help you in certain matchups. You can do this with Company too, but it isn't as flexible. Since Chord tutors you can run just 1 of each of these creatures and get them exactly when you need them. Where as Company is not a sure thing.
I am very interested in seeing your elves decklist and continuing this conversation.
multimedia says... #1
Murphys_Paradox, thanks so much for following and the props. Unfortunately, I am thinking of taking Evolutionary Leap out of my sideboard. Not that Leap hasn't been a good card, it has, but I am just not sure if it is needed. Adding 2x Leap to the already 4x Thoughtseize is starting to take away to much from my percentages of hitting elves with Messenger. Sylvan Messenger is just better at what Leap wants to do in this deck and that is too get creatures into my hand. Between having Thoughtseize, Messenger and Chord of Calling to get Messenger this has been enough for me to fight Languish.
Here is a tip vs Languish: If you have a Chord of Calling in your hand and you suspect a Languish is coming on your opponent's next turn don't attack with your elves. Leave them untapped and if Languish is cast use them to convoke Chord of Calling for a Sylvan Messenger. If Languish isn't cast you can Chord for Messenger anyways or something else that will help your board state like a Shaman of the Pack or Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen. Of course there are instances when this isn't a good play. For instance, if your opponent is running Dissolve and they counter your Chord and then their next turn they Languish the board, meaning you missed out on some damage to your opponent because you didn't attack that one turn, but you can't account for all these possibilities.
How has Evolutionary Leap been working for you?
July 26, 2015 3:39 a.m.