Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

Standard multimedia

SCORE: 915 | 683 COMMENTS | 230267 VIEWS | IN 449 FOLDERS

lemufnnman says... #1

Im trying a Golgari sac elf deck, if anyone wants to see that. Any input would be very welcome! Elves are back boiis

April 22, 2018 2:40 a.m.

multimedia says... #2

Hey lemufnnman, looks good. I like the interaction between Torgaar, Famine Incarnate and Elves it very much reminds me of the Rite Elves version during Shadows Over Innistrad Standard. Tapping Elves to make mana and then sacing them to Westvale Abbey  Flip, good times. Song of Freyalise is another Cryptolith Rite effect with upside.

I'll take a look at your deck now...

April 23, 2018 12:14 a.m.

multimedia says... #3

I always offer a budget version of the whatever version of this deck I'm playing. I try to keep the budget version as close to this version as I can within cost. The budget version is always under $100 including a full sideboard. I try to keep it in the $60-$80 price range.

For anyone interested I just updated Budget Elves of Dominaria with a new Gruul version. It's a little bit different with Hallar, the Firefletcher, Territorial Allosaurus and Gift of Growth making first appearances main deck.

April 23, 2018 12:27 a.m.

Stazeeee says... #4

Have you tried Vanquisher's Banner? Did wonders for my b/w vamp deck, and a very underrated card imo. It can pump all your creatures for a final swing to end the game or gives you a way to come back after board wipes. With a high creature concentration (I was running 28 vamps I think)you can play an elf draw one play another draw one etc to you fill the board back up in one turn. I think the card might even work better in elves since you have a lot more mana to play with.

April 23, 2018 10:11 a.m.

Very nice build, +1

April 23, 2018 1:18 p.m.

joshbm1 says... #6

Have you tested this on magic online or in play yet?

April 23, 2018 10:21 p.m.

multimedia says... #7

Jimmy_Chinchila, thanks.

joshbm1, tested online only at untap.in. I don't play on MTGO. I don't have all the new cards yet so only tested with proxies so far in a real game.

April 24, 2018 2:18 a.m.

I think a couple Ballistae maindeck would be helpful, in playtesting Ive often found myself with more mana than Ive been able to use.

April 24, 2018 8:29 p.m.

joshbm1 says... #9

Well, after the prerelease i ended up hitting the turn two steel leaf and went 3-1 with that combo. So i'm going all in and ordering up this paper deck for a new standard option. Going to run a mox amber or two in it as well. Stay tuned!

April 25, 2018 10:57 a.m.

multimedia says... #10

Hey that sounds great, good luck with your deck, good job at prerelease.

This deck is built around Marwyn as a counterstone for tribal, but the powerlevel doesn't rely on her. In fact she can be thought as a secondary option more than a first if powerlevel is what you're going for. The power comes from the turn two three drop plays because of Llanowar.

Turn two Champion is great, so is turn two Rhonas into turn three Champion. Turn two Champion into turn three Radha. Rhonas/Champion into Champion/Rhonas into Radha is discussing because I attack with all three, make three mana thanks to Radha and give Champion or Radha more power and trample thanks to Rhonas. If not disrupted then this curve is doing 15 damage turn four. Mostly likely game over since I also attacked with Champion or Rhonas turn three.

I'm interested, how do you think Mox Amber will fit into this deck? What are you going to cut for it?

April 25, 2018 11:41 a.m.

djnewellmit says... #11

I appreciate all the little touches you put into your deck - altered artwork with the new legendary border for Ghalta, Rhonas, and Rishkar.

April 25, 2018 12:14 p.m.

joshbm1 says... #12

I was considering mox amber if the deck build started to have more than 50% legendary creatures, it could be a fast and deadly way to get some more power out even faster.

How do you think this deck will survive red aggro or a burn deck? Assuming llanowar gets removed turn one or two, does slowing this down kill it? Or is there a counter instead of relying on steel leaf turn two?

April 26, 2018 11:13 a.m.

joshbm1 says... #13

Have you thought about running a couple copies of gearhulk? I'm curious how it could fit in here, thoughts?

April 26, 2018 2:31 p.m.

AJMizerak says... #14

What are some ways that you deal with flying creatures? Those seem to be a thorn for this deck right now.

April 27, 2018 4:30 a.m.

multimedia says... #15

Stazeeee, thanks for the upvote and suggestion. I haven't really playtested with Vanquisher's Banner with Marwyn. Before Marwyn Banner was too slow for a five drop that doesn't effect the board enough the turn it's played, Verdurous Gearhulk overshadowed it. Marwyn or Radha may change this because I can possibly drop Banner and then have mana left over to cast Elves, getting value from Banner the turn it's played. Lifecrafter's Bestiary is in the board and it's very good with Marwyn and especially Radha's mana ability as a draw engine.

Jimmy_Chinchila, just added 2x Ballista with a third in the board.

djnewellmit, thanks :)

joshbm1, I don't think Mox is needed, but it's fine because of Marwyn and Rishkar. Mono-red is a hard matchup for just about all decks, but we have a lot of tools with 4 toughness that burn can't outright kill. In this matchup I wouldn't count on Llanowar or Marwyn, but instead Champion, Radha, Rhonas, Aethersphere and removal in the board. Gearhulk is fine, but I prefer Ghalta, Primal Hunger. It has replaced Gearhulk here because it can consistently be played turn four even turn three and it's not an artifact.

April 27, 2018 4:47 a.m.

multimedia says... #16

Just made some changes.

Added 2x Walking Ballista to the main deck cutting 1x Druid of the Cowl and 1x Forest. Ballista is another great mana sink for Marwyn and Radha. Added 1x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship to the board.

I've found that playing red for anything other than Grand Warlord Radha is too inconsistent. With only 8x sources of red I can't rely on being able to cast Abrade when I need it. I've tried adding Sheltered Thicket, but this land has potential to not let me cast Llanowar turn one or Champion turn two or three. It's not worth disrupting these curves with a land that ETB tapped for more red to play Abrade. Adventurous Impulse helps a lot to be able to find a land for a red source, but I don't want to rely on Impulse to find a land I would rather use it to get a creature.

I cut Abrade from the board adding in it's place 2x Pounce and 1x more Thrashing Brontodon. Prey Upon is another option, it's only one mana which is nice, but it's not an instant.

April 27, 2018 5:09 a.m.

djnewellmit says... #17

The new Ancient Animus appears to be a strictly-better version of Pounce. It seems odd to me that they printed it as a common. I agree that the instant-speed is more useful than the sorcery-speed Prey Upon.

April 27, 2018 9:27 a.m.

FlabbyAbs says... #18

I'm happy to see this deck is still around. But it really needs an elf lord.

There's really nothing warranting elves here except Radha. Except when it's on deck there's literally 8 other creatures in this list that don't help it (including the other Radhas).

Elves have not had there key components for awhile. I don't see it happening in Dominaria. ...but please show me wrong! GL!

April 27, 2018 12:18 p.m.

AJMizerak says... #19

Took this deck out for FNM last night, with a couple of changes to it. I went 4-0 and a combined 8-3 in games. One of the key players was sideboarding in Skysovereign.

I was not able to get a T1 Llanowar into a T2 Steel-Leaf all night.

April 28, 2018 9:23 a.m.

Merrena says... #20

AJMizerak what other changes did you make, and do you think Skysovereign might be good enough main board if it was good to side in?

April 28, 2018 12:34 p.m.

multimedia says... #21

djnewellmit, thanks for the Ancient Animus suggestion, I added it. I thought this card was a sorcery and only worked with legendary creatures, completely overlooked it. It's worded strangely that the creature you target still fights an opponent's creature even if it doesn't get a counter. The legendary clause is just a nice bonus.

FlabbyAbs, I've been very impressed with Llanowar, Radha and Champion from Dominaria. You're right Elves need an actual lord, Marwyn unfortunately doesn't cut it. Will this deck make it in Standard? Probably not, but it's still fun and has the most Elves it's had since Shaman of the Pack rotated. Some very explosive turn four and five wins are possible which gives it legs.

AJMizerak, good job at FNM. Please comment with your deck changes. Did you think you needed red removal or did your version function well enough without it.

April 28, 2018 7:52 p.m.

Melanthios says... #22

With about 10 million control players in my metal, I opted to pass on the Aethersphere Harvester (yes I know life gain) but we have mono-white approach and b/w approach (with Lich's Mastery which is basically a win, so I have to kill them faster and outrun the removal. I run 2 copies of Heroic Intervention which against Fumigate the Cast Out Seal Away etc etc that they are playing, is totally worth it. Pretty clutch on Friday where I went 4-0.

I kept the Abrade in because we have a guy who runs a very aggressive Mardu Vehicles and there is at least 1 person playing Esper God Pharaoh's. As such, I'm not super inclined on running Ballista, but they have been an okay Sideboard with all the mana this can generate. I'm thinking of 1 more Ghalta, Primal Hunger in the Side as I need the threats vs. the above mentioned Lich's deck... Any thoughts on what I need for a turn 5(?) kill?

April 28, 2018 7:54 p.m.

multimedia says... #23

Hey, AJMizerak brought up the problem with flying creatures. I agree we need more answers to them in the board and something main deck. Lyra Dawnbringer, Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage, Glorybringer, Heart of Kiran, Aethersphere Harvester and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are the main flying threats, especially Lyra.

Crushing Canopy is an option to combat Lyra. Most decks that are playing Lyra are also playing History of Benalia this makes Canopy quite versatile because it can destroy either. This versatility I think is worth three mana. Raff is a major threat because he's an engine for Azorius.

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship has been mentioned there's one currently in the board, but maybe another one is needed or a split, one main and one board. I like that Flagship can ETB and be able to kill Raff and then be a potential problem for Lyra.

This deck has a small advantage with both Flagship and Harvester, Rishkar can potentially put a counter on either this makes these Vehicles able to block Lyra. Flagship with a counter on it can also kill Lyra in combat.

Ancient Animus has also been mentioned, I've been playtesting it and I like the results mostly because currently this deck has a lot of legendary creatures, 13-14. It's not ideal of course because it requires that I have creature in my control to even use it as a removal spell, but it might be the best option for green.

Champion, Radha and Aethersphere are pretty good with fight removal spells to combat aggro. Animus is very good with Radha because it's an instant it can be cast during combat after attacking. We need some kind of main deck cheap mana cost removal spell, Animus might be the best option.

We also have Ghalta and Rhonas both are great with fight removal spells. These guys and Flagship with Animus can be main deck answers to Lyra. Animus seems pretty good with Vehicles, crew one and use it to fight. Another way to give Flagship a counter and if it's fighting Lyra it wins this battle because of the counter.

Territorial Allosaurus is another option, I've had high hopes for it, but seven mana to fight is turning out to be too much. I really like that Adventurous Impulse can find Allosaurus being able to have a way to find a removal spell is nice.

April 29, 2018 12:29 a.m.

AJMizerak says... #24

multimedia I use 3xArbor Armament and 2xThrashing Brontodon in the main. I also use 2xAdventurous Impulse. I go down 1 each on Servant of the Conduit and Grand Warlord Radha.

The matches I went against were U/R Wizards, B/R Enchantments, and 2 mostly Dino decks.

April 29, 2018 9:12 a.m.

multimedia says... #25

Big changes were just made to the main deck and sideboard.

Added 1x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship to the main, this gives me two copies of it, one main and one sideboard to better combat Lyra. Flagship is a very good card in just about all matchups. Added 3x Ancient Animus to the main deck. This may be a controversial addition, but the main deck needs some kind of green removal spell. I say green because I'm no longer including red for this deck other than Grand Warlord Radha. Animus is quite good with the now 17x legendary creatures, this includes a fourth Radha which I just added and 2x Flagship. 15x legendary creatures is a nice number for Animus making it consistent able to target a legendary creature for a fight.

The manabase has changed I'm finding Unclaimed Territory is the key to making this manabase work, making it much faster. Territory can do everything I want in the early game: turn one Llanowar Elves, turn two Steel Leaf Champion or Marwyn and turn three Radha. This works because all these creatures are Elves and because Territory can also make colorless mana if I don't need colored mana. With 4x Territory I don't have to name Elf for each one I can name another tribe such as Dinosaur. It's the second most tribe represented here with 2x Ghalta main and 6x more Dinos in the sideboard.

I've cut Adventurous Impulse. I really like the card, but Blossoming Defense and now Animus are too important in a lot of matchups and Impulse conflicts with these cards because it can't find them. Adding more Territory means that consistently I will not have a turn one green source for Impulse which was one reason I was playing it to have another turn one play besides Llanowar.

I've trimmed Aether Hub down to a 2 of. Hub is not a good land with the Llanowar and Champion interaction. Drawing too many Hubs and no Servant of the Conduits can be game over. Hub still has uses such as making energy for Servant or Aethersphere Harvester so I will not completely cut it. It can still be a clutch land drop to make red for Radha.

The sideboard has changed added 2x Crushing Canopy to combat Lyra while also being versatile able to destroy History of Benalia in the same matchup. Added 1x more Thrashing Brontodon to deal with Seal Away and God-Pharaoh's Gift and 1x more Deathgorge Scavenger for more graveyard interaction to slow down Gift, slow down The Scarab God and stop externalize creatures.

Just reached 600 upvotes, wow! Only 20 decks in the entire 10 year history of TappedOut have 600 or more upvotes. Thanks everyone :)

April 29, 2018 11:11 p.m. Edited.

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