Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

Standard multimedia

SCORE: 916 | 684 COMMENTS | 231144 VIEWS | IN 450 FOLDERS

Melanthios says... #1

multimedia - so I took the previous iteration of this deck, without the Marches, and I know how powerful they are, and brought it to 1 FNM, 1 Saturday Showdown and a Sunday Clash (something we do where I'm at), and I went 4-0, 3-0, 4-0. The decks faced were U/R Infinity Storm, Selesnya Tokens, 2 variations of Golgari reanimator/undergrowth, Mono Red Runaway burn, Boros Angels, Boros Burn, Jeskai Control and I think 1 Esper control.

Most matchups, the easiest side out was the Loxodons, they can sometimes be clunky when you really want to powershift your way through the match up. My sideboard runs 2 Sorcerous Spyglass and 2 Shalai, Voice of Plenty and these proved to be back breaking for most control matchups. Lava Coil is a problem however, and Trostani Discordant proved life changing for Shalai's toughness. That being said, those are some impossibly nutty hands and often I lost my Shalai to a Coil.

Eventhough he's not an elf, I'm thinking that Benalish Marshal is a must have in the red matchups. isn't impossible to get on turn 3 with temple gardens and sunpetals, and to play a turn 2 Steely Boy then Turn 3 Benalish, or Pelt into Benalish is a pretty strong play.

Another often benched card was in fact Pelt Collector, as fast as this deck gets, there are times where you want Llanowar on 1, rather than Collector and he comes down if you have a consecutive play... however, he's a real easy target for Shock and Lightning Strike.

I found the +4 health from Knight of Autumn to be a real life saver in some of the midrange matchups. I also want to put Nullhide Ferox x1 back in my side and I think Carnage Tyrant x 1 for the u/r Counterburn deck. Assure//Assemble (dunno how to tag this) is a great card for Carnage especially with all the white boardwipes in standard right now.

Anyway, I like the previous iteration of the deck and I think the March version is good too, I don't have the marches, but I'll plan on winning some in the future to try this version out.

I still think we have a hard time vs. bant turbo fog and some variations of x/b and x/r can really put a dent in our running. Keep it up dude!

Also I might add, if your opponent cannot deal with an Elvish Clancaller, and you have 6 mana, your stuff gets out of hand real fast.

October 16, 2018 3:34 p.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #2

Melanthios you can tag flip cards like this:

[[card:Assure / Assemble]]

Assure / Assemble

Reason / Believe

October 16, 2018 5:30 p.m.

multimedia says... #3

Hey Melanthios, wow, perfect winning records in all three events great job; I'm honestly surprised. I know this version of the deck is good, but not losing at all to Golgari is amazing. You're right about Loxodon he can be clunky and really requires a curve out to be good. This version can be aggressive with a good curve out into Loxodon, but most of the time it falls into midrange which makes Loxodon less effective. I also agree that Collector without Loxodon is not as good. Loxodon is the reason I'm playing Collector because on curve it can make Collector a very good creature, but if I don't draw Loxodon then Collector is subpar even with a curve out of Collector into Thorn into Champion. I've cut Collector from my Golgari version. Even though I'm playing Glowspore Shaman and Plaguecrafter who are both quite good at pumping Collector.

You're thinking of playing Benalish Marshal and Steel Leaf Champion in the same deck? I think this is a mistake and will strain the manabase too much with 7-8x Forests. Ajani is hard enough to cast. He's really the reason I included Flower; one mana to search of a Plains or Forest is good. Flourish is nice as a pump, but six mana is a lot for +2/+2. If you want a pump for Elves to be better against red then consider Radiant Destiny or Pride of Conquerors? Both these cards can be reliably cast on curve and are low enough mana cost to play one of them before Goblin Chainwhirler.

You're records are great, unfortunately I'm not having as much success with Selesnya; I'm having more success with Golgari. I'm going to be changing this deck soon to Golgari. A preview is Elves of the Swarm (GRN). The problem in Standard right now is there's too much creature removal, so many options. Selesnya just folds when facing a lot of removal especially against Deafening Clarion (Boros Angels, Jeskai Control) and Ritual of Soot (Esper Control, Grixis Control, Golgari). Golgari provides resiliency against removal where as Selesnya doesn't. Ajani's reanimation is great in Selesnya with Elves for recovery, but Golgari has many other options including a damn Elf who can recur any one permanent.

Golgari Findbroker, Find / Finality and The Eldest Reborn these are not just single cards that can recur other cards they can be engines. The fact that Findbroker can recur a Planeswalker is so good for recovery and value. Planeswalkers, Duress, Plaguecrafter, Reborn and even Underrealm Lich or Carnage Tyrant gives Golgari many tools against control.

The point of Golgari is to out card advantage your opponent which with the current pool of cards can be done and it's quite powerful. Ravenous Chupacabra and Plaguecrafter help a ton at doing this because they're versatile removal spells which can be recurred since they're creatures. You're right Lava Coil is a pain in the ass removal spell to play against, but even though it exiles I care less about 1 for 1 removal when playing Findbroker and Find. Unless my opponent draws 3-4 Coils then this card alone is not going to stop me from playing more creatures then my opponent. If he's not exiled being able to recur Steel Leaf Champion is very good in Golgari.

Abzan is also an option, a splash of white with District Guide for Shalai, Knight of Autumn and Remorseful Cleric could be worth it because all are excellent creatures to recur.

I'm sorry I'm changing my deck so much, but we are still in the early stages of Guilds of Ravnica Standard. I think it's great you're using this deck as inspiration for decks you're actually playing at tournaments and I don't want to discourage you, but have to expect that some versions are just not right at the current time. There are so many good options for Elves right now in Standard that finding the right one and being able to stick with it is difficult.

October 17, 2018 6:19 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #4

October 26, 2018 12:14 p.m.

zerokku says... #5

There have been a couple mono-green variations that have gone 5-0 in the MTGO competitive listings. Not sure if you've seen those but they might give you some ideas. I think there was one on the Oct 15th page?

October 27, 2018 12:47 p.m.

kysg says... #6

zerokku Mono-green version I believe only has one iteration and they are all fairly the same based off what I have seen. Those a storm version of the deck and focuses on the tribal payoffs which this deck doesn't focus on.

multimedia I find this deck interesting but I can't get behind it. Imo, this feels more like a selesnya aggro deck vs elf tribal. I think there is only 1 elf tribal payoff and that is clancaller. I'm also against using unclaimed territory as it takes away from you using spells.

As far as the decks resiliency yes, this is a problem due to lack of card draw. Still white/green have tools to deal with this but this deck focuses really hard on killing on turn 4 which I feel is another issue.

October 31, 2018 11:05 a.m.

kbaylife says... #7

wasn't this like selesnya a few days ago? is this list still somewhere? i loved it, but i haven't memorized it yet and i'm still missing a few cards

November 8, 2018 7:32 p.m.

multimedia says... #8

Hey kbaylife, thanks for your interest. I changed this deck last weekend. Selesnya was not good enough. In my opinion Elves need more resiliency. Here's the old version, Elves of Conclave.

November 8, 2018 8:08 p.m.

kysg says... #9

a jund version...dunno why not just load up on banefire's and go with a naya variant. A lot of the tools are there.

November 8, 2018 9:13 p.m.

multimedia says... #10

Well, Naya will have the exact same problems as Selesnya does... Not enough resiliency, too difficult to recover.

There's too much efficient creature removal in Standard right now. Deafening Clarion/Ritual of Soot are too good at stopping Elves who aren't prepared to be able to recover quickly. Settle the Wreckage is nonexistent in current Standard even in Jeskai Control it's not the go to board wipe which is a big help for Elves. This allows for more options and I don't feel like I have to play Shalai.

Beast Whisperer is an option for resiliency (he's currently in the sideboard), but he's too fragile to count on him living. Find / Finality is the reason I'm now playing black and either card side is a mana sink for Grand Warlord Radha's ability to make mana. Find is also good with Whisperer as a way to recur it and another Elf. Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants just wasn't cutting it for recovery and his mana cost was actually too difficult to consistently make while also wanting to play Steel Leaf Champion. Flower did help, but relying on it is very problematic. Find can recur Champion this makes it pretty powerful with Elves.

Radha is the reason I'm now playing red again, but without having Stomping Ground limits the use of nonElf red spells I can play. Only Radha works thanks to Unclaimed Territory and Rootbound Crag. Adventurous Impulse and Glowspore Shaman also help to find Territory, but only 9 sources including Territory of red for Radha is pretty low--Stomping will for sure help. Radha's ramp is good with Vivien Reid and Vivien is excellent right now in Standard. Banefire (currently in the sideboard) is good with Radha as a mana sink, but I don't feel comfortable playing more Banefire when I'm realistically counting on Radha's ability to make red mana to cast it. More Banefire and Lava Coil/Fight with Fire are possible when we can play Stomping.

I played Radha with Elves for quite a while in Dominaria/M19 Standard and a big reason to continue to play her is the wonderful potential aggressive curve of Collector, Thorn, Champion, Radha. I have returned to playing this curve because turns out it's one of the best with current Elves; a turn one Collector can add a lot of power to this curve. The curve however needs something and I believe Find is what is needed. This curve can be disrupted, but it's difficult to completely stop everything.

Find is efficient recovery, get back two Elves that were killed and Radha's mana ability makes a potentially fast recovery. Thorn and Clancaller are excellent with Radha because they are Elves who can also be mana sinks. Territory is also a pretty powerful land with Elves; I want to take advantage of it since it alone lets me play other colored Elves and not have to worry as much about hurting the consistency of turn one Llanowar or casting Champion. Radha's four toughness survives Clarion and Soot doesn't kill Radha. This combined with her ability to make mana is very good with Elves right now.

November 9, 2018 3:55 a.m.

kbaylife says... #11

Thanks for posting the old list!

i'm mostly playing pretty casual, so i'm not really concerned about it being t1 or something, and it is a really fun deck to play (still working on a bunch of the rares in arena, but i've got the main elf shell working, and i'm having a blast. i've played around with an golgari elf deck, but selesnya is just more fun :)

i'm gonna check out the jund list too, maybe i got some of them rares there too. :)

November 9, 2018 6:40 a.m.

kysg says... #12

I disagree on the positive's of clancaller in a radha build, you don't generate enough mana...period. I'm pretty close to cutting it from my deck. A 1/1 that dies to practically anything is just not the best call. I saw an old Gruul deck that used it but that had banefire, and banefire just closes the door in a lot of cases.

District guide would have corrected the mana issues you would have had with mana, but since your leaning heavily into the steel leaf/pelt collector plan... you get what you play for.

As far as red mana to play radha you only need at best 10 sources. You need 3 more if you want to play the 2 mana spells but I dunno I mean at 9 your at roughly 80% consistency if you want to play a 2 mana red spell so I'm still out on unclaimed territory.

Find does the job and any shell can use the card you just won't be able to use the back half but that is neither here nor there.

Overall all elves builds suffer from a resiliency issue. Even this one suffers from it. I get radha is house she's got her limitations as well. She still dies to single targeted removal...and you only got so many finds in the deck...

November 9, 2018 4:27 p.m.

Deruvid says... #13

I +1'd this just for the website presentation. The mouseover-elven script is a slick touch.

November 14, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Stazeeee says... #14

If you're splashing red, I'd suggest Experimental Frenzy as a way to bounce back against control and board wipes. Also if you have copies The Immortal Sun is pretty strong against Teferri decks and G/B. They went up a lot in price unfortunately. Those should solve any resilience issues elves have.

November 14, 2018 9:31 p.m.

kysg says... #15

Stazeeee I've been thinking about Experimental Frenzy As a singleton in either the SB or the main of a Naya Build, it still could get negated/spell pierced/blinked against control but it would give us a chance against Deafening Clarion or Ritual of Soot

November 16, 2018 6:47 p.m.

multimedia says... #16

Deruvid, thanks for the compliment and the upvote :)

Stazeeee, kysg, good suggestions. I've made some changes, added District Guide, cutting Glowspore Shaman, to better help (more reliable) with the land situation until we get Stomping Ground, Jan. 2019. I've already said that I'm not adding more red cards until we get Stomping. Until then the red will be limited to only Radha and the single sideboard Banefire. Once we get Stomping then Frenzy is top of the list of cards to playtest as well as other red cards can possibly be incorporated into the deck. I really like the concept of Jund Frenzy Elves. Combining ramp with Frenzy has big potential, but need Stomping first.

November 17, 2018 12:49 a.m. Edited.

kysg says... #17

hmmm could Enter the Unknown potentially replace Adventurous Impulse? it wouldn't put the creature in our hand but we would draw on the next turn. Upside is we can drop more lands into play.

November 18, 2018 3:31 a.m.

multimedia says... #18

I don't think Enter the Unknown is a playable card. It requires that I have a creature in my control to even cast it. Can't play a second land if I don't first target and successfully put a counter on the creature I targeted. In response to casting Unknown my opponent can kill the creature I targeted and after that happens the entire spell fizzles. The advantage that Unknown gives is the potential for a second land drop, but with only 22 lands consistently I won't have a second land in my hand to play or explore into land.

Impulse does a lot more because it lets me search the top three for a land or a creature, it's versatile. I can play Impulse turn one I can't play Unknown turn one. Unless Impulse is countered then I'm consistently getting a card from it. Impulse can replace lands in a deck because it's only one green mana and it can find a potential land. Unknown is not a card that can replace lands in a deck because it's not reliable enough and I actually want to play more lands than normal to consistently be able to make a second land drop and explore into a land.

The search from Impulse is very beneficial because not only is it a way to help to find a land to make a land drop, but if I can't reveal a land than I can most likely reveal an Elf. Since help for the land situation is important being able to potentially find Guide with Impulse is good. Just like Unknown, Impulse is not a sure way to get a land, but Impulse is much more reliable spell to give me value since the other option is if I can't reveal a land is to reveal a creature and put it into my hand.

November 18, 2018 8:22 p.m. Edited.

kysg says... #19

Nah I get what your saying, I think it needs testing. I do know the creature would be a valid target for removal once Enter the Unknown comes in. I'm not big on impulses dig 3 and grab 1, it goes over potential removal or we end up discarding things we actually needed. I get how it works at a basic level but all of a sudden passing over is not necessarily a good thing either. Both are rarely if ever countered, but then again we are dealing with different local metas.

November 18, 2018 11:56 p.m.

Stazeeee says... #20

kysg in a deck that's 3 colors and mostly creatures, Adventurous Impulse is pretty solid. It can be a turn 1 play if you didn't draw Llanowar or Pelt collector. It's basically there to make the deck more consistent and is never a dead card. Enter the Unknown on the other hand can be a dead card in many situations. You can't play it turn 1 cause you need a creature so if you didn't draw a turn 1 creature drop you would have to play a creature turn 2 and wouldn't be able to play Unknown till turn 3. Also if they wiped your board and you have no creatures then draw it, its a dead card again while impulse will help dig for another elf to play that turn and start recovering. So impulse has value even late game, where as Enter the Unknown is purely win more or useless card late game.

November 19, 2018 3:21 a.m.

kysg says... #21

We are on different pages. It can sometimes be a bad draw. Again I'm not big on the draw 3 grab 1 idea...I've seen impulse go over removal or give you nothing but lands that you may have not even needed. It's pretty mediocre at what it does in comparison to other card draw spells, I never play impulse on T1 and if I did I'd bet 100% I would be disappointed everytime. Anyways you know even if we are wiped impulse is pretty bad at getting us back in the game especially if that one creature we do put back in the field is removed...I don't want to get into an argument it was just a thought I'm just not big on what impulse does in comparison to the rest of the card draw spells. Anyways I'm not gonna play either I feel like they both just don't him in this case.

November 19, 2018 4:47 a.m.

Devilish912 says... #22

I like the deck, I want to play test it but I'm even more impressed by the care and detail behind the deck page. Elvish script, the colours, the set up and the previous versions of the deck! Crazy! Absolutely amazing.

November 20, 2018 3:12 a.m.

patrickloyd says... #23

This deck may not be extremely competitive, but it is really fun to playtest and I would bet it is fun to play. How often do you win with this deck at FMN? +1

December 25, 2018 11:36 a.m.

Geimhreadh22 says... #24

Any changes based on what we have seen from Alligiance?

January 9, 2019 8:19 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #25

Some really cool cards IMO, think Silhana Wayfinder! It has a lot of value, as does the new domri, Domri, Chaos Bringer, and Rhythm of the Wild looks sweet. Growth-Chamber Guardian and a few others also seem good, and a blue version could run Prime Speaker Vannifar!

January 9, 2019 8:50 a.m.

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