Elvish Speed

Vintage stingray0130


Wainwright says... #22

Really like the deck so +1 from me, I'm a relative newb, and trying to put together an elf deck so I'm not sure whether I can make any suggestions to you. Please forgive me for asking what might be a stupid question, but I'm just asking to see if I have this straight.

I'm not quite got my head around the infinite mana - is it because the Archdruid taps for 5 mana, and to keep reusing it, you only need 4 mana for the 2 relevant effects on the staff??

My deck isn't on tapped out yet but just throw some idea's out to you, you've probably considered them already. I'm running well at least seeing how they perform; Asceticism , Elvish Promenade , Triumph of the Hordes as well as Contagion Engine .

August 26, 2013 9:26 p.m.

stingray0130 says... #23

You have the infinite mana idea correct. Every time the combo activates, I get one extra mana. It grows and allows me to use the Staff of Domination 's draw ability infinite times as well.

I have actually had all the cards you listed in this deck at some point. I ended up trimming them out only because of the speed. Asceticism is great but really not very useful if I can make my creatures indestructible and give them a +1/+1 boost for the same price with Eldrazi Monument . Triumph of the Hordes was a fun card but got replaced by Ezuri, Renegade Leader because of the boost, the fact he is an elf, and the regen feature on top of the trample he can give. Spells are kept to a minimum in this deck to maximize Genesis Wave 's potential. Elvish Promenade was removed only so I could get elves down that would immediately benefit on their own. Great card choices though. You really can make a great horde deck with those. Contagion Engine is an interesting pick though. What made you decide on that? When you do end up adding your deck on here, let me know. I will give a few tips if I have them. :D Thanks for commenting!

August 26, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Wainwright says... #24

Yeah I thought you probably would have used them at somepoint, and after I initially commented I thought that the sorcery's probably came out so as to maximise the effect of Genesis Wave

I don't have the wave in my deck, but it's something I'll probably get around to in future. Currently I'm also trying out Overwhelming Stampede and Doubling Chant .

Contagion Engine was something I found and thought about using in a simic deck, I thought it was interesting when I found it, so wanted to give it a try. In an elf ramp deck, you can drop it earlier, and maybe use it's effect at the same time.

In game's I've played, I've used it to wipe away tokens, clear most of the opponents board with the proliferate, I've even hit my opponents with 4 infect counters, something they're not too worried about, as at this stage they know it isn't an infect deck. Next turn drop Contagion Engine and tap it for the game.

Added bonus is that it can triple the size of Joraga!!!

Rather than being a great card, it's interesting and just damn right fun, gives my friends so many head aches-hahaa

August 26, 2013 10:19 p.m.

Ranescarper says... #25

Great deck, but you might want a bit more Elf synergy.Also, why Emrakul? Make an Eldrazi deck for her.

August 26, 2013 10:24 p.m.

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