Elvish Speed

Vintage stingray0130


cupofnoodles says... #1

Decks like this are the reason I run board wipes in almost all of my decks now =/. This particular deck would probably be too fast for even the most simplest of wipes, ala Whipflare or Do or Die , so thumbs up for that =)

Btw, I'm thinking it would probably be even more overpowering if you could replace the 4 Elvish Guidance cards with 4 Coat of Arms . Elvish Guidance seems like dead weight when you are already running cards like the Archdruid and Priestess.

August 26, 2013 11:03 p.m.

stingray0130 says... #2

Wainwright: Just a heads up, but proliferate only adds one more counter of any given type to each permanent. It doesn't double the number. That really would be amazing though. If you plan on making a good horde deck with Overwhelming Stampede , you may consider throwing a few Heedless One s in as well to max that boost. Simic decks are pretty strong, but generally you have to build a Simic deck or a tribal deck, rarely can the two be combined without the loss of some potential.

Ranescarper: What kind of synergy would you recommend? Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is in there because she used to be my big win condition before I added more win conditions in there. She honestly could come out if I had any idea of what to add it her place. Another low cast draw permanent would be amazing really.

Cupofnoodles: I feel like it is possible to speed it up still. Just trying to hunt the right pieces to do that. I could see the Elvish Guidance s coming out, but i wouldn't add more than 2 Coat of Arms to it. I would prefer to hunt a cheap draw permanent instead. Any ideas?

August 26, 2013 11:51 p.m.

Wainwright says... #3

Talking of Contagion Engine it's 4 mana effect, says proliferate, then proliferate again... so you go from one counter to three.

I've had some success with Overwhelming Stampede , I'll try to put my deck on here soon, it's not the most consistent, but have a variety of cards in 2 of slots, so different ways to win.

August 27, 2013 12:42 a.m.

stingray0130 says... #4

Sorry Wainwright. When you mentioned Joraga Warcaller , I imediately picture the Joragas that get pumped out in this deck. The massive 40/40 Joragas and thought you were saying it would triple his size then. That's fair, sorry for doubting. Please do let me know when you get the deck up though.

August 27, 2013 12:52 a.m.

Wainwright says... #5

Yeah that's ok, I didn't exactly explain myself very clearly. Yeah if you get a huge Joraga on board then, it would only add a couple more counters.

I'll try and put something up soon. I'd appreciate the input.

August 27, 2013 2:20 a.m.

Andrius says... #6

Wirewood Symbiote over Soul Foundry .

Elvish Visionary loves the symbiote. You can chump block with Visionary, bounce with symbiote essentially creating a Maze of Ith .

Plus it gets you the draw you were looking for :) AND helps you ramp with your mana producers! win win

August 29, 2013 9:16 a.m.

stingray0130 says... #7

I believe this is my new favorite idea. Great card with multiple purposes. Thank you for your advice!

August 29, 2013 10:44 a.m.

Sam_I_am says... #8

some things about Emrakul, the Aeons Torn : that are reasons to run him

he can't be counteredhe protects your deck from mill (like Grindstone decks)he time walks you

You should also run a few Green Sun's Zenith .

This will allow you to run a bunch of 1-of green creatures that can finish the game for you quick.

Some decent green sun's targets are

Craterhoof Behemoth for when you have to end the game NOW
Regal Force for when you need more cards
Sylvan Messenger for when you don't have enough mana for the above.
Wirewood Symbiote to bounce an Elvish Visionary and untap a Priest of Titania

August 29, 2013 11:02 a.m.

Sacsain says... #9

Try Door of Destinies over Coat of Arms . Door only effects your creatures, where's as coat effects all.

August 31, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Sam_I_am says... #10

I'd run Imperious Perfect over Coat of Arms . It comes out earlier, it stands on it's own where coat of arms is more conditional. (in a serious game, control decks will be removing your creatures right and left)

and as an added bonus, you can overkill even more when you're comboing with Staff of Domination .

I'd also run Concordant Crossroads as your haste-giving card, for much of the same reason. It comes out earlier, and will get your priests of Titania going as early as turn 2

August 31, 2013 1:50 p.m.

stingray0130 says... #11

Sacsain: Door of Destinies does nothing when I Genesis Wave into a group of creatures. Since the creatures are "put into play" and are not "played", Door of Destinies doesn't trigger. Looked into that and that is the only reason it is not in my deck. Thank you for the suggestion though!

Sam_I_am: I chose Coat of Arms over Imperious Perfect because I normally will win by turn 4. This deck is a bit too fast for anything but cheap burn decks, and Coat of Arms protects me more from that than Imperious Perfect would. With the Staff of Domination , Imperious Perfect really is dirty, but it is unneeded as the deck stands now. As for the Concordant Crossroads , I have been looking for that card for a while now, but I still haven't found it. I don't know what I would take out for two of them either. Any ideas?

September 5, 2013 9:35 a.m.

josehv says... #12

It's a great elf deck! I also have one and yours helped me a lot and gave me many ideas.About the permannet card to make you draw, I suggest Slate of Ancestry , since it's very common for me to have nothing in my hands and many creatures on the field.

I will also give a try to Codex Shredder ! It's a card that can be annoyng since early, and provides you some safety in case of important stuff being countered.

I will also try a couple of Green Sun's Zenith just in case I need somehting specific, to make the game be quicker and more objective.

Anyway, I still don't have my deck ready, I have a completely different elf deck, and I'm chaging a lot, and a lot base on the ideas of your deck! Thanks for it!Hope I could be somehow useful!

September 26, 2013 11:46 p.m.

40cal says... #13

Yea so i tested your deck and no offense is very slow at you need a perfect combo to win on turn 4 atleast without it your deck takes like 10 turns.

Reasoning: Copperhorn Scout , Quirion Ranger , and Wirewood Symbiote you have way too many cards that untap it will slow you down Wirewood Symbiote and Quirion Ranger also with 4 Llanowar Elves and 4 Fyndhorn Elves you don't need Priest of Titania or Staff of Domination anyway because no matter what you will have 0 cards left in your hand so what's the point. You will just draw 1 card each turn and that's that. Eldrazi Monument is horrible for elf deck's simply because it mills your elves which each play an important role so no need for that

December 21, 2013 2:04 p.m.

40cal says... #14

Since this is legacy/vintage just add Eladamri, Lord of Leaves and Platinum Angel you can't lose honestly you need to get rid of Wirewood Symbiote and Quirion Ranger they slow you down

December 21, 2013 2:08 p.m.

josehv says... #15

I've mande an earlier comment about this deck suggesting Codex Shredder , Slate of Ancestry and Green Sun's Zenith , but that was before making and testing my own deck. I ended up not adding the first two cards I suggested, but Green Sun's Zenith is working pretty well.

I will agree and disagree with some comments from 40cal.e

Things I agree:

Eldrazi Monument is a bad call for an elf deck, since you need your creatures on the field. Being Indestructible is always welcome, but not if you WILL have a creature sacrificed every turn. In short, in the beggining of the game it's bad for you, in the end it's useless. At least in my deck, once I cast one Genesis Wave most of time is enough to be many steps ahead with no real need of indestructible creatures. I use Asceticism of this purpose and it works fine.

Copperhorn Scout is cool, but I don't see a good reason for him on your deck. This deck doesn't seem to be a deck to attack every turn, instead, by turn 4 or 5 most of time you can attack only once and it will be enough. Attacking with Copperhorn Scout will only improve the chances of having one of your creatures killes. That's a think I don't like happening with my elves!

I also think you have way too many mana creatures. I don't use the Fyndhorn Elves and I have one 3 Arbor Elf and 2 Quirion Ranger (Although it's an awesome powerful card!!! Even thinking about adding one more).

Now Things I disagree:

You DO need Priest of Titania because... come on... it's like the mother of all elves!! Smart players know how dangerous she is in and elf deck, so most of them will destroy her the sooner they can!

And Staff of Domination is like the "heart" of the deck, or more like the imortal sould of it! Once you get the combo (which is really easy to get, specially with Genesis Wave ), there are few things that can stop. Unfortunatly there are some things that can prevent you from winning, and for that only reason I added a Sands of Delirium , which can make you win using deck over.

And finally, when you say you will have 0 cards left in your hand, you probably didn't test the deck, because it really doesn't happen a lot. Specially with Elvish Visionary , Wirewood Symbiote and Genesis Wave .

Well, that's all I have to say for now haha. Hope I've made clear my point.I think this deck is awesome stingray0130 and I took a lot of thinkgs from it now that I'm playing magic again after a long time and there were many great new cards that I didn't know.

You can check my deck Elves

December 27, 2013 9:52 a.m.

ElfKing says... #16

Great elf deck +1 From Me

It would be awesome if you would check out my elf deck Mono Green Elf Deck and see if you could give me any suggestions. I would love input from smart mtg players.

January 19, 2014 5:28 p.m.

MrTing says... #17

I don't think the room is understanding how important Staff of Domination is for this deck. It's an infinite combo with anything that taps for over four mana, with an option to draw infinite cards, tap the enemy down, and gain infinite life. Other + four mana pushing elves: Elvish Guidance & Elvish Archdruid . I'd personally add a few Wirewood Lodge , Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary , Nature's Chosen , and possible a second infinite mana combo. if you add four Wirewood Lodge in place of regular lands I'd then add Argothian Elder who can infinite mana combo with the wire wood + a forest. Another possibility is Umbral Mantle , I'd tell you how to figure out the haste and card draw problems you'll run into, but I'd basically be giving you my old elf deck which could go off turn two / three.

May 13, 2014 8:06 a.m.

MrTing says... #18

I don't think the room is understanding how important Staff of Domination is for this deck. It's an infinite combo with anything that taps for over four mana, with an option to draw infinite cards, tap the enemy down, and gain infinite life. Other + four mana pushing elves: Elvish Guidance & Elvish Archdruid . I'd personally add a few Wirewood Lodge , Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary , Nature's Chosen , and possible a second infinite mana combo. if you add four Wirewood Lodge in place of regular lands I'd then add Argothian Elder who can infinite mana combo with the wire wood + a forest. Another possibility is Umbral Mantle , I'd tell you how to figure out the haste and card draw problems you'll run into, but I'd basically be giving you my old elf deck which could go off turn two / three.

May 13, 2014 8:31 a.m.

I love this deck, only things I would suggest are, just in case you don't hit the infinite mana combo, is Immaculate Magistrate for the combo with Joraga Warcaller or Joraga Treespeaker for even more mana.

+1 from me

February 6, 2016 10:35 a.m.

tipopit says... #21

Tested it out. Very nice... by turn 6 I had 12 elves out with +28/+28 lol

April 24, 2016 4:02 a.m.

Hey I know that this a pretty old post, but I hope you are still active on here. I was hoping that you could explain turn three to me a little better. I don't really understand how you are getting a infinite mana loop here. Sorry I am a new player trying to speed up my elf deck. Any advice would be awesome.

June 11, 2016 9:34 a.m.


Turn 1: Forest, Arbor Elf

Turn 2: Forest, Llanowar Elves, and a Priest of Titania.

Turn 3: Forest, Llanowar Elves or Arbor Elf (at least 2 new creatures), and a Staff of Domination

this produces infinite mana because Priest of Titania can tap to produce on turn 3 because you will have 5 elves on the battlefield (more if opponent is playing elves too, but that doesn't matter).

To get infinite mana, tap Priest of Titania for , then untap Priest of Titania with Staff of Domination's 3 mana ability, untap Staff of Domination with it's first 1 mana ability leaving you with in your mana pool, then rinse and repeat until you have infinite mana.

Btw, I am always active on here, so if you have any more questions, just ask :)

June 11, 2016 9:49 a.m.

stingray0130 says... #24

Thanks K00lDudE1. Yes, that is the combo. Hope it helps gamer_dedication

June 25, 2016 4:39 p.m.

No problem!

June 26, 2016 4:32 a.m.

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