usaDiabetic says... #2
Lhurgyof I've had Blade Splicer in the deck before...but not while GFG was in the deck, seems awesome.
Not sure what I would cut for it though at this point.
Thanks so much for the upvote and thank you for leaving a great suggestion!
September 10, 2018 4:23 a.m.
usaDiabetic says... #4
Lhurgyof unfortunately I need as much incidental life gain for the Crested Sunmare.
September 11, 2018 1:37 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #5
Mystic Archaeologist is both sweet value and flavorful for this deck's title!
October 12, 2018 12:17 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #6
Oh, after looking at the list, I can't believe you aren't running Seance, it is incredible, it only lasts for a turn, but it triggers on each player's turn!
October 12, 2018 1:45 p.m.
usaDiabetic says... #7
SynergyBuild I actually messed around with Seance for a bit in the list, but with Mimic Vat and God Pharoah's Gift I didn't really like it's one time use tokens. Thanks for taking a look and leaving some comments.
Definitely going to mess with the much flavor. Also, I need to get Quasiduplicate in here. Cheers!
October 12, 2018 1:56 p.m.
From my own experience, a couple cards I found are decent:
Enlightened Maniac gives you two bodies, one of which is a 3/2 token, which is about on par with the other tokens your deck currently makes, and gives you a body you can throw in front of attackers since you don't have to care if the maniac dies.
Sublime Archangel is a real powerhouse and can turn one attacker into a larger presence guaranteed to get through for damage.
Silverblade Paladin gives you the opportunity to get extra damage on whatever token you target with Temmet's ability.
Lastly, while a slower card, Titan Forge can be a real threat, especially when combined with Silverblade Paladin as the golem you get will be able to hit someone for 20 damage.
October 16, 2018 11:43 p.m.
usaDiabetic says... #11
SIRrobthenob Well, both are correct. Archaeology is the more traditional spelling, but both are recognized as acceptable spellings. Thanks for looking out though.
December 22, 2019 6:10 p.m.
ObserverWill says... #12
I’ve been looking for some lesser known commanders and Temmet definitely is one of them. I like your deck! I’ll definitely take some inspiration from it when I build Temmet. A couple suggestions: I was planning to put Dark Depths and Solemnity in my deck.
March 14, 2022 10:57 p.m.
usaDiabetic says... #13
ObserverWill Definitely solid adds! This deck was super fun to play. Pulled it apart a while ago to sell some stuff in my quest to foil out my Goreclaw deck, but I do miss it. Good luck on your build. Thanks for the comment and upvote!
Lhurgyof says... #1
Have you ever thought of running Blade Splicer? Decent token generator, plus if you hit it with God-Pharaoh's Gift you'll double dip on tokens.
September 10, 2018 4:06 a.m.