HoweYouDrewin The change has been made! Luckily there aren't many pro-red creatures in standard!
December 26, 2014 4:32 p.m.
HoweYouDrewin says... #3
Well Ugin isn't in standard either so you never know ;)
December 26, 2014 4:33 p.m.
I think -2 Dig Through Time and +2 Stoke the Flames might work out better, you don't need that many in the deck... if you want to find your planeswalkers quicker I have found an early game Magma Jet works better than Winterflame just because of the scry, the tapping creatures you can do with Wall of Frost and you get a cheap yet great defense
December 30, 2014 9:35 p.m.
I made the changes, but what would you recommend taking out for Wall of Frost?
December 30, 2014 11:16 p.m.
I wasn't sure about it. Thanks HoweYouDrewin and DERPLINGSUPREME.
December 31, 2014 8:17 p.m.
dragonsjet2 says... #10
I don't understand the goal of this deck? If it is vontrol, you need a main board anger and 2 of pearl lake ancient as win cons that can dodge removal and avoid your own end hostilities
January 1, 2015 8:36 p.m.
I am trying to stall with board wipes, counters, and burn until Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon can win it for me. I don't have Anger of the Gods main boarded because it does a crappy job against azban with Siege Rhino, Courser of Kruphix, and Rakshasa Deathdealer. What would I gain from adding Pearl Lake Ancient. I feel I would be too win-con heavy. Thanks dragonsjet2.
January 2, 2015 12:25 p.m.
Your deck is a lot like mine and I can easily suggest Jeskai Charm. It's the best things from Azorius Charm with the 4 damage from Boros Charm and the lifelink mode is better (especially good with elspeth's tokens).
January 3, 2015 4:26 p.m.
I'd go with 2X Stoke the Flames for 2X Jeskai Charm to start with. If you want a 3rd maybe take out one Banishing Light.
HoweYouDrewin says... #1
his +2 is a Ghostfire pro-red creatures are pretty annoying brah
December 26, 2014 4:22 p.m.