Infinite Combo Emeria

Modern frostdiggity


Sargeras says... #1

Most Titan Control decks play Mortarpod so that they can abuse the etb triggers more

July 27, 2016 8:54 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #2

TeamSDBags - Yeah, I've seen it in lists. I haven't tried it yet... What would you recommend dropping for it?

July 27, 2016 9:44 p.m.

Sargeras says... #3

I would think either Aether Spellbomb or Cloudshift but I would playtest to see which one specifically.

July 27, 2016 11:47 p.m.

I would go down 1 renegade rallier and up 1 resto angel. You could probably even cut green entirely and just throw in some blade splicers? just my thoughts. Looks strong though

February 16, 2017 4:08 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #5

gavinjoaquinolivas - Thanks for the comment. This deck has mainly been W/U in the past, and just recently, black was added for Athreos. However, when I saw Renegade Rallier get released a couple weeks ago, I knew it had to go into the deck - it's like a mini Sun Titan!! The addition of green also makes Sakura-Tribe Elder, Eternal Witness, and Seal of Primordium possible... which are pretty strong here.

I'll prolly stay with at least 3 Renegade Rallier. Revolt is easily triggered with 6 fetches, Mortarpod, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Ghost Quarter, etc. The value bringing back any permanent cmc2 or less (including lands) is too big not to be in this deck.

February 16, 2017 4:16 p.m.

A one of Saffi Eriksdotter could be fun for the combo potential.

February 17, 2017 7:56 a.m.

frostdiggity says... #7

DarksteelBadger - I wasn't even aware of that card's existance! Thanks!

February 17, 2017 3:07 p.m.

Waffleoflegned says... #8

So, you made this deck by just putting together a bunch of cards from various modern decks, and people actually think it's good. This deck has little synergy and is far to slow for what it's trying to accomplish and it's also not nearly justifiable for it's price. One more thing I'd like to add, this deck wouldn't even stand half a chance against either my $25 deck: Soja Bois (Budget Tokens)or my $87 deck: Demon Tributes Which both win between the turn 5-8 range consistantly.

February 17, 2017 3:49 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #9

Waffleoflegned - ::thumbs up::

February 17, 2017 4:16 p.m.

Sure. I'll upvote your deck. I still have hope that it can be a good, competitive deck and want to see it succed. Also, four-color is pretty hard to pull off.

February 17, 2017 4:45 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #11

Waffleoflegned - The thumbs up was toward you for your 'constructive criticism' not asking for a thumbs up on the deck.

I've never taken a deck to an event before, and I generally play janky/cheap decks with friends (see my other decks) for fun. That being said, Emeria/Sun Titan decks are a lot of fun to play, and I don't expect this particular deck to be tier 1 quality.

This deck is barely four-color, as black is only here for Athreos, God of Passage and Fatal Push in the sideboard. In this case, it's been pretty easy to pull off. Also, I think the synergy here is higher than you're giving it credit for.

February 17, 2017 4:57 p.m.

Oh. I didn't get what you meant by thumbs up, but okay.

February 17, 2017 5:02 p.m.

I would definitely recommend putting in Collected Company and Spell Queller from the maybeboard.

Company seems like insane value for this deck, as you will likely get 5-6 mana worth of creatures at instant speed, which puts you far ahead of your opponent, especially with the ETB triggers of your creatures.

Spell Queller is a tempo card for this deck. It sets your opponent back a turn, can get in some damage, then usually eats removal that would normally target one of your more powerful creatures. It can additionally get brought back by a Sun Titan if you really want a 2/3 flier, but its main value would be to slow down an opponent.

February 19, 2017 9:37 a.m.

frostdiggity says... #14

Turn8ScornfulEgotist - I agree that Collected Company would be great here.. There's just never enough room! What would you swap out for it? Also, I think I like Reflector Mage over Spell Queller for the slot of slowing down the opponent.

February 19, 2017 7:37 p.m.

For Company, I would cut the Supreme Verdicts to the side, 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder and 1 Lone Missionary. They seem like the weakest creatures to hit with Company and you can also dig for them if you need them with a Company; also, Supreme Verdict really seems like a card you don't want mainboard as the amount of time it hurts an opponent more than you when you're playing a creature-based deck is going to be low.

With the addition of Company, I would cut the Mortarpods (Why, exactly is it in here?) for Cartel Aristocrat which you can grab with Company. I would cut at least 1 Detention Sphere for at least 1 Fairgrounds Warden or Fiend Hunter; Detention Sphere is the better card, being basically immune to removal compared to creatures, but the creatures can be grabbed off of a Company.

Otherwise, great deck!

February 20, 2017 8:06 a.m.

frostdiggity says... #16

Mortarpod has been great! Can be brought back with Sun Titan and Renegade Rallier, helps to trigger Revolt for Renegade Rallier, can shoot down some popular, troublesome creatures (Young Pyromancer, Delver of Secrets  Flip, Dark Confidant, Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch, Phantasmal Image, the list goes on and on), gives us a sac outlet to make sure Sun Titan and RR have something to bring back, and can just ping our opponent in a cluttered board state.

Supreme Verdict is also great in this deck. Yes, sometimes it crushes our creatures.. but that's okay! We have easy ways to bring them back, while generally, our opponent does not.. Not to mention that it's kinda the main focus of the deck (Emeria, The Sky Ruin). Plus, we have Selfless Spirit to save ours.

Sakura-Tribe Elder and Lone Missionary are kinda key to the deck making it to the late game, which is where this deck shines. We need the life gain from Lone Missionary, as we are generally not as fast as other decks. Sakura-Tribe Elder allows us to get Emeria, The Sky Ruin online sooner and can chump block and sac, and can even be brought back the same turn with a Renegade Rallier! Rinse, repeat.

February 20, 2017 12:52 p.m.

OOBS says... #17

I think you have a really cool list going here! I'm thinking about getting into Emeria Control myself, and this list is a cool one for the green splash I'm looking to add.

What are your thoughts on Blasting Station? It provides a way to go infinite with Saffi Eriksdotter + Renegade Rallier, and can function similarly to Mortarpod - kill the opponent's early game creatures while letting you sacrifice your stuff so you can recur it. The downsides are that it costs 1 more mana (not the end of the world for control) and it doesn't have the initial use that Mortarpod does with the germ token.

Personally, I'm not certain if black is worth it, especially if it is a 4th color. While it can have a high payoff, it doesn't seem like it is very consistent and it seems like it makes the manabase unnecessarily painful (although if you have a contrary experience, I'd like to know all about it, as this is just my impression on the deck, not my experience with it after all!). Also, I question whether the 2 cards you splash for in the mainboard justifies it when you have so many other great cards to consider. I certainly don't shy away from getting a little greedy in my manabases just for 1 or 2 cards, but when you have other options to consider in those slots that would be less taxing on both your manabase and your health total, I'd take a second look at them. Overall, how has your experience been with Athreos?

Good luck with your brew!

February 22, 2017 1:25 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #18

WhisperingBlade - While I'm not the most experienced player and haven't played toooo many different styles of decks, I will say that Emeria decks are a lot of fun!

Blasting Station sounds pretty interesting! Might have to pick a couple up and play around with them..

As for the Athreos, I've been going back and forth lately. You're right, there are a lot of great cards to play in this list. Athreos sometimes is worth it - Supreme Verdict when there's a board full of creatures and Athreos, God of Passage out there puts a smile on my face, but other games he basically does nothing. Black also let me put Fatal Push in the sideboard, but lately I've been wanting Negate in the sideboard. Removing black would solve that problem. Overall, I think the deck would perform better without black. I could add a third Emeria, which I've been wanting to do, and another basic so I don't run out from Path to Exile and Sakura-Tribe Elder.

Perhaps I'll just try Blasting Station in Athreos' place. I also feel like I want a third Sun Titan, too. Court Hussar was always a great card... There's too many options. What are your thoughts on replacements for removing the black from the deck?

February 22, 2017 4:06 p.m.

OOBS says... #19

Well I haven't posted a list yet, but I plan to build a Bant shell for Emeria Control soon. It'll be untested at first, but maybe we could work in tandem and get ideas from each other that way.

I definitely think Court Hussar is a great card in the deck. It is a pretty bad card on its own, but in this strategy it can be super helpful for making sure you hit the lands you need or getting more fuel, all while gumming up the board to allow you to make it to the late game to outvalue your opponent.

In the sideboard, I believe that it would be a good idea to have at least a 2 of Negate for decks like Tron and Scapeshift that win off of large noncreature spells (although Tron may be a hopeless case, seems like an abysmal matchup for Emeria Control unless we were to get the nut draw to lock them out).

February 22, 2017 6:13 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #20

WhisperingBlade - I took black out and added Court Hussar back into the deck, and negate in the sideboard. I also added a Pithing Needle in place of a Celestial Purge.

Tron matchups do seem pretty blah unless we can get an early ghost quarter recurring often with Renegade Rallier and eventually Sun Titan.

I ordered 2 Blasting Stations to try out in Mortarpod's place. I like the idea of being able to go infinite with it. Yeah, it costs 3 instead of 2 so it can't be brought back with the Renegade Rallier, but I think we have enough 2 drops already to guarantee a turn 2 play.

February 22, 2017 8:39 p.m. Edited.

OOBS says... #21

What do you think of Qasali Pridemage over Sundering Growth in the sideboard? I've been leaning towards it in my build because it is reusable off of the Renegade Ralliers and Sun Titans, but is there something better about Sundering Growth (maybe surprise factor) that I may have missed? I could see that copying a Saheeli token could be cool, but other than that I didn't see any other tokens in the build to populate.

February 24, 2017 12:26 a.m.

frostdiggity says... #22

WhisperingBlade I've considered it. The exalted seems really good to have as well. Swinging 4 in the air with a Flickerwisp would be nice!

I was using Seal of Primordium as my recurrable destruction in the past, but the Populate on Sundering Growth just seems too irresistibly fun with Saheeli Rai. Imagine playing a Court Hussar with Saheeli on board, copying the Court Hussar with Saheeli, then copying it again. That's a lot of digging with 3 of those cards into your hand. Saheeli's -2 is the only tokens we make. Blade Splicer would help a lot, especially against aggroy decks.

February 24, 2017 12:44 a.m. Edited.

BlazingAbsol says... #23

This looks great. Would you consider Knight of the Reliquary as a one-of to help find Emeria, The Sky Ruin as well as trigger revolt on Renegade Rallier?

March 2, 2017 12:23 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #24

BlazingAbsol - Hadn't thought about it! I'll throw it into the maybeboard :)

March 4, 2017 9:58 p.m.

BlazingAbsol says... #25

Cool! Also, a couple other questions

-It might be cloggy, but maybe a one-of Felidar Guardian to go infinite with saheeli or trigger other enters the battlefield abilities?

-With a four-color deck like this, how often do you end up mana screwed? I ask because I find myself having difficulty with a 3-color version of this deck and I'll find I have uncastable cards stuck in my hand

March 4, 2017 11:56 p.m.

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