

Emeria simply wishes to hug players and be accepted. Help them draw cards and occasionally play extra lands. Emeria can even come down from the command zone to grant an extra turn. We can even help the turn be productive. They're practically forced to be our friend for the turn!

Jokey premise aside, this deck is looking to ramp into big eldrazi. Since that plan, in colorless, often takes all our cards to manage we augment it with card draw engines that get to be very cheap by nature of being symmetrical or semi-symmetrical. Early game we tale good advantage of this by chaining ramp together, and once we get enough mana we're more likely to draw truly potent gas to utilize all this setup.

The deck does come with some risk. Obviously drawing our opponents extra cards means they might just go-off first (or harder, though hopefully we have "over the top" covered). That is somewhat mitigated compared to a normal group hug deck because we don't provide extra mana. But there is still a small amount the deck leans into the political side of "giving cards and initially non-scary" to duck early pressure. If players don't respond to that tactic, the deck can be on the back foot by the time it's ramped enough.

I originally got the sideboard together as a joke win condition with Spawnsire of Ulamog. The idea was that offering "hey if you are cool with the joke AND I actually manage to resolve spawnsire, pump like 20 mana into it to make enough spawns, then untap with all that can I just press it's ability as an 'I win' button by throwing Hands at everyone?" would amuse people even if they didn't want to say yes. It'd also be really funny of the off chance it ever was okay'd and actually happened. (Even funnier if both things happened, then someone had an instant speed board wipe for the full reversal X-D)

The idea is that you'd get a couple spawns from the random couple cards, feed those into Forerunner of Slaughter to haste up a Kozilek's Channeler. The channeler makes enough mana to haste the next Channeler and a Hand. Loop til you have way too many hasty hands.

It has happened once and everyone had a blast.

I would also like a way to make the joke properly in color identity, but I'm not looking to spend much on it.

It's also a fun reason to keep copies of my 2nd favorite creature type that couldn't get into the main deck with the deck.


Updates Add

-1 Otherworld Atlas, +1 Bounty Board - It's never going to cause the crazy amount of card draw Atlas can cause. But in play I rarely want to take two full turns off after playing atlas to get to that level & while the deck plays well in an "everyone draws double" game, it starts to fall behind again once we go much higher; other decks simply triple spell easier than we duo-spell. Bounty board doubles as ramp and also incentivizes removal away from our stuff

-1 Pilgrim's Eye, +1 Bandit's Haul - Crimes have been easy enough to accidentally commit I think this will be enabled here. And ramp that draws cards tops ramp that thopts.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 1 Rares

19 - 4 Uncommons

3 - 74 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 5.19
Tokens Assembly-Worker 2/2 C, City's Blessing, Construct 1/1 C, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Morph 2/2 C, Replicated Ring, Spirit 2/2 C, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Commander, Cool Decks
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