Empty Walls (Budget)(Outdated)

Standard* DeeLight


forforforest says... #1

Fuckin dope!.

October 20, 2015 6:16 a.m.

Ok, but I really want to know what the card is called in the icon.

October 21, 2015 5:33 p.m.

Zilkios says... #3

Illusionary wall, ice age if I recall

October 21, 2015 5:43 p.m.

Thank you.

October 21, 2015 6:08 p.m.

IAmACat says... #5

This is amazing. One thing you might want to add is Shape the Sands. You could make Benthic Infiltrator's four damage into nine with one mana. Also possibly consider sideboarding Spidersilk Net? None of your walls have reach and this can save you from fliers.

October 21, 2015 7:04 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #6

IAmACat, I don't think Spidersilk Net will do him any good because considering all of his guys got big butts, if he has Assault Formation on the battlefield, he'll be swinging and they'll hit hard that his opponents will have to block with any flyers they got. If he wants a good way to dodge flying; the best card for that IMO is Atarka's Command (I know this is suppose to be a budget build but the deck would only run probably 2 if any at all)

October 22, 2015 7:44 a.m.

How about some Awaken spells, like Clutch of Currents or Rush of Ice? The creature you Awaken is colorless, so it benefits from Tide Drifter.

October 22, 2015 11:25 a.m.

drunktank says... #8

I know it's UUU, but Shorecrasher Elemental plays really well with Assault Formation

October 23, 2015 12:52 a.m.

Vectoro says... #9

Maybe add an Oblivion Sower or two as a late game bomb? I know they're a bit more expensive than what you're going for, but it works so well I had to suggest it. An 8/8 with Assault Formation out that exiles a few from their top, gets you some lands, and can have it's cost reduced by Herald of Kozilek seems pretty dope to me.

October 25, 2015 5:44 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #10

Pretty sweet idea.

October 26, 2015 5:33 p.m.

BFG says... #11

Although not colorless, Crater's Claws could be a card of note. Also maybe some Mage-Ring Network for it? This also plays into the I'd of going the Oblivion Sower route?

October 27, 2015 4:45 p.m.

narnar says... #12

This deck is amazing against control deck. But it has a big leak against control deck. How can it be improve (sideboard) against control decks? Thanks you

November 1, 2015 3:12 a.m.

Zackwind says... #13

you win magic. excellent use of Assault Formation

November 1, 2015 9:49 p.m.

Abubroki says... #14

+1 I really like the Devoid subtheme! I tried to revamp my Assault Formation deck after rotation, but it doesn't seem to be working... too depending on having early the Formation, I guess...

I'd suggest budget singletons Rogue's Passage and Blighted Cataract, to help flooding.

Totally agree Reality Shift is excellent underrated removal...

November 2, 2015 7:46 a.m.

emptydog says... #15

Highly suggest Collected Company. Of course, isn't very budget friendly. Refreshes your board if you get wipe or a massive tempo swing if left uncheck and can win you games with two big butt landing at your opponent's endstep and swing on your combat.

November 3, 2015 11 a.m.

Abubroki says... #16

Wow, totally missed CoCo in a Formation deck, thanks for the tip emptydog!

November 3, 2015 5:50 p.m.

DeeLight says... #17

emptydog budget, my friend! Budget ;) CoCo is a busted card in here, DEFINITELY to be used if you choose to invest more in this.

November 3, 2015 6:57 p.m.

emptydog says... #18

I guess it's pretty out of budget. And Spell Shrivel seems out of place to me. Wouldn't Dispel be more functional. I mean, your deck curves pretty low and you want creatures every turn. A Dispel might be less mana intensive. Of course you could consider it as a sideboard option too. Perhaps replace Spell Shrivel with Mist Intruder so you have more consistent turn 2 plays. And with the extra ingest capability. I highly suggest Void Attendant to maximise processor effects. 2/3 isn't that bad and you could land a bunch of scion on board if the game draws late.

November 4, 2015 4:05 a.m.

malfeischylde says... #19

You must have an affinity for funny old cards. I love the picture of Illusionary Wall. It was always a card that made me laugh since it originally emerges from a pack.

November 4, 2015 10:14 p.m.

What about Brutal Expulsion? Just for extra removal and to put them back a turn possibly?

November 4, 2015 10:41 p.m.

whiterice336 says... #21

I really like this deck. I don't think you'll have a problem with aggro. Maybe Crumble to Dust sideboard for abzan/jeksai decks though? Each of their cards are going to be better than yours, if they can play them. I would swap for Touch of the Void because it isn't going to be doing much work if you have Reality Shift. Dispel mainboard over Spell Shrivel to protect Assault Formation? I'd also probably swap Shape the Sands for Spidersilk Net.

November 4, 2015 11:21 p.m.

Trynthlas says... #22

What about Sight of the Scalelords? It's like Ghostfire Blade for all your creatures at once (plus Vigilance).

I really like the take on Formation. I haven't gotten to play around enough with my version yet to decide if I'd make changes. Crumble to Dust is super tempting to screw with mana-bases though.

November 8, 2015 9:43 p.m.

eusouzoom says... #23

Hi! I'm trying to build this deck to compete on FNM's. Looking for my meta, I think we could use a Mizzium Meddler on he SB to defuse some pumps of the atarka red deck. But I would not know what to take off... anyway, nice deck!

November 14, 2015 1:06 p.m.

DeeLight says... #24

@eusouzoom Hello! Definitely keep me posted on results; Personally I'm not too sure what to swap in or out while keeping the theme given there's only so little Eldrazi that suit the deck's assault formation theme right now; It is possible to turn the deck into a somewhat control shell should you maindeck Touch of the Void with the Reality Shift and Radiant Flames, going down from the Ghostfire Blades into Spell Shrivel or Horribly Awry maybe; The options are big, especially if you want to break budget a little and play Collected Company, I would definitely try Mizzium Meddler and many other possibly amazing picks like Crater Elemental should you stray from the Eldrazi theme in creatures. :)

November 15, 2015 4:35 p.m.

JonTheScrub says... #25

Have you tried testing Tomb of the Spirit Dragon in your build for life gain?

I would try to make space for 1 or 2 ( I subbed 2 sense I don't have a Reef and Radient Flames.)

November 16, 2015 1:09 p.m.

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