Thanks for your advices but i'm not convinced.
About tron lands : To have urza mines, urza power plant and urza tower at the same tome on the board seems really improbable. And i need colored mana to play spells.
About the sword : i have no creature built for attacking except Emrakul. If Emrakul is able to attack, it means i don't need any more mana. So, the sword seems useless here.
January 31, 2017 3:10 a.m.
Be part of the choosen and give me advices ;)I have no problem with ramping, finding and casting Emrakul before being killed, but i would like some advice for dealing with an opponent that can survive the first attack of the eldrazi. Something better than Fog spells maybe. Feel free to give me your advices : Emrakul won't eat you ;)
February 2, 2017 9:02 a.m.
SageOfHours says... #5
Pact of Negation as another way to protect what you're doing?
February 2, 2017 6:34 p.m.
yes, it could be a solution for protecting my artifacts before playing Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.
I don't have this card anyway, but i put in in maybeboard ;)
Arnaud says... #1
2 games and 2 wins yesterday 2 wins against Jhoira of the Ghitu :
Arcane Denial confirmed the importance of counterspells. I could add one or two.
Swiftfoot Boots were really useful to protect me against cards like Dominus of Fealty.
Waterfront Bouncer, Rogue's Passage confirmed as excellent cards in this game.
It's quite strange in a deck with so many draw, but Kydele provided rarely more than 1-2 mana per turn. The draw cards don't show, or too late. Thrasios was really useful and made me draw up to 6 cards in a game when needed.
Cards i would reconsider : Propaganda, Chasm Skulker, Jace's Archivist, Forgotten Creation (the last because i don't have many cards in hand if i have the mana to play them all, and a dead card if i have Emrakul in hand)
January 28, 2017 5:13 a.m.