


  • So, if labman is exiled I currently lose the game which isn't great.
  • I'm exploring a different approach with regard to protecting Emry. I'm basically thinking that proactive protection is much better than reactive protection for her. The reasoning is that I am not in control of timing when my opponents decide to snipe Emry/Spy. So, before the snipe my counterspells just clutter my draws and force me to leave mana open. So, we're either looking for free cast counters, or proactive artefacts etc. that protect her.

  • The other thing I want is more draw.

Quick Info:

  • This deck is aiming towards the 7.5/10 territory (it wins in the range of turn 6-8 taking into account opponent interaction). It aims to go under our opponents, in that respect it is a glass-cannon build.
  • The deck folds to hatebears/stax and GY hate.


  • Only thing the deck is currently missing is card advantage that isn't dependent on an engine.
  • The counterspell package we are running focuses on protecting our board.
  • The crux of the deck is being able to have Emry stick, which can be tricky. I would not deploy Emry unless you have 2 counterspells available to protect her, unless you have a read or are desperate.

Win Condition:

  • The deck's win condition combo revolves around Mirran Spy.
  • [Mirran Spy] + [Urza's Bauble] + [Emry]. This allows you to mill your deck at the start of the following turn. You will need to keep around 4 cards in your library for safety if you began the combo with labman not on the battlefield. In your next turn you can cast Labman, and mill the remaining cards for victory. Defend yourself with your library's worth of countermagic.
  • [mirran spy] + [Emry] + [Lotus petal] + [Mind Stone/Commander's Sphere/Aether Spellbomb]. The lotus petal nets you infinite mana, and then you cantrip the artifacts till you mill out. This is the preferrable combo because it allows you to win immediately and is safer because you have infinite mana for countermagic.
  • [Tunnel Vision] has the potential to tutor both Mirran Spy and our artefacts through its discard side-effect. Name Mirran Spy and as you dig more often than not the other combo pieces will go to our graveyard where Emry can fetch them.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 2 Mythic Rares

22 - 8 Rares

29 - 9 Uncommons

28 - 9 Commons

Cards 102
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 1/1 U, Bird 2/2 U, Boar 2/2 G, Foretell, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Treasure
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