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Enchanting-Based Mill Time!

Modern Enchant Mill Mono-Blue



To the very end, people did not like what they saw what I had made them become. Devoid of color of any sort of where their source of power came from, let alone the shape that should've existed there! So that's why:

They did not want what they saw. I thought, what a loss...!


They did not know what they saw. After all, beauty is inside the eye of the beholder. They were the beholden ones to witness this extravagant event, but they did not celebrate it...

So, from the very beginning, I loved what I saw inside.

However... at the very end...

I feared what I actually saw.

Their hands coming into my view.

The multiple rectangles of one color held in one hand while the other extended to my face and reached to caress my chin with its knuckles.

I'm glad I dreamed I could play mill. I am grateful for mill existing in real life.

I am not mill, however.

I am not drunk, but I also just wanted to test out how long the character limit was before I got bored and done with the story itself. By myself, and for myself.™️

The abstract explained: Their source of power, the library, was empty of any shape and color in it. That is, there were no cards. And even if the cards were so-called "devoid" ones, having no shape meant they simply could not exist in the library. Not as a square, pentagon, circle, or let alone the default, extraordinarily mere rectangle.

They did not want to lose, so I thought to myself, "What a loss (for them)!"

I was not punched in the face for making this abomination of a story and deck.

No, not at all! In fact, I was judged for such a dumb, inelegant, and useless story and an idiotic deck to boot up with it.

You have been warned.


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95% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 7 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 4 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

20 - 11 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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