Another Enchantment fueled deck.
Read through. Some of this description is made obsolete by recent updates. Which are cataloged below.
This decks goal is to build up a group of beefy enchanted creatures. Until you can get Final Judgment can be cast.
After expelling all creatures from the game Starfield of Nyx will bring all your enchantments back and when your enchantments become creatures you can attach your auras to them.
Only risk is having Starfield of Nyx at full tilt before casting Final Judgment. This would cause you to exile a bunch of enchantments and potentially destroy the decks win con. This can be rectified by having many Starfield of Nyx in the deck.
So after all the creatures are gone your beefed enchantments can attach to one another and win the game.
Still thinking of ways to keep board clear or retrieve exiled cards to prevent self-destruction.
12/23/2015: Huge Update. Added Pull from Eternity to bring back cards that may accidentally be destroyed by Final Judgment. Added more Replenish to increase chances of mass recovery. (Huge price Jump though!) Removed most of the auras since it would be difficult to keep enchantments up and running. Gotta test new build since I removed some creatures taking away from the wall of meat. Thinking about adding large colorless defenders just for some creature safety early on. I did supplement with enchantment creatures so they can be pulled by Starfield of Nyx.
1/5/2016: I'm not going to erase prior entries. People should see how a deck grows! With much thanks to TheHelvault I have changed the deck. It now does not nuke itself and even causes the opponent to exile all their cards while giving me more options using Curse of Exhaustion and Knowledge Pool. Stuffy Doll eliminated the need for Gift of Immortality and Indestructibility. So I put in more Pariah to make Stuffy Doll more effective. Once again thank you TheHelvault. Please visit this user!
As always;
Suggestions are appreciated.