Enchantment Junkie

Modern SpilthyFred


p0megranates says... #3

You need to sidedeck some Leyline of Sanctitys to beat red deck wins. Sidedeck two more Ghostly Prisons to help against Twin and Affinity. Sidedeck some Exquisite Bloods and Idyllic Tutors as a win condition against Tron or whatever--I'm pretty sure you just lose to Tron 99% of the time right now, and that may be an issue depending on your local meta. Side and main some spot removals (Path to Exile and Abrupt Decay). Side one single wrath. Consider sidedecking or even maindecking Lingering Souls which is one of the best value BW cards in modern. Yes it's not an enchantment, but it honestly doesn't matter when it gets that much value. Side one or two Starfield of Nyx--it makes you incredibly vulnerable to creature removal, but being able to block things with your enchantments can be a win condition against decks that try to win the creature flooding war.

Contaminated Ground just isn't very good. Consider Bitterblossoms instead. Because none of your cards naturally have hexproof, Ethereal Armor is one of those cards that just turns your opponents spot removals into 2-for-1s, and doesn't do anything for you when you're losing. Technically you can't even put it on a Courser or Eidelon if you have have Greater Auramancy up since they'll have shroud, so unless you specifically play Ethereal Armor on an Enchantment creature, then follow up with Greater Auramancy, you lose to just about every spot removal in the game.

Nylea, God of the Hunt and Heliod, God of the Sun are worth considering. It's worth noting that Heliod tokens trigger Eidolon of Blossoms. I think I would lean toward Heliod, but Nylea is better with Starfield of Nyx.

It should go without say you need some fetchlands whenever you get your hands on them.

December 4, 2015 11:46 p.m.

SpilthyFred says... #4


Thank you for the suggestions. You helped me realize some of the weak spots in my deck. I made a couple of major revisions, mainly to veer away from lifegain and focus more on taking advantage of the amount of enchantments there are in this deck. I took out Archangel of Thune and replaced her with Sigil of the Empty Throne. I also decided to throw in some tutors and a Starfield of Nyx for extra support. If I'm not mistaken, my enchantments will still be enchantments while they are turned into creatures, so as long as I have Greater Auramancy on the field they will still remain immune to creature removal. I also included an Aegis of the Gods. I feel that it is much better than Leyline of Sanctity as it is much cheaper and is also a creature.

Let me know what you think, and thanks again for the suggestions.

December 8, 2015 11:48 p.m.

p0megranates says... #5

Looking a lot better!

December 9, 2015 11:07 a.m.

pandith says... #6

oh man, this looks like a deck I really don't want to go up against haha +1

September 28, 2016 12:10 p.m.

pandith says... #7

whoops somehow commented twice

September 28, 2016 12:10 p.m. Edited.

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