Tuvasa the Second Sunlit (control voltron) > $350

Commander / EDH griffstick


pipercraven says... #1

August 21, 2018 5:21 p.m.

PauperPower says... #3

Deck looks super fun! +1!

September 9, 2018 1:02 a.m.

griffstick says... #4

Thank you, it is to much fun

September 9, 2018 1:13 a.m.

faasbahdrog says... #5


You do know that Primal Surge doesn't trigger any of your enchantresses or Ajani's Chosen? Surge says "put it onto the battlefield", not cast.

This list is just a slow deck that has little to no real interference. I'd recommend adding more boardwipes, and replacing surge with Genesis Wave, because someone can just be faster than you and then it's gg.

September 9, 2018 6:37 p.m.

griffstick says... #6


I do know about that. But Ajani's Chosen does not care for enchantments to be cast it only cares that they enter so it does work with primal surge. The only enchantress that works with primal surge is Eidolon of Blossoms. Maybe I wasn't clear about that enough in the deck description. But with only 3 non-land permanents in the deck upon casting Primal Surge how could you not consider this a win condition.

September 9, 2018 10:49 p.m. Edited.

faasbahdrog says... #7

My apology, I misread Ajani's Chosen Not bad!! I just play my tuvasa a bit different.

September 10, 2018 12:45 a.m.

griffstick says... #8

I took a look at it. Not bad but on another note. Genesis Wave at 10 mana will only put 7 things into play Primal Surge will at average put 30 things i to play. So if i were to take Primal Surge out for another card i was thinking Sterling Grove or maybe Leyline of Anticipation but if notbthose 2 then what would you suggest. Perhaps another big bomb spell, but what spell? Expropriate? Time Stretch?

September 10, 2018 2:45 a.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #9

Love your deck as ive considered the milling for midgame as well; however, im personally not a fan of the auras since in my playgroup if someone has their commander out at any moment, the consensus of the table is usually “ either kill the one with the commander outright or kill their commander immediately”. And since we all know auras fall off when your commander comes out, yada yada yada.

Instead, i stick to the pillowforty version of bantchantments, and aim to instead win with a timely Genesis Wave for free things, throwing down a soft lock like Greater Auramancy + Sterling Grove, or using Estrid's Invocation or Copy Enchantment to form that same soft lock, and then proceeding to throw down a Decree of Silence + Solemnity hard lock to shut everyone else out of the game.

Again, though, really enjoyed playtesting your deck on here and watching it perform on Muddstah’s channel!

October 8, 2018 9:42 p.m.

5hadao says... #10

No Mystical Tutor as an auto include?

It’s a combo for me in my Arcades deck to be used with Approach... but also allows for me to dig for other keys to win

November 13, 2018 12:39 a.m.

Promotheus says... #11

November 17, 2018 3:46 a.m.

griffstick says... #12

Promotheus I want to put Exploration in the deck but I just cant seem to find someone locally who wants to trade it. And as for Mind Control, I want to put it in with the others including adding a few like spells that are not in the deck yet but there needs to be a fine balance between removal, voltron, and ramp, I've switched out Persuasion for Corrupted Conscience because it's just a strict upgrade. Plus I can flash it out with Sigarda's Aid making it a real threat

November 17, 2018 1:59 p.m.

Killzun says... #13

I like the deck, although I'd feel more comfortable with Thrun, the Last Troll as the aura host in addition to the Spiritdancer. Since Tuvasa only cares about what you control. So, I agree with Noelqkazoo with the other players killing your Commander if you are planing on attaching the Auras to him/her.

I also think Mystical Tutor is a must if you plan to use approach. Especially if you hit Approach with Primal Surge. Also, I can't seem to play green, white and blue without Krosan Grip, Pongify, Swords to Plowshares, and at least 3-5 counterspells.

And, if I am playing Approach, I am definitely playing Boseiju, Who Shelters All with Expedition Map / Sylvan Scrying in order to fetch it. Just because there will be a dude like me playing at least 3-5 counterspells lol.

Also, Asceticism is really good with the limited amount of creatures you have, plus it's an enchantment.

Why no Enlightened Tutor ?

November 29, 2018 3:35 p.m.

griffstick says... #14

If you take a look at the maybe board you'll see that I've been thinking about getting rid of Primal Surge and a few others in favor of some counterspells. Also the hardest thing to do here is picking what to cut from the deck in favor of said cards

November 29, 2018 3:54 p.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #15

I dont really agree with the staple spot removal that Killzun suggested though. Understand that enchantress decks tend to be much more unique when it comes to things like ramp and spot removal. Why? For the sole purpose of synergy with the enchantment theme, theres plenty of options for the type of spot removal or ramp you need in the form of cheap enchantments. Instead of the traditional Swords to Plowshares or Krosan Grip that you would otherwise run, its much better in my opinion to play cards like Oblivion Ring, Imprisoned in the Moon or Grasp of Fate. Especially in this build, where a major play is throwing down a super pumped Genesis Wave or in this players case, a Primal Surge, its more beneficial.

Its the same reason why enchantment based decks dont play the typical Krosan Grip+Skyshroud Claim etc ramp, and instead opt for ramp in the form of Utopia Sprawl etc.

As per the counterspells you run- that is entirely up to them. I think that when it comes to a specialized deck like bantchantments- just because you play blue in the deck, does not mean you should play counterspells. Personally, if I WANTED access to counterspells, id do so in the form of an enchantment for this deck. Dovescape is much more fun, and the known combo of Decree of Silence with Solemnity can win you the game immediately in most cases off of a well executed genesis wave. It’s almost as satisfying as going infinite!!

November 29, 2018 7:23 p.m.

Killzun says... #16

The problem with being totally dependent on enchantment removal/protection is that you miss the instant speed option to protect yourself and it forces you to run cards like Leyline of Anticipation (Which griffstick already mentioned as possibly running - and yes, you totally should) and/or Vedalken Orrery so you can "flash" your enchantments. Also, any board exile spell against your enchantments/equipments/graveyard will severely mess your whole plan, thus the reason to run the counterspells.

November 29, 2018 10:49 p.m.

griffstick says... #17

Every deck has its weaknesses. So a board wipe that hits all enchantments hits me hard. So I should put in stuff to deal with that, but I did all ready with grave return stuff. And if someone exiles my graveyard that's fine I'll play more spells and draw more cards. Just because there's things that ruin my strategy doesn't mean I need to change the deck. It's not like it happens every time. I'd rather have a very efficient stream lined strategy then have a less efficient stream lined strategy that has 5 counterspells. As of right now the deck is very strong in my meta. It's not often you see board wipes that hit enchantments only.

I like to call this deck to my friends it's a sorcery speed control deck. But what makes it strong is that the control doesn't always remove it. It takes it. And as for the Leyline of Anticipation I do want to put it in badly but I have not pulled the trigger on buying it yet. Plus I've been pretty satisfied with Sigarda's Aid.

November 29, 2018 11:13 p.m.

griffstick says... #18

I've also made changes to the deck recently and I have not updated it here so that will happen in the near future. 2 cards that I've added are Blind Obedience and Bonds of Mortality. But I don't remember what I took out for them so updated deck coming soon. I'll tag you guys in it in the near future since you both seem very interested in this deck.

November 29, 2018 11:16 p.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #19

Oh no doubt I really like your idea of using Control Magic type of auras in the deck! If i didnt already own alot of (rather expensive) cards like Greater Auramancy, Sterling Grove, Opalescence, and other pillowfort/stax based cards to make up my list of enchantments, id definitely consider putting in several control-give-me-your-shyte spells because you seldom ever see that! Take your opponents things while making tuvasa bigger?! The risk of player hate-reward of winning is too close to ecstasy now that i think about it xD

November 30, 2018 12:06 a.m.

Killzun says... #20

Bonds of Mortality is a great addition.

Greater Auramancy has been on my radar for a long time now. It's the only piece missing from my Zur deck.

Sterling Grove is on my radar as well... Maybe I need to eat homemade sandwiches for lunch for a month or so and put that money aside :)

November 30, 2018 12:14 p.m.

griffstick says... #21

@ Killzun and Noelqkazoo made the changes to the deck list and. Update to the deck description coming soon

December 3, 2018 1:37 p.m.

Killzun says... #22

I missed the Dovescape mention. I love it in Esper colors after giving Trespasser's Curse to the "Timmy" player, lol.

December 3, 2018 9:40 p.m.

griffstick says... #23

That's so evil lol.

Dovescape is bad in edh. Unless you have a few anthems in play then it's good otherwise the table will gang up on you till you lose just to get rid of Dovescape. Imagine having Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite in play and resolving a Dovescape lol.

December 4, 2018 12:06 a.m. Edited.

Killzun says... #24

Both resolved, oh my... I'm drooling lol

December 4, 2018 11:37 a.m.

griffstick says... #25

@Killzun, comment# 13, You know I just thought that I should run both Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile because I would lose to a Archon of Valor's Reach that names enchantments

December 8, 2018 11:02 a.m.

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