cEDH 5C Enchantress Constellation
Commander / EDH
Academy Rector would love to be in this deck! Cheating out Omniscience is a VERY satisfying feeling.
February 13, 2018 4:45 p.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #4
IronTiger, he would...if I had some means to get him killed..I cut him because he is a dead draw in most situations or just takes a path or plow to the face. Theres just too much that exiles in EDH and since I don't really build around cheating him out, I actually never got to get some value out of him - not once. It's a competitive build, which means cards that doesn't really bring any immidiate value to the table rarely do anything :/
February 13, 2018 5:11 p.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #6
WolverineSR_71 thanks for the suggestions, would hardly make any point to put that in here though, since it's just a one trick pony and the cards hardly make an impact on their own :)
And if I snowball into this combo, while already going off, I would with 99% certainty win anyways.
February 18, 2018 1:46 p.m. Edited.
SufferFromEDHD says... #8
This is a really cool build. I too have a 5 color deck that I wish could run Genju of the Realm as the commander. Only suggestion for this deck would be Femeref Enchantress but it might be slow.
March 3, 2018 12:55 a.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #9
SufferFromEDHD I did run Femeref Enchantress in the beginning, but she is way too slow and I can't combo off of her, unfortunately :/
March 3, 2018 8:10 a.m.
SufferFromEDHD says... #10
Yea, was thinking that. Few other suggestions...
Tutor: Academy Rector
Ramp: Utopia Sprawl and Trace of Abundance
March 3, 2018 4:12 p.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #11
SufferFromEDHD I used to run Academy Rector as well, didn't work. I have No reliable means to kill him, and I only 1/100 games get to tutor. If I was playing a stax og creature hate shell he would be in here obviously, but I don't :) I used to run the ramp as well, I just don't find it necessary, and I wouldn't take out any other cards. What would you suggest to take out?
March 3, 2018 8:23 p.m.
SufferFromEDHD says... #12
Cultivate and Farseek, perhaps? You run Wild Growth already and the two previous suggestions are better versions. Enchantment ramp comes with triggers!
Propaganda/Ghostly Prison could be consolidated into No Mercy, Moat or Dueling Grounds. You run Sphere of Safety already which is extra strong in this build.
March 3, 2018 10:58 p.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #14
SufferFromEDHD yeah I would have to disagree. Wild growth is way better in a 5C shell, but only because theres no restrictions like on the other cards. And swapping ramp out for another type of ramp, makes no sense ;) the sorc speed ramp is better and more consistent. Even though the synegy is better on your suggestions it's taking away some of my decks competitive cababilities. I really want No Mercy and your other suggestion in my deck, but again double BB & WW makes them harder and less likely to be played.
March 4, 2018 4:20 a.m. Edited.
SufferFromEDHD says... #15
Swapping sorcery ramp out for enchantment ramp in a build like this makes sense. Your mana base is competitive. You run 8 forests plus Prismatic Omen, Utopia Sprawl is another Wild Growth, which you seem to like. Trace of Abundance is 2 mana but 3 colored. You disagree but these are barely restrictions. The sorcery thin your deck but the aura trigger your decks main theme/engine. Something to consider.
March 4, 2018 4:30 p.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #16
SufferFromEDHD first of all, thanks for taking time replying and discussing this with me :) Utopia Sprawl might end up as a dead draw early, and I need early consistency, and the sorc supply that in this instance. Trace of Abundance is super fine, and I probably would never not be able to play it. Only reason I'm not going to shove it in here instead of one of my other 3 ramp spells, is because with Farseek can fetch me shocks and lands are just more reliable. Cultivate gives me to lands, which is better. If I was in need of more ramp, those two have always been my go-to ramp stables though :)
March 4, 2018 6:11 p.m.
SufferFromEDHD says... #17
Ok. You're the pilot.
Would Elephant Grass be better than Propaganda/Ghostly Prison? Cheaper and better. You run Mystic Remora so cumulative upkeep is irrelevant.
March 4, 2018 9:12 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #18
He, mind if I pick your mind about building a cEDH enchantress deck? one hat can compete with Tazri Food Chain, Kess Twin, Yidris Storm etc.
The Idea is a food chain esque deck in terms of how it plays out. Food Chain is replaced with Earthcraft, and Squirrel Nest is the Misthollow Griffin. Altar of the Brood speeds it all up. I can run black tutors and white tutors for the pieces, and it assembles well ~turn 4 in a dedicated deck. My current issue is that assembling it turn four kills turn five without an Impact Tremors or Altar of the Brood which don't come naturally.
The rest of the deck runs the enchantresses, fast paced hate (Authority of the Consuls, Rest in Peace, Leyline of Sanctity, Stony Silence), ramp (Carpet of Flowers, Wild Growth, Burgeoning, Exploration), and card advantage (Sylvan Library, Mystic Remora, Mirri's Guile, Argothian Enchantress), along with some removal, hatebears, and disruption.
I think the deck would be four colors, as though it is a difficult landbase to fit in enough basics for Earthcraft, it is enough. Thrasios, Triton Hero, and Tymna the Weaver seem like good commanders, but Ravos, Soultender might be better.
Any Ideas?
March 31, 2018 8:31 a.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #19
SynergyBuild I think you forgot to upvote the deck thought? I'll gladly help out when thats sortet. Just link me on your deck and we'll take it from there :)
April 1, 2018 5:59 a.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #21
SynergyBuild tag me in your deck and I'll give you some advice homie :)
April 1, 2018 11:43 a.m.
iamthemanateeofdestruction says... #22
The idea seems fine, but you have no blow-outs. You've mentioned that it's competitive, but i don't see the aspect where you dominate.
What is Living Plane for, other than being expensive?
You've also mentioned that you took Academy Rector out cause he just gets exiled. If that is the case, you're never pressuring a game to the point of this being competitive.
Why not include Humility over a token generator since you aren't winning the board?
Again, i like the idea of the deck. I build enchantment decks myself and i find them really fun. It just seems like you either don't have the cards the what you wanted to do or you got lost somewhere along the way.
April 11, 2018 3:35 a.m.
iamthemanateeofdestruction says... #23
Also, playing a deck that is low on creatures, but only having single target removal? You do know that board wipes count for way more in EDH right? Especially in an enchantment deck.
April 11, 2018 3:37 a.m.
AlphaAuthority says... #24
iamthemanateeofdestruction first of all, you're being a condesending prick, with clearly no sense of how the deck is compiled. Which in terms means that you didn't bother looking though the description :) Now that thats out of the way, I win 9/10 matchups in competitive lobbies. If you can't see the outs in the deck, you don't play competitive enchantress decks yourself. Creatures is a BIIIIG thing in this deck, but you wouldn't know cause you only looked at the list, not able to do the math.
April 11, 2018 5:55 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #25
Yeah, I mean iamthemanateeofdestruction just didn't understand, I don't think he wanted to be rude or anything.
On the otherhand, you are correct, to start the enchantress engine, you need one or more enchantresses on the field, and only one enchantress isn't a creature being Enchantress's Presence, except for that, a board wipe would hurt him.
I guess you could use Fell the Mighty, Retribution of the Meek, or Dusk / Dawn
AlphaAuthority says... #2
Hey TheCatHerder, I used to run Chromatic Lantern but recently took it out. Whenever I had it in hand I rarely prioritized to play it since my mana at that point was always either fine or I needed to play some of my other crucial 3-drops. And tbh it doesn't really fit in with the combo and synergy, Prismatic Omen however does and often gives me card draw or later synergizes with my other cards.
I'm really proud of how well my manabase is working, I can't remember last time I was screwed cause of the wrong colours.
But thanks for the suggestion :-)
February 13, 2018 8:43 a.m.