Encroaching Blight

Pauper ptdacon83


Boza says... #1

I like the idea of bubbling muck. Very underrated gem right there. With all the things putting lands in your hand, you are going to be dropping a land every turn no matter what. Also, there is a good focus on ramping from 2 to 4 with the myr and the t1 bauble. However, to maximise redundancy, I would remove the myr for 3 Drain Life .

The sideboard however is a mess that does nothing. You need a lot more removal.

4 Doom Blade

4 Duress

2 Diabolic Edict

2 Dead Weight

1 Distress

2 Read the Bones

This way you can strengthen your control and aggro matchups.

February 25, 2014 3:03 a.m.

ptdacon83 says... #2

Turn 1 - Swamp Wayfarer's Bauble

Turn 2 - Swamp Leaden Myr

Turn 3 Swamp T, Myr Armillary Sphere sac the Bauble

Turn 4 Swamp T, Myr Crypt Rats sac the Sphere

Turn 5 Swamp Tendrils of Corruption anything they have on the board T, Myr to drop a Sphere or Bauble if you have one.

Turn 6 Swamp if you one T, Myr Bubbling Muck Crypt Rats for 10-12 damage.

I love the the Myr, he makes the mana I need to not waste a Swamp that could be making two mana.

Plus Drain Life only heals you for the toughness of the creature, Tendrils heals you for the number of Swamps you control no matter what damage the creature takes.

Sign in Blood over Read the Bones because it acts as a shock if you just need two more damage to win.

Crypt Rats is the only wrath in all of pauper and Tendrils of Corruption only targets creatures so its removal and heals you so that after you wrath you have more life than your opponent instead of nuking you both, why would I take Doom Blade over either of those?

The side board is for control match-ups that counter all your Consume Spirit and Corrupt casts.

February 25, 2014 3:55 a.m.

ptdacon83 says... #3

Sorry I misread the suggestion you were making, I did not realize all those cards were for the sideboard. I actually really like those choices, thank you for the suggestion I thought you meant I should remove all the spells I was using and put all those in instead.

February 25, 2014 4:33 a.m.

Boza says... #4

I am glad everything was clear at the end. It happens to make such a mistake, I did not mark it clearly enough perhaps.

In any case, the turn sequence you described is very iffy. There are a number of decks that can you before reaching turn 5. Hexproof GW, izzet cyclops, are such decks, affinity could very well kill on t4-5 as well. Being able to destroy 1 of their creatures on t5 is too late.

Dash hopes is a hopeful play, but it leaves the choice to the opponent, which is bad - you never get the result you want. I specifically suggested Dead Weight in the SB to answer affinity most cheaply.

Additionally, pilgrim's eye is not very good. It provides a meager body for its cost, and the effect is bad. something like Phyrexian Rager would be more suitable at the mana cost, as it is a better body and can draw a relevant card.

Additionally, I like the idea of dropping a bit of the acceleration (leaden myr is just awful, though it is the best in black for what it does). Actually, scratch that. Culling the Weak is common. This can give you a lot more flexibility, especially if used with Undying Evil . However, this will make you more focused on Drain Life effects.

February 25, 2014 5:53 a.m.

Dude, I love this deck. It's a true "black" deck, ya know? Killing stuff, drawing cards, and winning by some crap win-con. Plus, I love decks with no creatures. Anyhow, awesome deck and a +1 from me!

June 14, 2014 11:43 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #6

October 3, 2014 7:49 p.m.

ptdacon83 says... #7

I didn't use either of those since actual swamps are more important than black mana and when you need extra mana Muck out performs them.

October 5, 2014 12:46 p.m.

jandrobard says... #8

you do realize that Pestilence can only stay on the field if something survives, sort of negating the point of it being a repeating board wipe?

November 18, 2014 10:49 p.m.

Shiv3r says... #9

This deck seems neat. We have high tide in black in pauper, I want to try building a neat combo deck with it and this seems like a really good way to start. Maybe adding in some of the free-spells like snaps and stuff, with the splash initiated by things like Prophetic Prism? I don't know....

January 31, 2018 1:55 p.m.

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