So over my last few different jaunts into standard I've realized one thing, Esper Control is really good. Really good. Recently I've played Junk Aggro, and RUG Midrange. I was quite happy with both of the decks. They had an nice above 500 win percentage, but the control match was terrible. The other conclusion I came to is that Elspeth, Sun's Champion is a very good card. This conclusion left me with two options, beat Esper, or play esper. Now I've never been very good at the whole "control" thing (you play HOW many creatures?), and I've never been on for net decking. With these things in mind I had a rough outline for a deck.
Yet it didn't really come all the way together until today:
Today was a great day for aggro players world wide. Today is the day that Athreos, God of Passage came into the world. I knew instantly I wanted him (like 50 of him) very badly. I already knew I was going to be playing Xathrid Necromancer, and these two guys create such pure, pure value. This meant I was already in W/B humans. I was happy with that but I wanted a little more.
Esper Humans: There it was! It had been sitting in front of my eyes the whole time! It used all the W/B humans shell we were already in, and combined it with some of the power blue gives us like
Lyev Skyknight
! I so obviously I put a few tweaks on the classic list and heres the 75 I came up with. This and Aethreos, God of Passage will hopefully make for quite a mean deck.
So now we have the Answers to Elspeth we wanted, the pressure to try and clock Esper, and Supreme Verdict protection to the max! And the great part is this deck has a good game against the other top decks in the format!
Card by Card Selection
Soldier of the Pantheon
: A great aggressive turn one play! Prot from D-Sphere is nice as well. He just has so much value from a one drop. Gets sided out on the draw against G/R a lot. And he's a human which is great.
Daring Skyjek
: The key part about this guy is that he attacks through Sylvan Caryatid. The battalion trigger more then you would think, and bonus, he's a human!
3x Imposing Sovereign: Great against G/r monsters. That matchup almost plays out like a tempo match, and he's the master of tempo! He also is not bad against control (Elspeth tokens in tapped). And he's a human!
3 Drops: I took some time to preface this because these cards are the CORE of the deck. They're how the deck wins most times, and without them this deck would not exist.
Lyev Skyknight
: No one (no one) is ready for a 3/1 flyer. This guy just gets in great beats. The detain is great, as I said the G/r matchup plays out almost tempo esq. Shutting down a Polukranos, World Eater for a turn is great. And he's a human (I'm seeing a theme)
4x Xathrid Necromancer: We have a lot of humans if you haven't noticed. He can almost make supreme verdicts advantageous, and this guy and Athreos, God of Passage is one sick Wombo Combo. And he's a human (LOL).
Atheros, God of Passage
: Dayum! This guy is nice! I was so excited when this guy was spoiled and through my evening of play tests I have not been disappointed! He's good in so many match ups and a 5/4 beater. Whoever at wizards decided to make him a 3 drop is a genius. I love him I love him I love him!
Obzedat, Ghost Council
: Speaking of screw you control..
- 1x Spear of Heliod/Whip of Erebos: Some time Atheros just isn't enough and you have to go to his superiors (or at least their weapons). Group pumps and life swings are all nice! Plus the whip-Obzedat combo is a thing.
This deck is something totally new to me! I've never really played a deck without green (how do you play without ramp). I hope you like this. I know I sure do! Please comment and plus one! If you ever want to play some on cockatrice shoot me a message!