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Endrek Sahr - Make 'em and Break 'em

Commander / EDH


Deck Concept

Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder is an "Aristocrat" deck, focused on casting creatures to generate thrull tokens, then sacrificing those tokens for mana, draw power, removal, etc. The deck has a ton of ability to create sacrifice fodder and chump blockers, and lots of ways to exploit those tokens as well, all outlined below.

Keep in mind that Endrek Sahr can only handle six thrull tokens before they rise up and kill him, so make sure you're sacrificing them before casting large creatures!

The important part of an Aristocrats deck, after you have a reliable method of creating tokens, is killing your tokens and generating value from those kills. In this deck I have broken down the sacrifice outlets into four categories: Removal, Draw/Filter/Tutor, Recursion, and Mana-Production.

We have a handful of options for leveraging our tokens into removal to keep our opponents' boards clear.

Our removal package begins with Fleshbag Marauder, Merciless Executioner, and Slum Reaper, which are all nearly identical; they produce tokens with Endrek Sahr, then sacrifice one of the tokens to their own effect. For stronger removal options, we have Attrition which can turn each token into a Doomblade, Hecatomb which takes 4 tokens but turns all our swamps into damage producers, and Phyrexian Plaguelord which lets us give -1/-1 multiple times to remove creatures.

Outside sacrifice outlets, we have a number of cards that interact favorably with our constant killing of tokens. Grave Pact, Dictate of Erebos, and Butcher of Malakir which all fill the same role - turning our sacrifices into sacrifices for everybody. Kuon, Ogre Ascendant is easy for us to flip, which creates a constant sacrifice effect on each player's upkeep (and gets even worse for our opponents if we have one of the Grave Pact-style cards). Finally, Reaper from the Abyss can be triggered during each player's turn to let us destroy any non-Demon we choose.

We also have several ways to kill our tokens for draw, to filter our draws, and to tutor specific cards out of our deck.

Starting with pure draw, we have Krav, the Unredeemed, who can generate an incredible amount of draw and life-gain while getting big very quickly. Smothering Abomination gives us a way to kill a token on each of our upkeeps, and draws us a card every time we sacrifice a creature, which happens often. Vampiric Rites gives us another sacrifice and draw outlet, and Dark Prophecy works in tandem with all of our sacrifice effects to draw a ton of cards. Last among the card draw options is Skullclamp, which gets us 2 cards for and a thrull token.

Diabolic Intent is almost as good as Demonic Tutor in our deck (and with certain other cards can be even better). Sidisi, Undead Vizier is our next tutor option who can kill one of the tokens she creates to fetch any card, and with our recursion options we can reuse that ability. The all-star tutor in the deck is of course Razaketh, the Foulblooded, who can tutor several cards every turn by killing our tokens. If he resolves with Endrek Sahr on the board, he can guarantee you 8 cards of your choice from your deck just from the tokens he created when cast.

Finally, Viscera Seer gives us a cheap sacrifice outlet that also lets us filter our draws.

We will spend a lot of time killing our own creatures, and even if most of the time these are tokens, sometimes we have to sacrifice non-tokens. Sometimes our opponents kill our creatures, and sometimes we have to wipe the board to start over. As a result, we run a number of different options for recovering our creatures, to the point that most times, Endrek Sahr will just go to the graveyard rather than the command zone, as it is easy to get him back.

Hell's Caretaker, Whisper, Blood Liturgist, and Champion of Stray Souls all fill similar roles, letting us sacrifice our thrulls to return creatures from our graveyard to the battlefield. Chainer, Dementia Master works similarly, but it lets us hit any graveyard, though we need to be careful as he will exile them if he dies. Sheoldred, Whispering One reanimates something on our upkeep while forcing our opponents to sacrifice things on their upkeeps.

Malevolent Awakening and Tortured Existence let us use creatures to return other creatures from our graveyard to hand, while Phyrexian Reclamation does the same but with a life cost instead of creature cost. Oversold Cemetery is a free recursion every upkeep, and Volrath's Stronghold lets us put a creature back on top of our library.

Finally, Living Death lets us recover everything in our graveyard at once (and we have Bojuka Bog and Withered Wretch to clear our opponents' graveyards if necessary).

We have a small number of options for producing mana with our thrulls, either as a direct result of sacrificing them or as a side-effect of them dying. These cards can go a long way in generating massive amounts of mana with our disposable creatures.

Phyrexian Tower lets us immediately turn one thrull into , and it doesn't come in tapped so it can be used right away. We also have City of Shadows which doesn't specifically sacrifice our tokens, but it does remove them from the board (to help protect Endrek Sahr from being overrun by his minions), and on subsequent turns can generate a tremendous amount of mana depending how many times it has exiled creatures.

Phyrexian Altar and Ashnod's Altar let us turn thrulls into or respectively, and can be used multiple times per turn. This also lets us "refund" some of the cost when we cast creatures.

Finally, and most importantly, is Black Market which will generate massive amounts of as we sacrifice several creatures per turn. This card is a must-remove for our opponents, as if it sticks around for a few turns it will bury them in value.

Finally, we have the cards I consider "finishers"; cards that can quickly end the game or advance our state to a winning one. These come in a few different flavors.

Exsanguinate can end the game immediately if we have the right mana production available: Cabal Coffers, Cabal Stronghold, Magus of the Coffers, Crypt Ghast, City of Shadows, Black Market, etc. We can produce a ton of mana in this deck, so Exsanguinate can be a sudden game-ender.

Westvale Abbey   can kill a few of our tokens to become a huge, flying, indestructible, life-linking beat stick, or we can kill a bunch of thrulls with Krav, the Unredeemed to make him huge. Other larger creatures can put in work as well, such as Torgaar, Famine Incarnate, Tar Fiend or Razaketh, the Foulblooded.

We also have the option to bleed our opponents out through Blood Artist, Falkenrath Noble, and Zulaport Cutthroat, or use Skirsdag High Priest to create an army of flying demon tokens.

Final Thoughts

This is one of my absolute favorite decks to play. It generates so much value, produces so much mana, and draws so many cards. The combination of sacrifice effects and board control can overwhelm opponents, and everything seems to tie together so well.

I'd love to hear your feedback, so let me know what you think!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.60
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Thrull 1/1 B
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