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Enduring Axis of Dovescape Solemnity (Post Domin.)




Artifact (6)

Enchantment (3)

Creature (2)

Sorcery (2)

This is an enduring ideal deck, but altered so that each enchantment is castable, on color, and powerful on its own.

If you successfully lock your opponent down hard enough, you will probably get enough mana eventually to cast an Enduring Ideal.

Alternately, or additionally, cast a Lotus Bloom early game or work on your devotion with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to ramp into an early ideal. It can also ramp directly into an early Dovescape or Overwhelming Splendor.

So the following was the plan for my original deck, pre- Solemnity, Phyrexian Unlife Zur's Weirding, Axis of Mortality as a finisher. The finisher used to just be Overwhelming Splendor + Luminarch Ascension from a locked position. The issue was I couldn't deal with infinite life, or certain uncounterable cards that broke through my lock. The weirding combo makes it so they never draw cards again, and then once you're at negative life you just trade life totals with your opponent using axis. the 4 card combo is just more devastating upon assembly, and the finisher loses almost zero consistency since you're already tutoring every turn and you can lock your opponent with your first and second cards. To switch back, just use your sideboard, the old strategy (luminarch) is just sitting in there. Any cards in hand aren't totally dead upon a successful ideal resolving, as I will explain later.

If you cast Enduring Ideal, great, you probably won! Just assemble the lock using your best judgement for the order, and then set up the kill.

So the basic finisher, as soon as you resolve ideal, is this: Phyrexian Unlife, Solemnity, Zur's Weirding, Axis of Mortality. Play Phyrexian Unlife first if you are low on health and it can save you, although usually it's smart to play another enchantment first like Dovescape and for overkill, Overwhelming Splendor, and consider making sure you have a Leyline of Sanctity. Solemnity and unlife combo will make it so you can't lose to damage or life loss. Zur's weird thing is there to TOTALLY lock your opponent out. If they couldn't get through your lock with their tools the turn before you play it, they likely will never be able to as they can no longer ever draw a card.

To actually win with the combo, get your life lock down and use Zur's Weirding until your life reaches zero or less, then tutor your Axis of Mortality to auto-win on your next upkeep assuming they don't have lifegain (they shouldn't due to zur.) Any threats keeping you from winning can be removed via a Detention Sphere. One solid idea for killing them before they draw a card is to tutor your Archetype of Imagination, switch with them when your life total is either 2 or 1, and swing that turn for lethal assuming they don't have reach. (If they did, you have overwhelming splendor.) Essentially, you have enough tools in this deck that there should NEVER be a game where you resolve an ideal and don't win, assuming you don't draw all your relevant pieces. Just learn the deck and play conservative.

zur's weirding could theoretically be played manually early game. 90 percent of the time it's bad on its own. Often, though, against controlly or combo decks an early zur could be a correct play as it can keep them from comboing off, but bear in mind you won't draw anything useful either until they are low on life. could still be correct, just consider all your options.

Bottom line: either start with a Lotus Bloom or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and ramp into an early Enduring Ideal, or use the very redundant and pretty successful prison shell to buy you enough time to cast it. At that point, you should have more than all the tools you need to win the game. If you can't enduring ideal for whatever reason, (maybe it got surgicaled) just try to get the finisher pieces down one by one instead, nothing in this deck is off color. This deck is SO fun and a lot more consistent than you'd think! Try it out if you like, it's a blast to pilot!

If cards are stuck in your hand, tutor your Starfield of Nyx and your Peace of Mind. Beware, your stuff will then be EASILY removed unless you have at least Dovescape down, but you gotta do what you gotta do. If in that scenario your opponent is blue/white, get zur before you do, if you can, as a handcheck. Supreme verdict is your opponent's easiest way to punish you for starfield through dovescape. That being said, starfield followed by dovescape is an amazing combo. Just be careful.

Additional tools not mentioned: Fall of the Thran this is a GREAT target to grab against blue/white control if you ever resolve an ideal. With a ghostly prison down, it's really a great target against anyone. you can remove it on your next upkeep to make it a true armageddon. Sphere of Safety some argue this card is too expensive. I disagree, this deck reliably stalls games until turn 5 or 6 that would otherwise be over. Then, sphere alone can lock many decks out of the format itself, ESPECIALLY when we run 4 copy enchantments. Copy Enchantment this is mostly to target an existing Detention Sphere, Sphere of Safety, and as copies 5-8 of Ghostly Prison. Damn, this card makes me wish propaganda was modern legal. Magus of the Moat since this is one of your only creatures, expect him to be removed the turn he comes into play. Conversely, during a dovescape lock or against something like elves or something without much interaction, he is a showstopper. Keep him around, the games where he is good are worth the ones where he gets bolted the turn you play him. Solemnity by itself is actually fringe-relevant. Every once in a while it's so great. It's a blast to play this g1 against infect. It'll statistically never happen, but when it does...

Last piece of advice: Don't be afraid to hardcast Dovescape, it often will hurt the opponent more than you. I'm thinking about even putting in 1 boseij, who shelters all from the sb to the main so you still have a hope of idealing if you dovescape yourself first.

Any and all advice is appreciated! please leave a comment if you have any advice for me or any comments on the deck, and any +1's are appreciated as well! Thanks for taking a look at my deck!


I am adding in a copy of Induced Amnesia to my personal deck and seeing how that goes, not because it makes my deck more consistenr per say, but because it will make games go faster. When played with a Zur's Weirding on the battlefield, it should make your opponent discard any answers they have, and more importantly for me, race me to zero life faster. I just don't like waiting 8 turns to get to zero life, and I find neither do my opponents.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 6 Mythic Rares

42 - 9 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.94
Tokens 1/1 WU Token Creature Bird
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