Energetic Gearhulk - $99 - Standard (U/G)*UPDATED*

Standard* kr0ny0


Awesome deck! +1 from me. Very similar to how my standard deck was running not long ago. :D

October 23, 2016 4:47 p.m.

Curious how the deck is running for you? It loooks lacking in removal, and given grixis and jeskai control being heavily played I wonder how well it is doing for you. I have a simic energy deck based on using aethersquall ancient to keep clearing the board as my energy producers are so cheap I can just recast them everytime. I have found that my deck is sorely lacking in the removal department and I hope that once I work out how to splash red I can remedey this situation.

October 25, 2016 3 a.m.

kr0ny0 says... #3

I haven't taken it to a FNM yet, however around the kitchen table against a few of my mates pretty competitive decks it has been matching up well. Haven't faced a proper control deck yet, figure that will happen at FNM. I am pretty much playing this deck with the idea of, I don't need removal as my shit is gonna be bigger and better than yours. The problem with relying on the Aethersquall is that it just costs so damn much. If I find I need removal after FNM I will amend my deck here.

October 25, 2016 8:12 a.m.

Mitchell5622 says... #4

This deck looks really good. It's a better version of an energy ramp into an electrostatic pummeler deck I was looking into. I definitely agree with Hyperalgialysis, you will need some removal/ counter spells to help deal with the control decks. I would probably end up side boarding them until you see what you're matching against. Have you considered running Oath of Nissa I feel like that might be a little bit stronger than your glassblower's puzzleknot. Plus it's a 1 mana cost rather than 2. I might also get rid of architect of the untamed. I think it's a good card, but I think you could substitute it for a better card.

October 25, 2016 2:25 p.m.

Mitchell5622 says... #5

Also I would not cut a panharmonicon for another aethorworks marvel. The reason being that the aethoerworks marvel is a LEGENDARY artifact, and seeing as you'd only be able to play 1 on the battlefield, I think it would be a little overkill in your deck

October 25, 2016 2:28 p.m.

kr0ny0 says... #6

Thanks man! I think I'm gonna sideboard the removal and see how that goes for me. Have you got any idea what removal may be best for me? I'm not really clued up on it all, I hardly ever play control decks. I'm not such a huge fan of Oath of Nissa for this, it's one less energy card and I really don't want to risk struggling for energy here. I agree with you on the architect of the untamed, it's a sweet card, but 8 energy for a 6/6 beast does seem expensive when I have much better uses for it. I may cut it for another Electrostatic Pummeler or potentially a woodweavers puzzleknot.

I honestly hadn't realised Aetherworks Marvel is a legendary, that's pretty nooby of me. Definitely not adding another one now.

October 25, 2016 2:40 p.m.

Prey upon, rabid bite, malfunction, aether meltdown, even something like unsubstantiate is good. Also dont forget about counterspells. A 15 cent negate will stop a $40 liliana.

October 25, 2016 6:39 p.m.

Mitchell5622 says... #8

I would recommend some malfunction, rabid bite, negate, and some void shatter. The reason why I recommend a void shatter because you can get rid of some really nasty creature spells and this way they're exiled. For 1 mana cost more it would be totally worth not having that card come back to the field. Don't go overly crazy with the removal/ counter spells, but I'd have probably 6-8 of them in your sideboard unless you can't think of anything better. I'm definitely going to start building this deck though. It looks like a ton of fun to play!

October 25, 2016 7:34 p.m.

Mitchell5622 says... #9

So I played this deck against my control deck. I was very surprised to see this deck trample my control deck. The main thing that won the game was playing getting a verdurous gearhulk and a bristling hydra on the battlefield. The extra counters that the gearhulk gave were nice, but it was the hydra's ability to gain hexproof until end of turn that was really crucial. I'm running a grixis control, and most of my removal kills anything with 3 toughness or less very easily, other than that it takes time for me to get my dmg out. I would consider adding more of those hydra's into the deck or at least in the sideboard.

October 25, 2016 8:20 p.m.

kr0ny0 says... #10

I'll have to take a look at sideboarding some counters/removal soon, it's gonna be hard until I have the full deck ordered (working with a watered down version till I get paid) so I can really see how it plays. The deck is insanely fun to play at the minute, and it's only got 1 gearhulk and no panharmonicon's, I hope it will be even better when it's fully finished. I've cut out the paradoxical outcome for another bristling hydra, it's a sweet card and a slightly more costly version of longtusk cub so I definitely needed more than 1. I may even sideboard 2 more for a full playset against control decks.

Playing some kitchen table games tonight, so I might be able to potentially trade for a few more cards to go towards the deck, I feel like I'm missing out on so much without the Panharmonicon.

October 26, 2016 9:03 a.m.

Mitchell5622 says... #11

Yeah, that was a good call substituting out the Paradoxical Outcome for another Bristling Hydra. The hexproof ability on it is incredibly helpful against removal. I would add 2 more into your sideboard for sure. You are going to be missing out without a full set of Panharmonicon, but should still be able to play. You will want to also get those gear hulks. They just keep the power going in the deck. Best of luck getting your deck together. Once I finish this deck I'm going test it out against a few others and I'll see if there are any more suggestions that I have.

October 26, 2016 5:20 p.m.

Cakeman83 says... #12

How do you feel about longtusk cub? I can never get him through to gain any energy. Was thinking about replacing him with more aether theorists as they give energy right away and scry is helpful too. I am testing a similar deck so was just wondering your take on it. Great deck by the way!

October 28, 2016 3:55 a.m.

Indexxical says... #13

I very much enjoy this deck, I especially enjoy the Multiform Wonder- Good structuring! As far as sideboard, have you considered x4 of the Wily Bandar?

I'm totally kidding, but in the case that you are fighting mega aggro or other copters, I do think adding Empyreal Voyager might be worth your while.

October 28, 2016 4:52 a.m. Edited.

kr0ny0 says... #14

I like the longtusk cub and haven't really had many problems getting the energy for him to swing, although I may cut one and add an aether theorist as 3 energy is more useful late game than 2 with my Multiform Wonder needing 3 energy for flying, lifelink and +2/-2, and the Electrostatic Pummeler needing 3 energy for it's ability.

October 28, 2016 6:28 a.m.

kr0ny0 says... #15

Cheers man! Haha, 4 Wily Bandars going straight in ;).

I had 2 Empyreal Voyagers in the deck and decided to cut them for another Pummeler and Wonder. I'll probably add 2 or 3 into the sideboard just in case I come up against some flying or if I am struggling for energy early game.

October 28, 2016 6:31 a.m.

Finally, a good deck in the meta that I actually have most of and can afford the rest!

October 29, 2016 5:08 p.m.

I feel that Key to the City is a good way to get fatty creatures through. also I run four copies of Aetherworks Marvel with no problems, if you look at the rulings it gives itself energy when it is sent to the graveyard (like from the legend rule for example) so if you had two out for a second the first ability triggers on both of them as one hits the graveyard due to the legend rule. also it makes it easy to drop fatties like Aethersquall Ancient and clear the board or if you can get two or more out and sit on them they produce the energy to Marvel every turn. just my two bits from my experience running a similar deck you can look at here Marvelous Eternities. :D

October 29, 2016 7:04 p.m.

kr0ny0 says... #18

That's sweet man, let me know if you put it together and how you find it!

October 29, 2016 10:01 p.m.

kr0ny0 says... #19

I'm definitely going to consider Key to the City. It would be nice to be able to make the Electrostatic Pummeler unblockable if I can get him to 20/20 on turn 5 which is possible in a couple different ways.

I think I'm going to stick to 2 of the Aetherworks Marvel. It's not a super efficient way to spend the energy in this deck and I may end up cutting it completely depending on how well the larger than life works.

October 29, 2016 10:07 p.m. Edited.

BFG says... #20

How is Aetherworks Marvel working in here? It definitely seems like you could be doing something better at a 4cmc slot like another Panharmonicon out maybe some Negate to save your pummeler/great hulk?

November 2, 2016 8:03 p.m.

kr0ny0 says... #21

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cut it, it hasn't really been doing much for me at all. I like the idea of adding a Negate. The other card I was thinking about was Glimmer of Genius, the card draw and scry would be pretty sweet, plus it still gives me 2.

November 2, 2016 8:42 p.m.

BFG says... #22

Glimmer would definitely be an awesome add as well. I still feel like some main board counter magic or some hex proof enablers might be the golden ticket too. You are risking a massive energy dump into something that can get Murdered or something similar.

November 2, 2016 9:05 p.m.

kutcha says... #23

you need to make the deck faster put those voyagers in from the side board also look at attune with aether it helps fix mana issues and give you energy

November 2, 2016 10:55 p.m. Edited.

BFG says... #24

kutcha, where are you seeing mana issues? No double mana costs until we hit the 5-drop area and wouldn't Attune with Aether only hurt his chances at drawing well in the mid to late game? It thins some for only G and gives a little energy but how well is the synergy if it's added?

November 2, 2016 11:15 p.m.

kutcha says... #25

to me this deck wants to be fast you want to build around pummeler to make it huge with trample. The aetherworks, the gearhulks (minus 2) and the ancient (minus 1) seem to slow the deck down alot making it to clunky along with a few other cards. I feel like you are worried to much about the mid to late game my buddy and i made a version of this deck which consistently has a turn 4-5 kill with trample also the voyagers are amazing comboed with the module turn 3 play the voyager turn 4 play the module then play a aether hub as your land to trigger and make it a 3/4 with trample so even if a smuggler blocks it that smuggler is dead and your creature still alive and if they cant block all the trample well then that voyager is now a 4/5 and hard to kill

November 2, 2016 11:47 p.m.

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