Enigma drake U/R ~40$

Modern Duchys


R3ruN says... #1

You have 2 too many cards!

January 31, 2017 11:49 a.m.

Duchys says... #2

Ok, so which cards should i cut out?

January 31, 2017 11:59 a.m.

R3ruN says... #3

I would probably cut all 3 galvanic bombardments and add a Electrolyze. I might even take out the monastery siege and put in 2 total electrolyze. It helps with card draw.. you can deal damage to creatures and/or your opponent which would help trigger Chandra's spitfire as well.

January 31, 2017 12:07 p.m.

Duchys says... #4

Ok, thanks for advice

January 31, 2017 12:17 p.m.

Exteez says... #5

You could use Bedlam Reveler?

May 21, 2017 6:47 p.m.

Duchys says... #6

Exteez I have been playing him before, but I often find myself with ~5 card in my hand so I don't find Bedlam Reveler very useful for this deck.

May 22, 2017 1:15 a.m.

Sargeras says... #7

Interesting deck, so +1 from me, here are my suggestions.

  1. Replace Cryptic Serpent, Weaver of Lightning, and Niblis of Frost with Guttersnipe, the amount of synergy this card has with your deck is insane. I'd honestly try to figure out how to put 4 copies of him into the board this would also allow you to play more spells over small wipe cards like Pyroclasm since you can probably burn your opponent out before they become relevant. However, if Pyroclasm is relevant enough in your playgroup that you MUST play it, then I'd recommend it be a sideboard card.

  2. While it doesn't exactly fit your strategy, the card AEtherling is infamous as a control finisher in many decks due to it's exceptional versatility. Although such a card is far better suited for budget UW control.

  3. Is there a real reason to play Counterflux over an additional copy of Dissolve? Because Counterflux is almost always a sideboard card, and is more mana intensive then Dissolve and doesn't even give you a scry bonus.

  4. I know that this card is a little less budget then you'd like it to be but Shivan Reef seems excellent since it sees no play currently.

Those are just my suggestions, if you want any more help or advice let me know!

May 23, 2017 3:10 a.m.

Duchys says... #8

Wow. thanks for the advices Sargeras, I'll definitely give Guttersnipe a try. Although I feel like Cryptic Serpent is a really good card since i often find myself that I can cast him on turn 4 or so for just 2 mana, but maybe it is not needed since with the Guttersnipe I can use my burn at my opponets face which I often don't do (except some more controlly type of decks).

To the second part about the AEtherling. I'm thinking I'll give one copy of him to the deck instead of the Runechanter's Pike since I found myself just a once or twice that I needed that Runechanter's Pike in the deck and it makes playing againts U/W control much easier since it seems really hard to remove.

About the Counterflux and Dissolve I feel like I should put them in my side board(Since nothing is in it yet) and play some cheaper counterspells like Mana Leak so I get more answers againts faster decks.

The Pyroclasm is definitely a keep but moving it to the sideboard is a really good idea.

Although the Shivan Reef seems good since it cost only 2$ (on TCG) I cannot get it cheaper than 4$ so i'll just stay at those cheaper lands.

Thanks for the advices I'll definetly will have to think for some time, what to replace and so on. In addition i would love if you'd give me some advices what to play in my side board.

May 23, 2017 3:36 a.m.

Sargeras says... #9

Well I think the first step to building your sideboard is identifying what decks your playgroup has, and then from there we can look at what matchups you need help with. Be sure to link my name like you did last time so I get notified.


May 23, 2017 7:05 p.m.

Duchys says... #10

Sargeras I often find myself playing againts faster aggro decks(Burn, Warriors), but i don't know what to tech againts them, other deck don't give me much of a trouble and after adding the AEtherling to the sideboard I'll have more ways to win if they would remove all my Enigma Drake and Spellheart Chimera. So basically I would need to make the sideboard mostly focused on the aggro decks. If you have any idea what to play againts that i would really welcome your help.

May 24, 2017 1:41 a.m.

Sargeras says... #11

  1. If aggro is a huge problem, I'd say you best options are Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Slagstorm, Kozilek's Return, and if you really want to be sneaky, you can play Firespout (because it won't kill your fliers) and it acts like a Slagstorm on an opponent's board! Since you'd likely be more of the control deck game 2 playing a lot fo these would probably give you enough time to cast a finisher and win.

  2. If you are playing anything other then aggro, you may want to board in cards like Negate and Dispel for longer games against control/combo decks.

  3. You might want to play the card known as Izzet Staticaster, as it can deal with tokens and lots of small creatures.

  4. Since you play red, land destruction spells like Stone Rain and Molten Rain may be relevant.

  5. Vandalblast & Shatterstorm are both great at dealing with artifacts.

  6. I've seen many lists run Echoing Truth as a sort of "catch-all" spell, so that they can deal with things like artifacts or enchantments, as well as certain combos/cards. Ratchet Bomb is also good at doing this.

If you need anymore help, feel free to let me know!

May 25, 2017 2:41 a.m.

Duchys says... #12

Sargeras Thanks for the help, I'm gonna going to add another Pyroclasm,2 copies of Firespout or Slagstorm, haven't decided on that one yet. So that would pretty much build the anti-aggro part and then I'm thinking that i put 4x Dispel and instead of AEtherling I'll put in 2x Magma Jet to the sideboard so I have some more burn againts slower decks. Other than that I'll keep the Vandalblast in the maybe board since I haven't played againts artifact deck yet. And I'll finish the sideboard with Echoing Truth.

Thanks for the help again, if you think of something more I would appriciate it.

May 25, 2017 4:21 a.m.

chrysaries says... #13

I've built a budget UR spells deck as well and I love firing off a ton of Desperate Ravings thanks to Voracious Reader  Flip and swinging in for the kill.

May 26, 2017 8:36 a.m.

Duchys says... #14

chrysaries thanks for suggestion but I think they won't benefit in the deck in any way.

May 26, 2017 8:47 a.m.

chrysaries says... #15

My deck is built around dropping instant/sorceries in the graveyard. Drawing with Desperate Ravings would power up your Enigma Drake. A less budget (minimal difference, really) option is Faithless Looting. This would power up your graveyard creatures. Put in some Madness with Fiery Temper to negate the discard card disadvantage. Granted, this takes the deck in a bit of another direction. Yours seem much more into general goodstuff spells with graveyard creatures as finishers, grinding the game out until the graveyard has been naturally filled up.

May 26, 2017 8:52 a.m.

Duchys says... #16

chrysaries yeah I see the point but I feel that my graveyard gets filled fast enough without discard mechanics and I don't feel like playing discard cards.

May 26, 2017 9:06 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #17

Electrolyze is an iconic Izzet card, especially against decks like Robots where you can take out 2 Signal Pest and then still draw a card on top of it. Many Red / Blue players use the card to solidify their game on card advantage, and it pairs especially well with Snapcaster Mage. This of course is not a budget recommendation but would be a perfect place for the deck to grow into as your budget grows as well. Good luck!

May 26, 2017 9:40 a.m.

frogkill45 says... #18

i feel like By Force is more useful artifact removal. better than shattering spree imo. Vapor Snag is also a great option to slow down decks that play big threats. Im also a big fan Nivix Cyclops / Kiln Fiend / Wee Dragonauts . That way if your graveyard gets RIP'd you still have an out. Also i find that running a few copies of Roast is actually helpful in matches vs tasigur/gurmag or any eldrazi deck.

May 26, 2017 10:11 a.m.

Duchys says... #19

Thanks for the advices Spazik008,frogkill45 and jackowski626

  1. About the Electrolyze: I feel like I want to put the card in the deck but i don't know what to replace for it. I'm thinking of Rift Bolt since it doesn't work as good as I hoped it would be when I have put the card to the deck, if you find some more cards that could be replaced by Electrolyze I would be glad to hear them.

  2. I'm definitely going to put By Force in the maybeboard instead of Vandalblast, and after I play againts some artifact deck I might tech it in the sideboard too

  3. I'm putting Vapor Snag in the maybeboard and if I feel like playing it i might tech it in

  4. Nivix Cyclops/Kiln Fiend/Wee Dragonauts I have played Nivix Cyclops and Mercurial Geists in the first version of the deck and it didn't do much in the games. And if I'll meet some deck that exiles my graveyard I'll think of them again.

  5. Roast I haven't been playing againts big creature decks so often so Roast is a bit worse version of Magma Jet for me at this moment, but again if I happen to see these decks more often I'll definitely try to tech it in.

  6. Echoing Truth still haven't tried this card but I think this card is massive againts token decks.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

May 26, 2017 10:56 a.m. Edited.

Leumas says... #20

Jace, the Living Guildpact has strong synergy with your deck and comes in at a lower cmc. The difference in Ults is negligible because if you are in a position to ult either one of them, you most likely either have the game won or are control of it. Skullcrack is another strong card that provides some utility, Wild Slash is also in the same vein. I would consider dropping down the number of Steam Augurys to 1 or 2 and possibly adding in some Tormenting Voices or Cathartic Reunions for more card filtering. Overall I like the thought you put into this deck and it is quite fun to play with. Keep up the good work!

May 26, 2017 3:22 p.m.

Duchys says... #21

Thanks for the suggestions Leumas, I've been thinking about playing only 2 copies of Steam Augury and replacing it with Electrolyze, but I still don't feel like discarding cards from my hand and about the Jace, the Living Guildpact, I don't feel like i want to switch planeswalkers since I'm on tight budget but I'll keep him in mind.

May 26, 2017 3:35 p.m. Edited.

GS10 says... #22

I've been playing Enigma Drake in Magic Duels with a splash of Green for cards like Grapple with the Past and Fog. Modern seems a bit ambitious for this kind of deck, but for a fun budget list to shake things up seems pretty cool.

I'd take out Steam Augury and either one Mana Leak or the Rift Bolt to get in some copies of Cathartic Reunion. Amazing card advantage, most times better than Izzet Charm in its looting mode, but dead if you are hellbent, so not a full playset.

I think you'd make the deck a bit more reliable if you added in a playset of Delver of Secrets  Flip. Stormchaser Mage and Monastery Swiftspear would be awesome as well, but then the deck would shift away from that spellslinger type of deck, making the Drake and the Chimera weaker.

May 26, 2017 6:58 p.m.

Dango says... #23

I would like to second the suggestions made earlier regarding Jace, the Living Guildpact and Bedlam Reveler. I don't think you should worry yourself too much about discard engines because they are honestly Spellheart Chimera's and Enigma Drake's best friends. I know you'd like to see value from actually casting the spells but if you're basing the deck around buffing your chimeras and drakes, you'll get a lot more value out of your instant and sorcery spells by discarding them since that would assemble your combo a lot faster. I hope that will clear up some of your feelings toward discard, it's just that Modern is such a fast paced and competitive format that you'd need to get your creatures big as early as you can in this deck and discard engines can really help out with that. If I can think of any other cards in particular that may be of use to you I'll let you know.

May 26, 2017 11:52 p.m.

Duchys says... #24

thanks for suggestions GS10 and calvinwarning

  1. About the splashing. I feel like I don't want to do that but in the kitchen table magic I feel like it wouldn't even be a bad idea.

  2. Cathartic Reunion I feel like I'd rather play cards like Divination than some discard cards, since I just try to gain the board control with cheap burn which fills my graveyard pretty fast ~8 cards in graveyard in round 4. And after if I just play the Enigma Drake they just can't get back in the game and concede it.

  3. Delver of Secrets  Flip,Stormchaser Mage,Monastery Swiftspear these are all good suggestions but I don't want to play more creatures than I play at the moment, I'd rather play more instants.

  4. As I said the Jace, the Living Guildpact is better than the Jace, Unraveler of Secrets that I currently have in there, but I don't feel like replacing it, since it cost money.

  5. And the Bedlam Reveler didn't work so well for this deck, It was just a dead card until I get down to like 2 cards, since I don't want to toss my whole hand to graveyard if there is a lot of useful spells.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

May 27, 2017 9:17 a.m.

BloodFetch says... #25

You need fetches bro. Also get Steam Vents

May 27, 2017 9:33 a.m.

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