'He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.'
-Lao Tzu.
This is my U/W deck built around the Ephara + Brimaz synergy. I have play-tested this against the big 4 (U/W Control, R/G Monsters, MB and MU) with friends and it performs incredibly well. I will be bringing it to FNM on Friday and will update with results.
The general idea is to get an aggressive start to put your opponent on the defensive and to start gaining card advantage with Ephara ASAP. If the swarm of small creatures doesn't kill 'em, you'll draw into a bunch of mana and a win condition before long. It catches people off guard as they expect an aggressive mono-white deck that transitions into more of a mid-range deck with control elements.
The side-board plan still needs some work, input appreciated on that.
Card choices:
Soldier of the Pantheon
White's best one-drop by a mile, allows you to put the pressure on from the start and even has nice bonus against most decks.
Precinct Captain The 2 white mana-cost is mandatory for devotion, it synergies well with Ephara, often allowing you to trigger her the turn she comes down. Also a soft-answer to Desecration Demon, the most annoying card in the format. (IMO)
Deputy of Acquittals Ah, the shenanigans that can be had with this fella. Adds to devotion for Ephara first off and allows you to draw the full 2 cards off of her (Every turn if you have two, infinite creature bounce ftw), allows you to save blocking creatures, save your valuable Brimaz from removal AND recur Lyev Skyknight for extra value. All on a 2/2 body, not bad at all.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
What can I say about this beast that hasn't been said before? A great ass, well costed, adds to devotion and a great effect that synergies perfectly with Ephara. I'm only running 3 at the moment because it's legendary and you usually see a lot of him between scry and card-draw anyway.
Lyev Skyknight A solid evasive beater that adds to Ephara devotion and can deal with pesky creatures for a turn or more if you have a Deputy in hand.
Spear of Heliod I love this card. +1 +1 gets my creatures out of range of Drown in Sorrow and the secondary effect makes opponents hesitant to attack at all. Hard to remove, great for devotion.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
I'm not entirely sold on Ajani, as he can be useless when you're in a pinch and nobody likes dead draws. However, he helps get your creatures out of burn and drown range and can pull out some unexpected victories by giving your god devotion AND making it a flying double striker to boot! Not to mention his ultimate cat army of doom can be an extra win con. Stock up on tokens.
Detention Sphere This card man. Comprehensive removal that adds to devotion. Hoovering up those pack-rats is just so damn satisfying.
Ephara, God of the Polis The beating heart of this deck. A powerful (indestructible!) beater that adds insane card advantage from as early as turn 4. It's really easy to get her active and super easy to trigger her at least on your turn, if not on your opponents turn as well with Brimaz and Deputy.
Heliod, God of the Sun Heliod has insane synergy with Ephara, allowing you to trigger the 2 cards a turn and giving your entire team vigilance. He's a little bit win-more, but he works great during attrition wars, especially against control. Also allows for quick wins if you curve into Soldier>Captain>Brimaz>Heliod.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion My favorite card. Stick this for a turn and you've swung the game wildly in your favor. Thinking about adding another honestly.