Enlightenment of the Dragonclaw | Temur Aggro
SCORE: 207 | 258 COMMENTS | 62734 VIEWS | IN 107 FOLDERS
I REALLY like the way the list LOOKS, but I'm super curious as to how effective it plays. A lot of people are saying Temur should be more of like a Lightning Strike / Stoke the Flames type shell with monsters and maybe some counter spells which looks about like what you have here. Have you had a chance to playtest at all yet? Would love to hear more.Oh, and would think I would like to run across you is Stubborn Denial Looks strongP.S Surrak, yeah.. that dude. He's a friggin bad ass.
September 14, 2014 1:58 p.m.
Thank you sadiuh! I agree, and I feel like going beyond the whole "copy paste G/R monsters and splash for Negate " plan is boring and going to be planned for. This, however, feels awesome so far :)
September 14, 2014 1:58 p.m.
Never mind, ignore that suggestion, just realized you we'rent actually playing any copies of Polukranos, World Eater Card doesn't seem quite as good.
September 14, 2014 1:59 p.m.
Prehstun: I'm glad to hear it! It definitely has playtested stronger once I moved it past the traditional Monsters shell. It's also a lot more fun this way, which is great.
I've REALLY been considering Stubborn Denial
and I assure you I will be playtesting with it to figure out if it's better than Negate
And Surrak? Let's just say he...ehem...forced his way into the deck.
September 14, 2014 2 p.m.
I think many will do a double-take when they see no copies of big Poluk in this build. It really was a hard decision for me to remove him, and he may come back eventually if I need the 5/5 body. But at this point I've been doing surprisingly well without him. It's interesting.
September 14, 2014 2:02 p.m.
Ohhhhh ahhhhhh:
Ok now that we got out of the way:
I like the deck, I really do! Some of the numbers seem a little sporadic, but it seems like a great place to work from.
The number one thing I see is the Fated Conflagration in the board. Triple red seems pretty hard to hit constently, and it's an expensive removal spell. Try Fated Intervention ! It's super underrated, and nobody plays around it, so you can just eat creatures. Great against removal heavy decks too.
Other than that the deck seems solid!
I don't love Jace, or Crater's Claws , and feel like more than one Sarkhan could be correct, but you know better than me!
Best of luck.
September 14, 2014 2:07 p.m.
RedSoxFanKy: Thank you for the suggestions! Fated Conflagration is mostly in here to combat early opposing Planeswalkers. Without access to Hero's Downfall or Banishing Light , an early Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver or even an opposing Jace, the Living Guildpact can be out of my reach of burn very quickly. Fated Conflagration can either take one out on it's own or gets me very close to killing it with granting me the additional scry -- a powerful addition.
Fated Intervention IS very underrated, I agree. Though I'm not sure if here is the best place for it since it can't be grabbed with See the Unwritten .
I can't emphasize enough the power of Jace and Crater's Claws . Jace isn't completely synergistic here like he could be in a Sultai deck, but the fact that he can come out as a 6 loyalty walker on T3 is brutal and hard to beat for the opponent. I certainly wouldn't run more than 2 of him, but I can assure you he is worth the slots. Crater's Claws is actually one of the strongest cards in the deck, though. It's not uncommon for me to be dealing upwards of 10 damage with it by the mid or late-game. All you need is for the opponent to tap out for something and you have an assured victory. You should playtest with it when you get the chance :)
Best of luck to you too!
September 14, 2014 2:16 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #9
So, you are playing what I feel WotC was trying to build Temur towards?
I really wanted Temur to be RG+UG monsters as I feel many others did as well. After all these spoiled cards, I feel like Temur is more of UR+UG having tendencies toward the Izzet counter-burn strategies (thinking Crater's Claws and Stubborn Denial ) paired with moderately sized creatures that are had to deal with (Sagu Mauler and Surrak Dragonclaw )
Something I feel would fit this deck is Mindswipe seeing as it plays perfectly into a control burn shell and even features Temur flavor even if its not watermarked Temur...
I really want to see this pair up against my RG+UG monsters version of Temur to see which is a more appropriate Temur play style!
September 14, 2014 2:25 p.m.
weisemanjohn: Thanks for the thoughts! Mindswipe is certainly on my radar as it is exactly what you describe. I may try it out in the sideboard instead of Dissolve , since I only bring it in against grindier matches andway. Thank you! :)
September 14, 2014 2:27 p.m.
How much playtesting have you done if any? :) Will def be watching the updates for sure. Looks like something I may want to play post rotation c:
September 14, 2014 2:30 p.m.
Awesome! Yeah, if you follow my Showdown series you'll be seeing a TON of this deck for the next months. I have done some extensive playtesting against my GF and her Sultai decks. Once more people on cockatrice are playing post-rotation decks I'll be able to have a better understanding of the meta and know how to adjust my sideboard accordingly. BTW, Necropolis Fiend is a POWERHOUSE O.o
September 14, 2014 2:36 p.m.
Oh! I has an idea!
And not just because frogs!
I think it's pretty clear to see that the format is going to slow down and have a midrange focus post rotation, and I can see this card being such a blowout in so many matches. Talk about a mirror breaker.
I'd try either 1 in the main or 2 in the sideboard!
Eh? Eh?
September 14, 2014 6:12 p.m.
I like the idea. And the card is super hilarious. The question is: What do I remove? Likely, I'll have rebuttals, but that's a good thing haha.
September 14, 2014 6:24 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #15
I tried a 1 of Polymorphist's Jest in my hydra deck, but I would either 1) never see it or 2) never need it unfortunately, I thought it would make a hilarious finisher too (especially if you have trample or you opponent tries to multi-block you)
September 14, 2014 6:36 p.m.
1 Stoke the Flames and 1 Scouring Sands ?
The Stoke the Flames feels pretty random, and the Jest feels like a better removal spell.
Scouring Sands just feels meh. Jest is also better at coming from behind. I'd also suggest replacing the other Scouring Sands with an Arc Lightning , but I have a dislike for 1 damage wipes, so I'm biased.
Hope that helps!
September 14, 2014 6:38 p.m.
weisemanjohn: Would you say it's not worth it?
RedSoxFanKy: Oh shit they reprinted Arc Lightning ! I totally missed that during the set reveal! Okay, yeah, that will certainly replace Scouring Sands . Thank you!
September 14, 2014 7:03 p.m.
I hate to keep posting, but I'm just gonna keep throwing ideas at you! AEtherspouts ?
September 14, 2014 7:23 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #20
If you want Polymorphist's Jest , run at least two and even then, you will rarely see it. I could get away with 1 ofs of many of my creatures just because I would fish them out with Genesis Hydra or Chord of Calling but seeing as it is an instant, you would be relying on Jace, the Living Guildpact and Courser of Kruphix to pull it out.
I'd want to suggest Temur Ascendancy but with only 8 creatures to trigger draws off of it, it wouldn't be very practical.
September 14, 2014 7:25 p.m.
I look forward to playing against you on Cockatrice sometime. I think you'll like my Abzan build.
Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for you.
September 14, 2014 7:26 p.m.
RedSoxFanKy: Keep em coming! Some of them are sure to stick. AEtherspouts will need testing, but more importantly it will be meta-dependent. I'll put one in the board, but I'll have to test it against aggro decks to be sure it's worth the spot :)
weisemanjohn: I think I'll agree that Polymorphist's Jest probably isn't worth the slot. I WANT it to be worth the slot, but I can't think of a way outside of some combo strategy that it's better than actual removal. Temur Ascendancy was in here, but as I removed Polukranos I ended up without enough creatures to justify it. I run actual card draw in it's place now.
Fulcrum: Likewise! I need to test this against some good Abzan decks. I checked yours out and I really liked what I saw!
Thanks for the continued support and comments, guys :) I really appreciate any upvotes you can give since I'd like to get this deck out there for more to see.
September 14, 2014 7:48 p.m.
Salmonman1064: I've heard the arguments for both sides. It comes down to your meta. If the games are slow and grindy, having an 0/3 means nothing. I'd rather have a 2-power attacker once I really need to put away a game. Additionally, the mystic allows for interesting mana scenarios, such as having 5 mana on T3 even though my land drop comes into play tapped or is not there (this happens).
Caryatid provides a decent blocker alongside having it's own protection. The question, though, is "how often is caryatid unable to block because it was used for mana?" And additionally, "how often do I care that they use a removal spell on my mana dork?" This is also meta-dependent, but like I mentioned in my description I can change the numbers between the two to allow for better odds against the given metagame come rotation. Caryatid is not strictly better than Rattleclaw Mystic.
September 14, 2014 7:58 p.m.
ThereCameAHero says... #25
I feel like Prophet of Kruphix needs a spot in this deck, like it can have bonkers synergy!!!
sadiuh says... #1
Looks like a cool deck! i think temur will be a big thing for the THS-KTK standard.
September 14, 2014 1:52 p.m.