Enlightenment of the Dragonclaw | Temur Aggro

Standard* Spootyone

SCORE: 207 | 258 COMMENTS | 62727 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

Crownlol says... #1

Just playtested this for about 2 hours against the beginnings of my KTK gauntlet. Having ramp with that much control and monster threats feels really strong!

I never drew a courser, which feels odd, but Stormbreath and Sarkhan do work. Ramping into Keranos was surprisingly strong, but the only time I ever saw Surrak he met a turn 1 Thoughtseize :(

Have you thought of adding Chord to this list? I several times found myself with two dorks and a few lands and counterspells but no threats.

September 22, 2014 2:50 p.m.

Mtg_king says... #3

Btw you might want to think twice about 3 colored decks. You better make sure you pack the speed because temur doesn't have a good chance against decks with haste and burn spells like red deck wins or just simple monocolored deck.

September 22, 2014 6:04 p.m.

Mtg_king says... #5

Also Prognostic Sphinx is a great card you should add one more because it's basically indestructible if you have cards in your hand.

September 22, 2014 6:49 p.m.

skyguy5 says... #6

I'm back!! Maybe try Burn Away in the sideboard for Sultai or any graveyard decks?

September 22, 2014 7:32 p.m.

CoreyPease says... #7

very solid build I had most of the cards. Proxyed the rest and have been play testing it. I have been very pleased so far! Also pullped a foil Sarkhan at pre release! +1 all day

September 22, 2014 9:28 p.m.

Spootyone says... #8

Altus22000: Noted. Also, thank you!

Femme_Fatale: Also noted. And that's a good point. I think I'm happy running 1 main 1 SB right now.

Prehstun: I playtested with Xenagos a bit when this deck was more midrangey and he was very good. However, I think Kiora is better than him in the control shell. And I have no need for him in here at the current time. Thank you though!

Crownlol: Haha yeah Surrak is mostly a fun-of in here, but I like him in a control deck simply because he's a beater with Flash. I can hold up mana for a counterspell and if they decide to play around it I just play out him instead. The other stuff is just gravy haha. Chord would mess with the mojo a little bit I fear. I never lose because I don't draw my 1-of Surrak.

Mtg_king: Prog is very good. Though I prefer the dragons at this point simply because haste is very relevant in many matchups with planeswalkers.

skyguy5: I like the creativeness you have haha. As of right now I won't be adding that, but if sultai becomes a big problem to where it warrants a sideboard card, that may be my go to. Maybe.

CoreyPease: Congrats! And that's awesome! Stay tuned to things here. I've starting to do more playtesting against other things people are brewing in the metagame and I'm still iffy on a number of cards, specifically Temur Charm , Jace, the Living Guildpact , and Dig Through Time .

September 22, 2014 10:06 p.m.

CoreyPease says... #9

I agree with Temur Charm and also Jace. I took out a charm and Jace and play tested with a extra negate and also Crater's Claws. I also ran it with adding two dissolves. I have had better luck play tested with out Jace in and a Charm.

Also have been on the fence with a Magma spray due to the scry which can be huge at times

September 22, 2014 10:42 p.m.

CoreyPease says... #10

I have also tried removing Jace and a charm and one lightning strike. Then added in Prophet of Kruphix a negate and adding two dissolves.

That play tested rather well also

September 22, 2014 10:49 p.m.

Fonzii says... #11

I know you already stated your opinion on Trap Essence but i'd just like to point out a few things. Firstly, I realize Temur Charm is great and fills a very similar role, but if the games go long which they could, its usefulness becomes a bit lessened as a counter. Also, like Temur Charm , Trap Essence costs CDE, which can be cast off of an unmorphed Rattleclaw Mystic , which can be used for some pretty cool tricks (i.e. countering a spell for 2 mana then having at least 4/3 mana dork if theres no other creatures.) I'm sure you've taken this into account but I just figured I'd bring it up.

September 23, 2014 1:25 p.m.

Fonzii says... #12

Didn't realize Trap Essence was only creature spells. I can see the dislike now, my bad.

September 23, 2014 1:42 p.m.

queensbitch says... #13

What would you side in and side out for meta standart deck. Like rable red or devotion decks??

September 23, 2014 3:02 p.m.

Wow, it's nice to see a really well built Temur deck! +1

Have you considered Xenagos, The Reveler ? IMO I believe he'd be a better walker over Jace, the Living Guildpact in a build such as this one. I run 2 of him in my build This is my GUR Face! and he's proven himself quite worthy to be in the deck. The ramp is fantastic with cards like Crater's Claws , and popping off Stormbreath Dragon monstrosity...If your into that sort of thing. Considering you're running 3 Kiora, the Crashing Wave I think it would be better to either replace Jace or take out a Kiora. But hey, that's my opinion, you're the one with the experience.

Anyway fantastic deck, I might build it myself if mine doesn't work out. I know you probably have a lot of people bugging you about checking out their decks and all, but I'm a fellow Temur fan and I think I've got a good thing going with mine. If it's no trouble, give me some tips? Thanks

This is my GUR Face! Playtest

Standard* SevynnthDimension


September 23, 2014 5:43 p.m.

Spootyone says... #15

CoreyPease: Thanks for the help in playtesting! I was playtesting most of those cards alongside you without either of us knowing lol. I came to a similar conclusion.

Fonzii: Exactly. If it countered any spell the card would be amazing, but without that it's pretty lackluster outside of limited.

queensbitch: I'm still testing to find exacts on sideboarding. I have a general idea but not entire specifics. Against aggro I have a good amount of MB answers, but after sideboarding I definitely remove Kiora, as well as potentially Surrak, keranos (sometimes), or Prognostic Sphinx . Basically I try to lower my curve and bring in Arc Lightning , Anger of the Gods and Magma Spray plus any additional utility spells.

SevynnthDimension: Thank you! :) I have considered him. He's a good walker but I don't think he's what I want to be doing in this deck, despite many people's requests haha. Him and Prophet of Kruphix might be joining a future "do not request these cards" list ;)

I'll check out your deck! It's nice to collaborate and discuss cards with people running similar decks.

September 23, 2014 10:35 p.m.

Vkec says... #16

I was play testing this deck on cockatrice and the real weakness of the deck so far seems to be Prognostic Sphinx I mean other than countering it how does this deck get through a 3/5 flyer. He blocks sarkan and stormbreath all day, doesn't die to stoke or anything else. So as soon as the bug control or mirror lands this card, there seems to be no way to deal with it except Hornet Queen

September 24, 2014 12:01 a.m.

weisemanjohn says... #17

Well, I'm looking at the list and seeing Crater's Claws as a response to Prognostic Sphinx .

I'm still wondering why Mindswipe isn't in here. I don't remember seeing you (Spootyone) saying yes or no to it. It is exactly what this deck does playing counter/burn + midrange.

September 24, 2014 9:10 a.m.

tooTimid says... #18

I think how good Mindswipe is depends significantly on the meta, and the deck (as with many cards). I know Spootyone said this earlier, but I'd like to echo that Mindswipe is not a control card. If you are looking for a good counterspell Mindswipe is NOT what you want. 3 mana Force Spike +Spark Jolt is not a competitive card.

And it doesn't get that much better with more mana.

For 5 mana it does 3 damage and might counter a spell. This feels extremely over priced.

The one situation where this might by acceptable is in a meta filled with planeswalkers. 5 mana counter target Stormbreath Dragon , kill target Xenagos, The Reveler feels pretty good. But this still requires you to have help up 5 mana as opposed to committing more threats, and is on the holy-magical-Christmas-land side of the spectrum.


I'd rather play Disdainful Stroke ....

September 24, 2014 9:24 a.m.

tooTimid says... #19

Or Dissolve ! Didn't mean to hit post yet on the first one O_o....

September 24, 2014 9:26 a.m.

Skraz1265 says... #20

Needs more Prophet of Kruphix . Otherwise, I enjoy this very much.

September 24, 2014 2:03 p.m.

littleadam11 says... #21

sorry for asking, but how do you win with this deck? i mean the only killing creatures you have are the dragon and sarkhan really and a few odd others. looks great just dont understand how this can win any games, and how on earth you got 100+ score in just a week o.o

September 24, 2014 6:55 p.m.

CoreyPease says... #22

With the ramp in the deck. You can out your Dragon or really anything before you have any traction what so ever. If you do have traction a simple lightning strike or Kiora first ability to stall what is out there. Cratersclaw alone in play test I have done some massive damage. O you counter it well lucky I saved to mana for my negate ;)

September 24, 2014 7:20 p.m.

sharang3 says... #23

"Lucky I saved mana for my negate".

That's less damage that Crater's Claws could be doing; if you're trying to win a counterspell war AND cast an X cost spell, you'll be doing neither.

September 25, 2014 2:59 a.m.

ShadowAura says... #24

Just asking... Why not run the new Frontier Bivouac instead of so many fetches? A friend brought this up to me and commented, "What if you happen to start with 3 basics and draw your fetches fairly quickly?" He commented that fixing could be done with the Bivouac just a bit easier. Again. Just wondering.

September 25, 2014 3:29 a.m.

NastyNate says... #25

Hey man, I am running a similar deck list except for I running Polukranos. I am trying to decide whether to go a more control package with spells or if I should just run burn spells instead. I really like the control aspect of your deck, check mine out and make some suggestions! Thanks!RUG Monster/Control

September 27, 2014 4:19 a.m.

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