Enlightenment of the Dragonclaw | Temur Aggro

Standard* Spootyone

SCORE: 207 | 258 COMMENTS | 62727 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

tooTimid says... #1

Good old RtR!

September 28, 2014 11:14 p.m.

xGhostx says... #2

Thanks Spootyone

Maybe drop 1x Negate and the single Chandra, Pyromaster for the 2x Nissa, Worldwaker

She is just such a beast and has won countless games. 4/4 Trample lands are a very hard thing to deal with.

September 29, 2014 7:06 a.m.

I agree completely with the Fated Conflagration , I run a couple in my Temur build. (For those that want to see, This is my GUR Face!) Anyway I know the is a bit intimidating but I've found there's no problem casting it early for those pesky planeswalkers and polukranos. Not to mention the number of other nuisances it covers.

I'm running a similar build and it's played extremely well so far, good luck Spootyone

September 29, 2014 2:55 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #4


Hellooo again ;) (sorry this will probably be my last suggestion/question) !!

  • Your deck is really good and loving how its developing so far, great work!!

  • I have a few questions because I'm constructing my own Temur and trying to make it stand a chance at upcoming FNM's.

  • Would you recommend Polukranos, World Eater ? He's really good for a 4 mana 5/5 but if you pump enough mana into it then it'll get rid of all sorts of creatures, I'm not sure whats META and what creatures are gonna be played the most but... it gets rid of elspeth tokens, all these annoying mardu cards like ankle shanker and maybe take down the odd storm breath dragon. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Also how did you do the prognostic sphinx? 1 copy is cool but a few cards I'm finding tricky to understand quantity of certain cards. Apart from that great deck and a definite +1 from me!

September 29, 2014 4:51 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #5

I think given the slow win pace and the lack of lifegain, you're gonna be much happier with Frontier Bivouac over Mana Confluence =)

September 29, 2014 5:32 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #6

@corythackston He's got Courser of Kruphix and Bow of Nylea , but I do agree with you.

September 29, 2014 5:41 p.m.

tedyo says... #7

I strongly believe ( by deck testing ) the deck becomes too slow with Dissolve and Dig Through Time for example, in oppening hand, in a three color deck without Elvish Mystic to ramp Courser of Kruphix . what green/red + temur cards have and needs are more decisive/proactive cards. please playtest my temur midrange version: Oh no! Temur snowball

October 2, 2014 1:32 a.m.

DonkeyPunch says... #8

Lol. Why not Feed the Clan in mainboard

October 3, 2014 7:41 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #9

As numerous magic players will tell you DonkeyPunch, cards that JUST gain you life and have no other abilities are pretty crap. Lifegain is something that is a beneficial add-on to another card, something that makes a crap card playable. For example, Wingmate Roc and Butcher of the Horde are really potent because they INCLUDE lifegain in their abilities (among other things), but a single card that gains you life is just increasing a resource, which is analogous to playing a land that turn. If we look at this analogy to lands, we can conclude that lifegain is only good in the early game (against RDW and aggro) but a hindrance in the late game (massive creatures swinging at you don't care about 5 or 10 extra life). Lands are good in the early game because they are your main resource to cast spells, but a hindrance in the later game because you no longer need more of that resource.

October 3, 2014 4:48 p.m.

Photonix says... #10

I have a blue/green mana ramp deck should I make it femur, would u mind checking it out. its just a prototype

October 6, 2014 9:29 p.m.

Vambrace says... #11

I have been testing this deck, or should I say the last incarnation of it, with my local meta and I've been having very fun results. Some fine-tuning here and there was needed for personal preference, such as running Soul of Shandalar and Pearl Lake Ancient in the main with 2 Prophet of Kruphix . This meant I was able to have more potential finishers with the added bonus of being able to constantly have the option of burning the opponent every turn in an alternate way to Keranos. They're not amazingly successful in every matchup, but when they stuck they did decent work.So I'd first like to say I love the deck. Its fun, fresh and unexpected.

I'd like to ask why make the changes you have made specifically with the taking out of Surrak Dragonclaw and the main deck counterspells besides the single Negate .It just seems odd to take out a good card in testing.Surrak I'm particularly interested in, as I haven't yet gotten a chance to play with him.

ALSO Kiora, the Crashing Wave is the best counter to Polukranos, World Eater this deck has, which can be put out on turn 3 too. I currently side in Fated Conflagration and Singing Bell Strike to counter monster heavy decks.

October 6, 2014 10:15 p.m.

Caligula says... #12

I really like the deck Spootyone. What about using Dig Through Time or Treasure Cruise as a 1 of for some heavy dig/draw power. You are running alot of instants so you could get 1 of them off for pretty cheap. Could easily replace 1 Divination .

October 7, 2014 11:56 a.m.

Spootyone says... #13

Photonix: If I have time to do so, I will. Also, you might want to try Temur instead of femur :P

Vambrace: Soul of Shandalar was an option I REALLY debated using and I'm still in the midst of getting to fully testing it. I really like the options you mentioned in giving you and I suppose the prophet would help with that slightly. Mine giving me a detailed analysis on soul in this build? (if you have one?)

Surrak was a card that I found only having usefulness against counter-heavy decks. He is very pushed and has tons of abilities, but in a deck with so few creatures he is moreso a 6/6 uncounterable for 5. And that's fine. But I found that the decks with lots of counterspells also just had lots of spot removal, and he wasn't doing what I wanted him to and had to cut him in lieu of other things.

Dissolve was removed along with all other double-U cards to ease the strain on mana. You dn't have to worry about mana when you play all tap/pain lands, but the aggro runs you over. Freeing up the blue mana a bit has helped me quite a bit. Negate and Disdainful Stroke are both fantastic counterspells that typically become very useful in the latter games. I can now play better mana and get screwed/killed by my lands very rarely.

Fated Conflagration is a card I've tested with and had both good and bad results. It's possible that having easier red mana will allow me to play it again, but I also feel like ramping/stalling into Hornet Queen might just be a better umbrella strategy then another spot removal spell would be (especially because it doesn't hit players). How has Singing Bell Strike worked for you? And yes, I play Kiora from my sideboard against Poluk decks.

Caligula: Thanks! As mentioned above, I removed all double-U cards to ease up the mana some. So far Divination has been great, but I also like the idea of a singleton Treasure Cruise . I'll definitely test it.

October 7, 2014 8:03 p.m.

I do feel that you should be playing the set of Frontier Bivouac . You are a controlling deck, so I think having better mana is more important to you. It also lets you feasibly play more UU spells. I would likely cut the temples down to three each to fit in the last two copies.

October 7, 2014 8:06 p.m.

xGhostx says... #15

Thanks Spootyone for giving Nissa, Worldwaker a proper home here. I think she fits very nicely. +1!

If you get a Chance can you take a look at my Mardu Aggro build and let me know your thoughts?

October 7, 2014 8:09 p.m.

Vambrace says... #16

No bother. I have a lot of testing still to do, mainly with Hornet's Nest as blockers from the sideboard for the burn/ monster decks, but overall I'm happy with how its been performing.

Soul of Shandalar is a fun one. People are afraid of him mainly because of the 6/6 First Striking body, but the burn becomes very relevant mid-late game, especially if both him and Keranos, God of Storms are out. They deal 6 damage to monsters, killing all sorts or smacking people in the face. Also the grave burning is amazingly useful against Elspeth decks after they forget about him.Running Prophet of Kruphix is half usefulness, half personal preference, as she mixes so well with Soul being able to constantly burn people at the end of each player's turn if needs be.

The main reason I put Soul in was for his burn, narrowly beating the Blue soul which draws you cards. The massive body blocks all the major dudes in the format and avoids deathtouch hornets. The counterspells I leave in the deck are mainly for the sole (heh) protection of my guys rather than getting rid of threats. The Dissolves are backbreaking in the matchups against monster decks though, especially when they are normally out of your burn range. So I couldn't see myself cutting the maindeck counters, only possibly changing them to negates to fill their primary use.

Singing Bell Strike does what I want it to do best, which is slow down, or sometimes shut down, big threats early on such as Poluk or Siege Rhino. Devotion decks still get the benefit of the pips, but overall it feels pretty good to lock down a Brimaz or Poluk when they think they have a turn 3 advantage against you. I'm considering running more, depending on how my meta turns out.

October 7, 2014 9 p.m.

tooTimid says... #17

Well this is looking much better. Well done Spoot's! Everything feels much more consistent and cohesive.

Is it worth updating the description?

October 7, 2014 10:44 p.m.

tooTimid says... #18

Pardon my double post:

Have you found 24 lands to be enough? Hornet Queen is much better on or near curve.

October 7, 2014 10:48 p.m.

SoulTycoon says... #19

I loved the sound of the deck in your description; what happened to it? Dissolve is back in, Kiora, the Crashing Wave is gone and all of the ramp you mentioned is missing. A little confused here.

I was going to suggest Crippling Chill as being better than both Divination and Singing Bell Strike in pretty much every match-up you'll face. Instant speed draw is just so much better than sorcery speed (leaving you able to counter something instead if need be), the single blue is really easy on your mana and it's the only 'removal' in RUG that reliably deals with any threat they land (minus Hornet Queen ). Has been fantastic in testing for me with my Jeskai Tempo deck and I think it has great potential in a control shell as well. :D

If you're interested in how I use Crippling Chill , or are happy to share some feedback I'd love for you to take a look at my deck!

"Freeze!" - The Original Jeskai Tempo Playtest

Standard* Lucasco

SCORE: 20 | 27 COMMENTS | 2530 VIEWS

October 12, 2014 10:10 a.m.

Caligula says... #20

So you went wit Dig Through Time eh Spooty?

I like it in here, It's gonna almost be always worth it and this deck has zero problems casting it.

Good fit.

October 12, 2014 10:57 a.m.

Spootyone says... #21

SoulTycoon: Unfortunately, the original version of this deck ended up testing poorly against a plethora of staples in the format and therefore had to be adjusted time and again. At this point, I think I might be beginning to reach a point of stability with this deck but it took a lot of changes and a lot of testing dozens of cards. I need to redo the description entirely after I get done with the testing.

I do like Crippling Chill though. I never really looked at that card in constructed but it seems like a great staller against green devotion. If I continue to have problems in that matchup I'll certainly look into it :)

Caligula: I did. I just can't seriously call myself control in blue and NOT be playing the best card draw spell in the format. And as expected...it's amazing. I love digging for stoke + strike and finishing my opponent off all in one turn.

October 12, 2014 11:29 a.m.

Caligula says... #22

I do really like it, between it and Treasure Cruise i don't know what I like better. They are both damn good so I try to balance them lol

October 12, 2014 11:35 a.m.

I prefer Dig Through Time significantly more than Treasure Cruise . Two out of your top seven is, on average, a lot better than three of the top. Instant speed is also great.

October 12, 2014 11:36 a.m.

Spootyone says... #24

I agree with GlistenerAgent. Treasure Cruise is better in older formats since the ratio of non-potent draws to potent draws is much higher in your favor, whereas in standard you can draw three cards and have it be land, caryatid, fetchland. I'll usually see 2 big cards that I want in the top 7, and 5 that I'd super happy to move to the bottom. It's a fantastic rate for often 2 mana. And at instant speed no less.

October 12, 2014 11:45 a.m.

capriom85 says... #25

Dude, yes...just yes...I hate the fact that I love Green but HATE HATE HATE the "timmy" lifestyle. I am trying to do Temur (RUG!, Temur is a stupid name) control list but I am not sure how to make it happen. +1...I may steal your shell and go from there.

October 12, 2014 11:56 a.m.

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