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Ensoul Artifact Control




Creature (2)

Instant (4)

First standard deck I'm building. Never played standard before.

Figured this would be some good control while I try and get ensoul out. Thought Dakra would be good for control as well to deny opponents cards.

Didn't add any RTR block cards since that is rotating out very soon.

9/5/2014 FNM Standard #1: Went 0-5 with this deck winning 2 games total. I knew it would be a total blow out. This was my first time playing Standard ever and while I did have fun it also taught me a lot. I already have some ideas on what I want to do with the deck and I want to build more decks now but I'm waiting for Khans to come out so I can tweak this deck some more and build others.

9/12/2014 FNM Standard #2: Went 1-2 with the deck. Adding in the Aetherspouts really saved my butt a couple times and helped me win some games. The shrapnel blast is just a nasty combo with scuttling doom engine. Had a lot more fun with the deck with the changes I made.

9/19/2014 FNM Standard #3: Went 2-2 with the deck this time. Felt like the deck performed a lot better tonight and was very satisfied with the results. Aetherspouts is such a game saver for me in every round.

9/29/2014: Deck Update. With KTK out I took out the two Thassa's since they weren't really doing anything for me. I put in Taigam's Scheming since it's like a 5 card scry for 2 CMC. I also am sideboarding negate and trying out Stubborn Denial since I can get a 5/5 on turn 2. Also getting rid of the four mountains and trying out Swiftwater Cliffs.

2/8/2015: Deck Update. I have not touched this deck in months and while I don't plan on playing FNM with it I decided to make some alterations with it just for casual matches. I took out the following:

x2 Aetherspoutsx2 Goblin Kaboomistsx2 Temple of Epiphany

My reasoning for this was, I needed the temples for another deck. And I wanted some more card draw so I added in:

x2 Monastery Siegex2 Refocusx1 Islandx1 Mountain


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Rares

20 - 4 Uncommons

14 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Squid 1/1 U
Folders THS - KTK Standard
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