bushido_man96 says... #2
The main thing is to play the other decks at the table and win that way. Otherwise, a good Thousand Year Storm might win.
July 3, 2021 11:26 p.m.
alechodgin23 says... #3
That makes sense. It may be a good idea to include some cards that give Yidris double strike because then your spells cascade twice: - Assault Strobe - Berserkers' Onslaught - Blood Mist
Also, some extra combat steps would be awesome in here. They would also allow your spells to cascade twice as long as you connect both combats: - Aggravated Assault - Fury of the Horde - Relentless Assault
I’d recommend including Sunbird's Invocation for more value.
I’d also recommend having a back up win condition within the deck that doesn’t revolve around combat like Torment of Hailfire . Imagine casting a huge TOH with it copied a couple times!
Could you check out my spell slinger deck? I’d love to get your take on it! It may even give you some more ideas. Here’s the link:
July 3, 2021 11:52 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #4
I'll take a look. This archetype is not really my specialty, but I'll try. Thanks for the upvote!
I'd thought about Sunbird's Invocation, but wasn't sure it was worth it here with all the cascade. I'll think on it. I'll consider the double strike theme, too, but not sure what I'd cut.
July 4, 2021 12:29 a.m.
shwanerz88 says... #5
Yldris always seemed like such a fun commander to me, probably because Maelstrom Wanderer was one of my first commanders. Biggest thing I see write of the back is your man base. Your deck is really blue with barely any black. might I suggest cutting back on a swamp or 2. Along with the mana base I highly suggest adding some MDFC's as most of the are fantastic. I would avoid Agadeem and Shatterskull because X spells (you might wanna cut Villainous Wealthbecause of that too), but Turntimber Symbiosis Flip, and Sea Gate Restoration Flip are both big spells to play after connecting with Yldris. Bala Ged Recovery Flip, Glasspool Mimic Flip, and even Song-Mad Treachery Flip kinda goes with your theft theme. With the MDFC's I've been able to cut my decks down to 34-35 lands with barely any noticeable performance issues. I have even gone down to 32-33 in lower curve decks. Also I would cut decimate. It is too often a dead card when there isn't one of everything on the field and worse off might have to target your own things in dire situations just to remove key piece from someone else's board. I hope My advice helped you out! Have fun and may the Gods of Chaos be ever in your favor.
alechodgin23 says... #1
Hey my friend! I LOVE the idea behind this deck! What’s your main win condition within the deck? You didn’t include it in the description.
July 3, 2021 11:19 p.m.