EON (playtest and comment)

Modern vedalkin_mastermind


Nimmermehr says... #1

The Deck is cool! :-)Just tested it. Maybe you need more 1 drop cards, just to be faster? Brainstorm

Is Jace Beleren an option?

April 25, 2014 3:31 p.m.

Brainstorm is not modern legal and although they r handy i try to stay away from plainswalkers. Im thinking of adding a twincast or 2 and i need to work on a sideboard. 4 pyroclasm will for sur be in the sideboard.

May 14, 2014 10:44 p.m.

A_Magikarp says... #3

Dictate of Kruphix could be a SB replacement for the Kami of the Crescent Moon if you're playing against creature removal.

May 23, 2014 6:16 p.m.

OpenFire says... #4

May 23, 2014 7:29 p.m.

Serum visions is great but i dnt really need any more card advantage. Between the Vision Skeins and Howling Mine 99% of the time i have what i need in my hand.

May 24, 2014 4:24 p.m.

+1 this did much better against some aggro decks than I expected it to, turned Sphinx's Revelation into a dead draw, slows control, could kill storm while it's comboing for three mana, and makes most combo decks struggle

However, it has trouble against soul sisters and tokens, Ratchet Bomb and Engineered Explosives are good sideboards, and the deck can be slightly inconsistent, though I'm not sure if there's much you can do about that other than knowing how to mulligan every hand you get

May 24, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Yes it does have trouble if somebody is going token or weenie crazy. Pyroclasm seems to be a good choice for that also been thinking about adding Chalice of the Void to put a stop to soul sisters. It also stops Living End for free! Ive actually tweaked this deck a tiny bit. Ill update it ass soon as i get the chance.

May 24, 2014 9:05 p.m.

pF.AngryDragon says... #8

Because your spells all have relatively low mana costs and youll always be doing something on turns allowing you to easily drop your 4-6 cost cards as you draw out your lands it might help your deck a lot to replace the Simian Spirit Guide s for 4 Delver of Secrets  Flip .. these guys come in turn 1 and hit fiercely turn 2 and throughout the game... along with your burn spells, itll be a lot of fun.

May 28, 2014 2:13 p.m.

I actually play with 4 of them currently and have decided to drop them. They tend to only show up late game and by then they r worthless. I actually think i may replace 2 Psionic Blast and 2 Sudden Impact with 4 Serum Visions mostly for the scry ability. At first i wasnt sure if they were worth it but after play testing they seem to be rather handy.

May 28, 2014 6:29 p.m.

This deck draws soo soo much though, I don't know about more draw cards, I feel like you're wasting time with Serum Visions when you could be dropping a burn a spell or even Delver of Secrets  Flip which I wouldn't call worthless at any point in the game because either you're swinging for 3 on your second turn (which not getting 1 of the 4 at the begining of the game is just bad luck) or you're still presenting a finishing off threat whenever it hits, later game.. especially when the opponent will already have so little life. Anyways just my 2 cents, keep working on the deck there's nothing better than playtests.


May 29, 2014 8:27 a.m.

OpenFire says... #11

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Dictate of Kruphix . I totally forgot about that.

May 29, 2014 12:07 p.m.

You have to realize that this is an all or nothing type of deck. The spirit guides r in there to be able to drop Ebony Owl Netsuke on turn one. This takes your opponent to 16 life before they even draw their first card. Or i use them to Vision Skeins at the end of your turn 2 draw phase to try and draw into a Runeflare Trap remove the spirit guide and burn u for potentially 9damage at the end of your turn 2 draw step. Sp the spirit guides are absolutely crucial to this deck. In regards to the delvers if i top deck one late game it is of no use to me. By that time u most likely have an army in front of you. And i am most likely cursing because that top deck wasnt a draw or damage spell. Ive tested it and i am convinced that even though they are awesome Delver of Secrets  Flip is not meant for this deck.

May 29, 2014 6:03 p.m.

Have you been able to playtest this deck in a Modern night at your lgs? I'd like to hear how some of the games played out if you did. This seems like a very interesting deck, and I may put it together if you had success with it. +1.

June 6, 2014 9:15 a.m.

Oh, also I was wondering if you thought of Toil / Trouble as a card. I know it's not instant speed, but using both halves together could really hurt later in the game if you could splash a little black. Some fetchlands look like they could really help this deck too.

June 6, 2014 9:44 a.m.

what about Toil / Trouble instead of Sudden Impact ?

June 6, 2014 11:04 a.m.

Yes ive played it at modern night. And it seems to do rather well. However last time i played it i either go matched up against 8 rack or affinity or straight mono red burn. 8rack is pretty much the polar opposite of this deck so there i avery slim chance of winning against it. I use Hurkyl's Recall against affinity also Exhaustion seems to help against affinity aswell. When it comes to burn which has been pretty popular lately i use Early Frost ,Boomerang , and Gigadrowse to lock their lands. Also Chalice of the Void can be handy making their one drop burn spells nonexistant. It cud also work against 8rack because almost all of its spells are 1 mana. As for Toil / Trouble i try to stay away from 3 colors because it is important u r faster than your opponent. However i believe i may try the trouble side over Sudden Impact i will test it out. This deck is a meta destroyer. Nobody ever sees this deck coming. And in my meta there is a lot of living end decks or splinter twin or hate bears or even storm. All struggle against this deck. If your meta is full of soul sisters or token decks u may struggle. Check out my deck frosted faeries if this is the case. It may be more likely to control those types of decks. If u decide to build this deck i can promise you it will turn some heads. First time you smoke someone for 9 damage with Runeflare Trap they will realize how incredibly brutal this deck can be. However after a win most of your opponents will wise up and mulligan down to 4 or 5 cards. If thats the case you have to change the play style from super aggressive(the way it shud be played) to super cautious holding back your counter spells and using them at the correct time. This is also when i believe the trouble side of Toil / Trouble could help. Seeing as its faster than Sudden Impact even though its not an instant. If u do build this deck i suggest u change it up a bit. I no longer use Psionic Blast and im toying around wit the possibility of using 2 Cryptic Command basically as extra Dream Fracture or Remand allowing me to counter something and replace the card in their hand by bouncing a permanent.

June 6, 2014 3:21 p.m.

if you wanted to splash for Toil / Trouble you could run Drowned Catacomb or Dragonskull Summit it may be worth it but the sorcery speed of it is quite a bit of a drawback for this deck, you cant cast trouble after their draw step for maximum effectiveness, I'd probably only run two copies of it and only if you're splashing for toil, that's just my opinion do with it what you like... as for creatures Vexing Devil is far better than Delver of Secrets  Flip for this deck, you have 18 non-land cards that wont transform a delver, your opponent might have to take the damage from a vex devil, and honestly casting all four copies of vex devil turn one would be nice, nearly impossible but I love all the things possible due to Simian Spirit Guide

June 7, 2014 6:43 p.m.

Browbeat is an interesting card and early game before you establish that youre gonna be hurting your opponent based on how many cards are in his/her hand it can definitely put them in a very very awkward position (the CMC of 3 is the key)

but at the same time i worry that its too counter-productive to what your deck is aiming to do.

the more i think on it the more id like to see it played, but its tough because on the one hand running a playset might delay the win conditions of the deck, however not running a playset might mean you dont get it early game when you want it. Based on that, it would seem that you need 3-4 in the deck but i wouldnt run that many so it might just mean overall it doesnt belong.

i hope i havent been too confusing, the card is definitely a head scratcher

June 8, 2014 11:48 a.m.

Browbeat is definitely something that needs to be playtested against real opponents

June 8, 2014 11:59 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #20

I know you are reluctant to play with three colors, but I just feel like Silence would do so much, alongside Render Silent as well. Just a thought. haha

if only you could play Orim's Chant as well. Then you could add some Isochron Scepter and things would be looking pretty damn mean.

June 8, 2014 1:13 p.m.

Wow! Silence hadnt thought of that. That is pretty gross!

June 8, 2014 2:26 p.m.

I feel like with the small amount of creatures in this deck Springleaf Drum would be generally ineffective for the splash of color you're looking for... if you want to go WUR you might as well start running Path to Exile , Celestial Colonnade , Geist of Saint Traft , and all the other well established WUR control staples... if that sounds harsh, it isn't meant to be, I'm only trying to point out that splashing white here will inevitably pull your deck away from what it's trying to be... your deck is extremely specific in what its trying to do, and each and every card in it needs to support that or you'll end up shifting to another archetype... truthfully Liliana of the Veil could shut down your deck, along with the many others, Silence is golden but only in a deck that truly profits from it, you'd probably be better off splashing black and sideboarding Dreadbore

June 9, 2014 1:06 a.m.

This is all very true. However i feel like Silence helps this deck quite a bit. Awesome after using Remand and incredibly awesome after playing a Vexing Devil . As for Springleaf Drum its jst a thought i had. It wud be fantastic to turn1 Vexing Devil , Springleaf Drum , then at the begining of your turn play Silence . Turn 2 Ebony Owl Netsuke or Remand or even jst a Howling Mine . And thats only if i dont turn1 Ebony Owl Netsuke . But you are probably right about the Springleaf Drum . Jst trying to find the best possible way to bring dwn my avg cmc. Ill prolly still test it because i believe Silence is right up this decks ally.

June 9, 2014 1:46 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #24

georgeegroeg2013 - how wrong you are in many ways . . . Please do not comment on decks with the assumption and presentation that you are correct, especially when posting incorrect facts and presumptions.

"if you want to go WUR you might as well start running Path to Exile , Celestial Colonnade , Geist of Saint Traft , and all the other well established WUR control staples..."

  • No. If he were to splash white, that would not be the route to take. White was suggested for the sole purpose of a different aspect of control, playing less cards. Not Geist of Saint Traft or any other white staple. It was a suggestion for nothing similar to your response.

"Silence is golden but only in a deck that truly profits from it, you'd probably be better off splashing black and side boarding Dreadbore "

  • This is by far a horrible comparison of cards. I am very confused as to why you would suggest a card and above all, compare it to such a drastically different card mechanic. I need to explain no more on the flawed comparison of yours.

However, I do agree with you COMPLETELY that Springleaf Drum should never see a spot in this deck. I do not feel like explaining the many reasons why, but to put it simply, it's spot could be filled with a 10x more useful card.


vedalkin_mastermind - White should not be added ONLY for one card. I suggested Silence being an interesting supporting mechanic to help throw off tempo, stall, and increase your deck's effectiveness. However you need more synergy to include a third color. Render Silent is a possibility. Also, as georgeegroeg2013 mentioned, Path to Exile is a white modern staple that fits in ANY deck, and if including white it should at least see use in the SB. I feel it is USUALLY better than Lightning Bolt , thought every game depends.

June 9, 2014 4:47 a.m.

As far as the consideration of splashing colors goes, there's no reason not to splash a 3rd color in modern. It just takes fetchlands, which hurt the wallet somewhat nowadays. If you want to splash white just for silence though, you'd have to take out something and the thing that would come out at this point would probably be your Dream Fracture . I don't think that it's worth the 3rd color splash there as more counters protect your deck from instants and the other combo decks that plague modern nowadays. In this deck, I'd also rather have bolts over Path just due to the nature of how your deck wins (essentially burn). Lightning Bolt is very efficient for what it does, and the added option of throwing it at a problem creature is nice but path would restrict your play moreso imo. Not to mention that your opponent will likely be making every land-drop against you, I'd not want to accelerate them further by allowing them to play a turn ahead as well.

If you did splash black for Toil / Trouble , it could be your most powerful finisher. It's possible to deal 11 damage to your opponent on turn 6 (or earlier with a number of SSG). With the combination of just casting a copy of the Trouble half earlier and a bolt, then using the fused spell, that's a win right then and there! (You don't even need the bolt most of the time if your opponent is running fetches and shocks.) It's a nice curve of spells. But like I said earlier, you'd have to use fetches at that point so it's up to you. I still think this deck is pretty unique. Kind of a midrange-counter/burn build lol.

P.S. - I'd make sure to put some Jaces in the SB, both Jace Beleren as well as Jace, Memory Adept for an alternate wincon through milling maybe ;) Just a suggestion.

June 9, 2014 8:51 a.m.

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