Ephara's Army - Swing with your weenie! (2nd@FNM)
WomboCombo says... #2
Thanks for the suggestions Davik100!
Any reason why dropping Spear of Heliod is a good idea? I feel it's pretty good with all of the tokens.
February 10, 2014 5:49 a.m.
with another elspeth, youre giving everything +3/+3 and flying until end of turn. Another elspeth also produces more tokens to give that to, so she can win on her own. Brave the elements is a win condition. The only thing spear of heliod does is be an expensive Honor of the Pure and kill things that have already damaged you, which barely helps.
February 10, 2014 5:44 p.m.
sorry, +2/+2 and flying. I was thinking of Knight-Errant for a minute
February 10, 2014 5:46 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #5
True, though it depends on Elspeth staying alive long enough to get the emblem out. If I can get my hands on another one I will chuck it in and see how it plays.
Thanks again for the suggestions :)
February 10, 2014 7:49 p.m.
I ran a deck similar to this last FNM and went 3-1. Mine was more centered around getting Ephara out but seems like the same concept. as I see it, I would take out/sideboard Liviana, While she has her moments she loses her relevance fast in the wrong situation (and I would rather use brave the elements to get through than waste a 5 drop tapping out). I also have a problem with Thassa here, while her activated ability is relevant she will almost never go online as a creature which slows your deck down even more (you want mana for creatures and suprises). I would take out the Livianas and at least one thassa for Eidolon of Countless Battles , throwing that on Brimaz is scarier than an unblockable weenie. For the sideboard I would add in some Fiendslayer Paladin instead of the negates, mono black is a thing and the point of aggro is to beat them before a negate. is necessary. Here's my version nice az(orius) I don't have any Brimaz unfortunately and run Judge's Familiar and Daring Skyjek
February 20, 2014 7:24 p.m.
also, Spear of Heliod proved to be of huge value If I ever found myself in a tight spot. It doubles the output of your tokens, takes Brimaz out of Mizzium Mortars range and makes your opponent wary of attacking. Think about it, brimaz's 1/1 is now a 2/2, its silly how much of a difference it makes
February 20, 2014 7:33 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #8
Thanks for the comments Mr-Bass.
I have been considering taking out Lavinia of the Tenth in favor of Archangel of Thune or Angel of Serenity . Honestly only added Lavinia to see how relevant the detain was for this week.
As for Thassa, God of the Sea , I will probably drop her down to 1 and up Deputy of Acquittals to 4. Even though Thassa is very rarely online, the scry and unblockable is still nice utility.
I'm still undecided on Banisher Priest vs Fiendslayer Paladin . They are both very good 3-drops but for different reasons. There is a fair amount of mid-range / monster decks at my LGS, so I feel Banisher Priest is more useful for most of the match ups. If I do end up putting Archangel of Thune in instead of Lavinia of the Tenth , I'll probably add Fiendslayer Paladin back in to the mainboard so I can get more life gain triggers.
How did you find Eidolon of Countless Battles ? I didn't consider him for this deck, but I can see him being quite large with all of the tokens I have.
February 20, 2014 7:39 p.m.
Eidolon of Countless Battles really lets the deck go into the midgame if necessary. I came across many situations against green, red , and black decks that had three or four toughness that I couldn't get over, despite having five or six creatures on the field with only one, two, or three power. Slapping the Eidolon on is so satifying, and very often will let your brimaz become a 10/11. Also, I think that you should ignore fiendslayer paladin as a lifelink trigger. Archangel of thune does a good enough job on her own providing counters and is a good scapegoat for removal. However, if triggers for her are what you're looking for, I would look to Hopeful Eidolon , Its cheap and gets great value later on.
February 20, 2014 7:55 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #10
Thanks again Mr-Bass.
I'll have to keep Eidolon of Countless Battles and Hopeful Eidolon in mind for next week's FNM.
February 20, 2014 8:51 p.m.
good deck, usually the only UW i see is UW control! also very expensive!
March 4, 2014 8:29 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #12
Thanks donut888 :)
I always like to play aggressive decks in colors that are normally used for control. I got most of the cards from playing in the prerelease, but Brimaz, King of Oreskos set me back a bit. It was worth it :)
March 4, 2014 9:52 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #13
Although Detain is nice, I like the idea of Imposing Sovereign
. S/he is good at slowing your opponent down just as much, as prevents those hasty Red Deck Wins from taking off with Ash Zealot or Stormbreath Dragon.
It is an interesting Build.I like the idea of using Deputy of Acquittals
to abuse Ephara Some more on turns were you dont happen to draw another creature.
March 5, 2014 4:37 p.m.
i see why you play Archangel of Thune but you don't really have that many ways to gain life.
March 6, 2014 6:25 p.m.
I would definitely suggest putting Fiendslayer Paladin back in. He's protected from the most common targeted removal and is a great card to use with Archangel of Thune . Swinging in with him and a bunch of others while the angel is there will give every other creature a +1 counter before their attack resolves due to his first strike in lifelink.
March 16, 2014 6:12 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #17
Thanks Necrotize, I was tempted to chuck him back in since everyone at my LGS now seems to be playing a ton of black removal. Do you have any suggestion as what to drop for Fiendslayer Paladin ?
March 16, 2014 6:39 p.m.
Hmm, I'd suggest taking out 1 Brimaz because even though he is a beast(literally), he is legendary, and you do have cards dedicated to protecting your white creatures anyway so drawing extras isn't gonna do anything but slow you down. Also maybe take out 1-2 Precinct Captain because you have cards already devoted to triggering Ephara and they usually will do it better and don't require you to deal combat damage to get them out.
March 16, 2014 7:40 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #19
I'll give it a shot and see how it feels. Thanks again Necrotize.
March 16, 2014 7:42 p.m.
Awesome deck! I like the use of Deputy of Acquitals. Besides the card draw I could see him being used to effectively save a creature from spot removal and add a bigger board presence. +1
March 16, 2014 11:58 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #21
Thanks for the +1 jafar89 :)
Deputy of Acquittals is a indeed a really great utility creature as you mention. Nothing like the look on an opponent's face after they try and Hero's Downfall on Brimaz, King of Oreskos only for him to bounce safely back to my hand.
March 17, 2014 12:04 a.m.
claptonisgod95 says... #22
Judge's Familiar is REALLY good against mono black and burn decks, making there removal one turn slower. Spirit of Labyrinth is a good sideboard card. Banisher Priest is also a very good card you might want to consider. Check out my deck for some more possibilities.
March 17, 2014 6:05 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #23
Thanks for the suggestions claptonisgod95.
I never really thought about adding Judge's Familiar in, but I can definitely see the value in my opponent's having to play spells around it. I happen to have a play set of promo ones too :)
Spirit of the Labyrinth is a maybe. In fringe cases it will slow down my own card draw (IE. if I play a creature on my opponent's turn), but it would be nice to stop big Sphinx's Revelation or to slow down Underworld Connections and the like.
I was previously running Banisher Priest but found that in a lot of cases that the exile effect wasn't worth it. Either Banisher Priest was killed as soon as it came out or the exile effect was worthless against something like Stormbreath Dragon . I will re-consider putting him back in if the local meta changes allows it.
March 17, 2014 9:04 p.m.
I would drop your Lyev Skyknight and add Thassa, God of the Sea making your creatures unblockable a 5/5 3 drop indestructible and scry before draw is very strong for finding those cards you can't top deck.
March 18, 2014 7:56 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #25
Thanks for your suggestion wolfsokol. I was originally running Thassa, God of the Sea as a 2-of, then a 1-of, then finally removed her completely.
The scry ability every turn was nice, especially when combined with the card draw from Ephara, God of the Polis , but I was barely able to use the unblockable ability as I always felt short on blue mana. Thassa was almost never a creature, as I didn't have much in the way of blue devotion back then.
I'll add Thassa, God of the Sea back as a 1-of since I run a bit more blue devotion now with Lyev Skyknight and Deputy of Acquittals and see how it goes.
Davik100 says... #1
-2 Ephara, +2 Thassa
-1 Angel of Serenity+1 Archangel
-2 Spear of heliod+1 Brave The Elements, +1 Elspeth
February 10, 2014 3:25 a.m.