Epic Token Population!

Standard ChewEmUp33


Aelfstan says... #1

+1 for the deck!!

Get Garruk, Primal Hunter in there from the sideboard mate, he does so much work for me in my Selesnya deck. Also Grove of the Guardian is always fun if you can fit it in, I can never say no to an 8/8 vigilant Elemental!

Though I hate to say it but have you thought of Thragtusk for the token generation and well he is Thragtusk, or Wolfir Silverheart who could bond with a spirit token, or whatever you have on the field really and become a rather large and sudden probelm?

Craterhoof Behemoth would be hilarious too with the amount of tokens you should have on the table!

March 18, 2013 6:43 a.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #2

Was going to chase thragtusk, resteration angel, and gurrak primal hunter for this deck but by turn seven people concede... Mtgo is great until you have a deck no one will play... :-( deck is fantastic fun.

March 18, 2013 9:38 p.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #3

Will upload final version tommorrow.

March 18, 2013 9:39 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #4

Not really much to say about this one; as with the other deck, removal is going to be your main problem, although here you're more worried about wrath than about instant-speed spot removal. Rootborn Defenses is a good response and I think it'll see you through, though.

The only card I worry about is Gift of Orzhova . It makes your deck more sensitive to spot removal (as you risk getting two-for-one'd) for not a particularly great benefit. I think it would be better to have more creatures. You don't run quite enough tokens to justify an Intangible Virtue , so I'd just say cut the Gift and go up to 3x Parallel Lives , 4x Call of the Conclave , and 4x Selesnya Charm .

April 1, 2013 4:44 p.m.

ChewEmUp33 says... #5

That is great advice! Cheers have made those changes. Thanks allot KrazyCaley!!

April 2, 2013 7:17 a.m.

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